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Everything posted by Morch

  1. No, you haven't responded to comments made regarding the blockade, you deflected. It's not the same thing. Please read the post again, it's not too complicated. Your 'view' was presented as reply to a post, without actually addressing it's content. Deflection, again.
  2. You can keep ignoring the reason the blockade is in place, or minimize Egypt's role in maintaining it, doesn't change facts.
  3. Thank you for the link. As said in many of my posts - the Israeli settlement effort in the West Bank is illegal, wrong and in the long run, detrimental to Israel's security. This specific brand of 'settlers' are even worse than the 'mainstream' ones when it comes to dispossessing the locals. The ascent of the current right-wing government certainly gave them a sense of support, further entitlement and confidence that someone got their backs. While maybe not a new phenomenon, it was not quite as bad or intense as it's been this year. This is part of what I tried to convey in other posts - that the current Israeli government is different than previous ones, it's an almost no-holds-barred thing. In comparison to that, the opposition, flaws to some as it may be, would be an improvement. Not a magic solution, and maybe not even benign, but not this bad. I don't know if 'hundreds' of communities were displaced this way, seems a too high figure for whole villages. But that does not change the fact that this is happening. I will add one thing, though - the article discusses bedouins, which are Arab for sure, and technically Palestinian, are normally shunned and looked down at by the Palestinians themselves (same thing with Israeli Arabs and beduins in Israel). Their plight is real enough, for sure, but also somewhat cynically used by the PA. Noticeably you chose, once more, to ignore comments about the blockade etc.
  4. It is not a recent development. Palestinians are issued work permit in Israel for years. This is sometimes halted, due to security issues or when Hamas goes on the war-trail. Resumes later on.
  5. You are patently lying now. You're welcome to check my posting history. You'll find many such acknowledgements, some in detail. Some on topics your partook in (under your current handle or otherwise).
  6. Don't get my hopes high, please - define 'a while'.
  7. Not allowed how? You keep at it for quite some time now. Trolls are indeed of a different race.
  8. This wasn't addressed to me, but I'll throw in my two cents. I think your posts do show negative bias with regard to Israel, but pretty much within reason. A point of view that can be addressed, discussed and so on. Also, I don't think that you support Hamas actions, or 'cheer' them. Same goes for the antisemitic allegations. As for the Palestinians, I feel that you often express a more sympathetic approach, which (IMO) is more identifying with the underdog, and less being very invested in their 'cause'. My impression is that, whether due to basic sentiment or lack of knowledge, you tend to cut them more slack, as it were.
  9. Gee, imagine posting my own opinions on an open forum. What a strange concept. Put in place, how? Does this cover commenting, disagreeing or correcting posts of others? See the line above.
  10. No, that's how I read your post, Even now. You may want to go back to my original comment (not the first one made even, on this exact point, and in discussions with you) - I differentiate between immediate, short term, medium term possible outcomes and long term predictions. You seem to place little importance to the former, concentrating mainly on the latter.
  11. Again with your pointless nitpicking? Doesn't seem like you had much issues with the wholesale generalization. If I was to say 'all Palestinians are...." you'd be all over that in a sec. I did not deny the existence of checkpoints. I did not deny Palestinians in the West Bank face hardship and oppression. I addressed a statement which was obviously over the top. You, as you often do, take (or make) any opportunity to bicker about nonsense.
  12. You keep repeating the same comment without addressing reasoned replies. I think a few weeks is generous, and probably what Israel hopes for, on this front. Previous times, the shift was swifter.
  13. Your post gave the impression that you see the current Israeli government's treatment of the Palestinians as standard, and that even a change in government would be more of the same. You start the post above saying implying that there is, indeed, a difference, you close it by essentially going back to the 'same same' position. You can go for petty bickering about labels to your heart's content. It's what you do.
  14. Yeah, but it's always like that. Each and every time. Compared to previous instances, this is much more nuanced, muted and forceful. From Israel's point of view, this is maybe the most it can hope for.
  15. Wonder if they can install a kill-switch on these things, just in case.
  16. Probably not that much, and guess it was split between 2-3 factions.
  17. American citizens were murdered and abducted. You think rewarding terrorist is a good policy?
  18. If you wish to claim that the current Israeli government is exactly the same as the opposition, then you are plainly wrong. If you think that there is no difference in how Palestinian may be treated, or how much leeway illegal Israeli settlers in the West Bank will get - you're quite out there. If you feel that it's same same because the alternative is not perfect, then your views are out of touch and uninteresting. I addressed your closing remarks in my post - long term, the issue remains. It doesn't follow that the current government going full steam ahead with extreme policies is the same as a more moderate, reasonable one. Israeli Arabs held close views to the one you push - prior and right after the elections. This was widely justified by Israeli Arab commentators on media channels. Nine months later, and the very same pundits call on their public to reverse course and support the earlier spurned anti-government protest. Maybe they realized that there is a difference, or that things can always get worse.
  19. You keep claiming that. It doesn't make it so. Or at least, not an out of the ordinary shift. Today French and Italian leaders visit...
  20. You'll have to demonstrate that. What other strategic goals did Hamas 'reach', in your opinion? And at what cost?
  21. Interesting if they also plan to protest at other involved Embassies regarding the release of Thai hostages. Then again, most Thai workers in Israel are Buddhist.
  22. There's actually quite a lot of coverage. Much of it negative, as far as Israel is concerned. Interesting that when it suits you claim the world watches or some other nonsense, and on other times (see above) assert it does not. Make up your mind.
  23. People thought Israel will not retreat from the Sinai Peninsula. It did. People thought Israeli settlement will not be removed from the Gaza Strip. They were. Granted, the West Bank is a different level, so to speak - but wholesale denial of the possibility and precedent does not indicate much honesty or knowledge. As usual, nothing in your post as to what the Palestinians ought to do to promote this, nothing about how they contribute to the ongoing situation, and of course, nothing about the brutalization of their own youths.
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