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Everything posted by Morch

  1. We'll have to disagree on the former (and I'm not anti-Biden, just not a super-fan), and agree on the latter. Although who else? But that's maybe for a different topic.
  2. They are placed on the 'killed by Israeli bombings attacks' column. Hamas leader, Mashal, did say sacrifices will be required.
  3. So please, tell us about them 'real shadow controllers'.
  4. No, based on information and evidence contained in them links and images. You sure you wanna do the 'controlled media' thing? It's relevant - because if you participated, then why bring it all up again as if you have no idea? Where did I lie?
  5. I don't think he's a great president, not even very good. But good enough. Way better than the the other guy. Anyway, the Israeli public is in love. Not just the actual support. But the way he related to people on his visit. Many comparisons as to how Netanyhu comes out like a 'fake' in such situations. Plus, Israelis are a hugging breed....
  6. Was discussed in detail on at least two parallel topics. You participated in at least one of them. Many links provided, pictures as well. Israel provided a reasonable explanation, Hamas provided nothing. Intelligence services of several Western countries accept Israel's version.
  7. What 'doesn't look right' to your conspiratorial mind? What evidence was produced that it was Israel's doing?
  8. You are not excluded from anything. You said you were commenting in reply to my previous 'complaints'. of not doing so, then proceeded to address a totally different post. Not to hard to understand. You are still reluctant to do so. No, you are not 'fully aware;, you keep blaming everything on Israel. As if the Palestinians are totally passive, helpless, can't get a handle of things, easily duped, tricked, and forced to do things. All of what you posted above is only Israel's doing? Seriously?
  9. The topic is rather specific. And this is a news section. Not a history class. Not a pile-evetything-that-have-to-do-with-it fest. You seem eager to talk about pretty much anything but the OP. I don't think that the issues you go on and on about appear in it. And please, maybe concentrate on addressing points made before bringing up more off topic issues?
  10. Are you @thaibeachlovers? Because the post you quoted was a reply to his post, not one of yours. So, once again, deflection. There was no 'blaming of the victims'. There was a comment pointing out that the Palestinians are routinely assigned an essentially passive role in all this by certain posters. If you deny that Palestinians decisions, policy and leadership had and have something to do with their ongoing predicament, than your already one-sided view is far gone. No, the Burma thing was an anecdote, and hardly the crux of my post. On the other hand, you're again making excuses as regards the Palestinian side's inability to organize, unite, and work efficiently for a cause. Instead, you blame it all on others - Israel, Britain, whomever.
  11. Would there be any upside to getting a Thai citizenship? Or is it basically same same? More hassle vs. tax authorities? And If one had three passports - two of countries having a tax agreement with Thailand, the other...don't think so - would you have to use the same passport for immigration and tax ?
  12. Here's a bit more on "this Matthew Levitt person".... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matthew_Levitt
  13. I would love for you to stop making false accusations, then asking others to provide proof. Recent topics are mostly to do with the fighting in Gaza, and less with the West Bank (your constant attempts to change that notwithstanding). I've been away from the forum for almost two years. You're welcome to go delve there. Stop lying, stop trolling.
  14. I'm not sure where you draw the Iran support figure from. Doubt that there's an accurate take on this - publicly, at least. Also, if the money does not go toward weapons, training and logistics - what is it used for? If to support civilian projects, then it's not so different than the money given by Qatar (and which Netanyahu ok'd), or projects supported by the EU, UN and others. As far as I'm aware, Iran's closer ally in the Gaza Strip is the Islamic Jihad, relations with Hamas knowing ups and downs over the years. Not saying Iran does not support the Hamas, one way or another, just that there not much solid information made public on this. IMO, Iran's involvement in this runs quite deep - whether directly or via the Hezbollah. As far as the attack itself, though, I think it's more to do with tactical advice, maybe some equipment specifics, and a promise to have Hamas's back. But again, no hard evidence of that. Yet. Pretty sure all will surface before long.
  15. You are lying, again. I have posted such comments before. Probably on topic you partook in as well (under your current handle, or others). That you need to push this falsehood again, doesn't make it true. Just shows the kind of poster you are.
  16. I'm fairly sure that other than in your post, this wasn't aired as a serious possibility. Would not address any security concern, and would only undermine Israel's position. There were a couple of posts with a detailed take on the upcoming Israeli moves linked onparallel topics) - the only mention of something like that was as in what not to do. It's more and more acknowledged that Israel did not bomb the hospital. There was no evidence presented to support this claim from the start.
  17. OP, does your house actually get very dusty overnight? Or is the reason for having to clean it so often have to do with allergies? A bit of OCD on the Mrs's part?
  18. Sad thing is that give it enough time and it will evolve into Biden-didn't-pay-taxes-outed-by-Democrats.
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