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Everything posted by Morch

  1. No, and I have enough posts under my belt on this, as you well know. What this is, is me refusing to get sucked into one of your usual pointless arguments. These usually occur when you raise a side issue, get corrected and cannot abide the fact.
  2. Are Hamas 'the oppressed'? Was their barbaric attack on Israel justified? Does the Hamas not oppress the people of the Gaza Strip?
  3. Link to first statement? Maybe missed it but haven't seen on local media.
  4. Not clear where you draw all them figures and details from. An Israeli bomb would not leave the building largely intact as seen in many current images. Same for cars. And there would be a significant crater. All this have been covered.
  5. Doesn't seem to bother you when quoting polls supporting your points of view.
  6. You said Jordan and Egypt went on with the Status Quo. Historical fact is different. You want to get into one of your usual pointless arguments, that's up to you. Notice you skipped the Egypt part. Nice. The fact remains that Palestinians did not feel the need to have their own state. There was no struggle or real effort to get there. Then we have loads of posts on these 'discussions' alleging Palestinians as motivated for this since 1947 or even prior.
  7. Netanyahu' social media team often fails like that. Nothing new. Like Trump, Netanyahu surrounds himself with the 'best' people. Loyalty more important than abilities and skills. Most of his cabinet appointments similar.
  8. How about dealing with the reality that Israel exists?
  9. Did you fail to read the last part of the comment you quoted? And no, not all Palestinians are Hamas supporters, not all are totally blind to the problems Hamas creates. As for Hamas 'living on' in every Arab country - do yourself a favor and check just how many Arab countries support Hamas, and how many oppose it. Maybe consider Egypt's blockade of Gaza as a reference point.
  10. People don't like trolls. Just the way it is.
  11. Said a poster that confessed earlier in the topic not to know much about the conflict.....
  12. I can't speak for others, but I certainly commented on it earlier.
  13. And yet, you do not display much angst or rage regarding the Hamas on this topic. Your focus is almost entirely on Israel. I wouldn't say Israel is 'completely unbothered', but obviously it pays more attention to the opinion of some countries. So far, though, seems like things are bit different on this front, relative to past instances. Past occasions, by this time, there would already be more of a backlash. Maybe this signifies some countries understanding that the Hamas attack was way 'out of line' and that response for it would be harsh. Then there are all them foreign casualties and abductees. Not sure why some posters think that governments should care more for the Palestinians than for their own citizens.
  14. Where did you buy your crystal ball?
  15. More demagoguery. Hamas should know these figures better than Israel. Hamas acted as he did anyway. The consequences were obvious. There was nothing done (ever!) by Hamas to protect civilians under its rule. On the contrary, almost all Hamas military actions and decisions put its own civilians at grave risk. Hamas can stop this at anytime. Somehow in your world, it's all Israel's responsibility. Should Israel care more for the people of Gaza than their own rulers do?
  16. You're back to dishing abuse to anyone not seeing things your way? Get a grip.
  17. You want to nitpick, go right ahead. The fact is that Israel supplied evidence (insufficient or otherwise), while Hamas did not. Some posters have more experience than other with things military etc., some posters can look at a picture and see what's not there. That you wish to project your own ignorance? That's your choice. The point made was that you keep echoing and broadcasting the Hamas version, not too complicated.
  18. The one doing the intelligence briefing were politicians?
  19. You can pretend everyone who supports Israel is uneducated and inhumane. No problem with that. Doesn't make it true, of course, and looking at some of the 'pro-Palestinain' and resulting mayhem, one got to wonder.
  20. More nonsense. Seems the claim is that facts don't matter when uncomfortable. Mass ignorance and biased views should be embraced and bowed down to. Indiscriminate is not what you think it is. In this context, and legally, it is doubtful most of Israel's attacks would fall outside of what's allowed by international law. Rockets launched on Israel though, would. Unfair? Perhaps. Netanyahu said that. Other politicians said that. Many commentators said that. It's a fact. That you make it about wanting more casualties is not. If Israel wanted more casualties, there would already been many more dead Palestinians.
  21. I agree that you have no doubts. Ignorance and bias, yes. If Israel wanted to do the sort of things you alleged there were enough times it could have happened by now. At least you acknowledge that the Hamas attack is enough of a justification. Arab governments don't really care that much about the Palestinians. The USA's position on things is not the focal point of their relations with the USA.
  22. You keep referring to it as 'bombing' - there is no evidence it was bombed. Israel produced evidence to support claims. Hamas did not.
  23. No, they do not. War sucks. Don't intentionally provoke an enemy when you know full well the consequences. If you choose to do so anyway, prepare for it and do your best to protect your civilians.
  24. Easy question - which governments condemn Israel, at present? Which governments express support for Hamas?
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