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Everything posted by Morch

  1. And them bad Israelis did this because...? Did the blockade on the Gaza Strip had something to do with Hamas agenda? Actions? Also, was there always such a blockade on the Gaza Strip? Same restriction? It's one thing not being able to 'leave' for Israel, but how about Egypt? How come an Arab country won't allow them in? One would imagine the sense of Arab solidarity with the Palestinians, claimed in many of your posts, would apply. And sure, give Hamas free accesses to materials and hardware needed to manufacture more rockets, what could go wrong?
  2. Hamas leaders continue to urge Gazans to remain at their homes, or even return there - and die for the cause. They do this while living (a life of luxury, one might add) in other countries - Qatar, for example.
  3. I understand your sentiment, really. That's what Congressmen and Senators are for. By all means, write yours and make your views known.
  4. Are there many countries applying what you prescribed?
  5. Were these massive bombings present on October 6th? Or did maybe something happen that triggered them?
  6. I imagine the people of Gaza aren't too thrilled with the way their tax monies are used.
  7. No, not that one. The text appearing under the 'name'. For you it's 'senior member'.
  8. "No"? Nitpicking becomes you. You know very well what I meant. Your links do not really counter the essence of my post.
  9. Evidence shows Hamas militants likely used some North Korean weapons in attack on Israel https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-hamas-north-korea-weapons-703e33663ea299f920d0d14039adfbb8
  10. If they would have spent, say, half of that on bomb shelters, I think they could still make their point launching 4000 rockets instead of 8000 (or whatever), and there would be less dead Gazans to mourn.
  11. I don't think the Hamas asked for a cease fire. Usually they wait for the suffering of Gazans to make others step in and arrange it.
  12. I was never a fan, sorry. This just reinforces my feelings.
  13. BBC Admits Reporter's Speculation Over Gaza Hospital Rocket Misfire ‘Was Wrong' https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/bbc-admits-reporters-speculation-over-gaza-hospital-rocket-misfire-was-wrong/ar-AA1iwXCZ
  14. So, I have 'Sorrow floats' under my forum handle. I put it there long ago. Now I want to change it. How do I do that?
  15. A ray of hope for Israel's future (and by extension, the Palestinians' as well). Poll: 80% of Israelis say Netanyahu must publicly take responsibility for Oct. 7 failures https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/poll-80-of-israelis-say-netanyahu-must-publicly-take-responsibility-for-oct-7-failures/
  16. The following report is an outline of the upcoming Israeli ground move on the Gaza Strip. Please note that it is not an official document, and that even if accurate, changes are to be expected - there's this saying about battle plans and first contact with the enemy. The author is an old hand Israeli military correspondent, usually with good insight and connections with senior officials and officers, though. Here's an outline of a war plan to change the situation in Gaza https://www.ynetnews.com/article/sysmhx1fp
  17. Someone posted earlier (sorry, with over a 100 pages, not going to look it up) a picture of a girl missing and presumed abducted (along with her grandmother) to Gaza. Te girl had autism, and was also a big fan of the Harry Potter books. Her picture in costume (Hermione...) was sent to JK Rowling, who reacted, so naturally got some attention. For personal reasons, this touched me more than other, similar stories. The latest update, however, is that the bodies of both granddaughter and grandmother were discovered. Maybe a fate better than being being kidnapped by Hamas? I don't know. Anyways....RIP Noya and her grandmother Carmela murdered by Hamas; JK Rowling pays tribute: 'I have no words' https://www.ynetnews.com/article/bjtk9myf6#autoplay
  18. Seems like she kinda missed out on the Hamas attack that led to this.
  19. You are getting carried away with nonsense and inaccurate historical detail. The Arabs were not 'disarmed' on whim, there's some context there that you managed to avoid, naturally. That would be the so-called Arab Revolt. Wingate was as outlier, his support for the Jews generally frowned upon by fellow officers, and was eventually moved to a different position. He did great in Burma, as I recall. Painting the British Mandate as sympathetic to the Jews is misleading. The Brits played which ever side suited them, and personal preferences of higher ups were part of it as well. Regardless, this would still make my point - choices, choices. It was an Arab choice to stage a futile revolt, it was an Arab choice not to form bonds that would help them in the long run. Had the Arabs chosen a path toward military and political organization, or a more unified national sense, they would have stood a better chance. You simply make excuses for Palestinian bad leadership, policy and decision making. And no, once again - the two state solution took a hit with the Hamas attack. If you feel that views on Israeli views on the two-state solution will remain the same after that, you live in la la land. Think USA post 9/11.
  20. Most Americans in new poll say US government should publicly support Israel https://thehill.com/policy/international/4255413-most-americans-us-government-support-israel/
  21. Really? And who did make arrangements for that prior to starting this mess?
  22. Oh, we're doing the helpless, clueless, poor Palestinians thing, again? Nothing prevented the Palestinians from working toward setting a proper infrastructure (economical, military, political) to a future state before 1947. They did not organize in an efficient manner, they did not have a sense of unity. The Jews, on the other hand, did all that. And even post 1948 - what prevented the Palestinians from doing so? They could have set up their country and make ready for the next round. Didn't happen either. Nor did their Arab sponsor care to support them on this level. What you reference may apply from 1967. As to that, the basic argument remains - even without military force to match Israel's the Palestinians' best bet at the time was to go the diplomatic way. The choice made was to stick with a hopeless 'struggle' and rejectionism. Israel did its share to oppress the Palestinians. That's was never denied on any of my posts. But its impossible to pin all that's bad in Palestinian past, present and future on Israel. There ought to be a measure of accountability, or at the very least, introspection. The slim prospect for a two state solution seems another victim of the Hamas attack.
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