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Everything posted by Morch

  1. Apart from you not addressing the OP, at all.... You can't be arsed to read a topic, then go on to opine about what posters may have commented there (plus 'no doubt'). Also somehow assuming that the anti/pro Trump lines hold on all topics (that's not the case) - and then ending with a bogus, loaded 'question'. Ah yes....'think carefully'. Maybe practice what you preach.
  2. This is one of the most ignorant, stupid 'proposals' I have ever read. It showcases so much bias, so much disconnect with facts it's breathtaking. Them bogus maps memes are a laugh. They have nothing to do with reality. Same goes for the new 'edition'. And that's after claiming to follow things....way out in la la land, you are.
  3. No, that would be just you insisting on stuff which is not true. You cannot even differentiate who them Zionists are, cannot define the group, leaders, ideology or anything. Same goes for your antisemitism waffle - do you know of many instances in which the word was used with relation to 'Arabs'? You're just being willfully ignorant, or trolling. Choose carefully.
  4. @mooping20Baht As long as you lot try to deflect, obfuscate and deny 7/10, or the ideology that stands behind it - this will never end. As for the usual host of inflammatory, disjointed and unclear comments - you do not actually state what 'solution' you're after. I'm guessing it's not too far from what's specified in the Hamas Charter?
  5. @mooping20Baht This has nothing to do with Russia and Ukraine. This is about you trying to deflect and derail topics which are uncomfortable for you, unaligned with the narrative you push. The 'no vacuum' bit was complimented by 'nothing justifies'. You lot always drop this part. As for 'only one party' - consider your posts, and how they focus solely on Israel.
  6. @mooping20Baht One story that's not related to the OP. One unsubstantiated claim ('murdered'?). One pulled out of the backside 'are you saying' comment. The usual quality posting.
  7. @mooping20Baht Dehumanizers. More inflammatory speech from you. Based on nothing much, as usual. Take it with Hamas leaders who talk about casualties as 'necessary sacrifices'.
  8. @mooping20Baht Seriously, shame on posters who don't realize these aren't headline crafted by AN, but part of the articles linked. Not too complicated. Nothing in your post indicates who started this war, who refuses to end it, who said that these casualties are 'necessary sacrifices'. But do go on about 'lost it's humanity'....by all means.
  9. I think there's less of that since the provisional ruling. But regardless, even the ICJ provisional ruling does not fully exclude or prohibit such actions (and their consequences). International laws regarding warfare actually allow for this. People may claim these laws are 'wrong', or that they ought to be amended etc., but these would also be the same laws which formed the basis for the provisional ruling. Can't have it both ways.
  10. @Danny Australia Other than in your mind, Jenin (which is not a country, and not even on par with the PA) is not in a 'state of war' with Israel, continuous or otherwise. Jenn is a town (or city, whatever). It cannot be 'in a state of war' with anyone. And, of course, you're doing that tired co-opting act, implying all residents are of a single mind, purpose and ideology. In short, more lies. You can keep trying to frame things as 'massacre', or ignore who these three men were. It won't change reality. War crimes are not decided by yourself, or on internet forum posts.
  11. @Danny Australia There is not a single post of mine, on this forum and these topics which supports what you allege. This would be you lying, and engaging in out right defamation. Your inflammatory words aside, this topic is not even about the Jenin incident. That's just you trying to deflect from the OP. There was an Admin/Moderator comment regarding AJ. You want to argue with that, or rile every time it's pointed out, that's up to you. The choice of source is relevant, as AJ tends to cover things in a certain way, with a certain tone, and with a 'pro-palestinian' angle. The way you frame your points and 'questions' demonstrates this quite well. IMO, fighting terrorism often requires measures which can be construed as borderline. It's a matter of choices and options. Most people get that, others that are invested in 'a cause' might not. I'm not an idealist, but a realist.
  12. Yeah, done with the 'code'. But be that as it may, I did not insult you, so your comment doesn't have much to do with my post.
  13. I don't think most of them actually permanently reside in Israel. And regardless, Israel is not a war zone - the war is mostly confined to border areas. One of them lives in Spain, another in Australia. One would have thought these things not unimaginable considering it's an expat oriented forum.
  14. Australia and Germany as well, according to some reports and interview with a band member.
  15. Or maybe it wasn't worth it....But seriously, I agree with your post.
  16. The poster I was replying to seems to be more aligned with Russia's positions. So when he expresses 'concern' about Ukrainian casualties, it's got to be put in perspective, vs. the rest of his posts. If this was to do with actual concern about casualties, both sides ought to have been referenced.
  17. At least one of them resides in the EU (Spain) for some time now.
  18. Hamas is not 'a front for Palestine' (regardless of what you even meant by that). Nothing to do with Russia or Ukraine. Hamas is a Palestinian faction. It does not encompass all Palestinians. Hamas rules Gaza. Whether it 'represents' Gaza is another question. Supported by 'Palestine', how? Just above you claimed Hamas and Palestine are the same. The PA does not 'support' Hamas, but is its political rival. There weren't elections held for many years, so all this talk about who represents whom etc. is a bit off mark. It is not 'acceptable', and most governments, media outlets do not use this formula. Not in the context of the war, or otherwise. Hamas gets a surge in popular support whenever there's fighting going on (it usually dissipates and returns to 'normal' levels in time). Generally speaking, Hamas does not command a majority support (nor does the PA). What the reasons for war may be, they aren't reasons for mislabeling relevant factions. Also, this is not very central to the topic at hand.
  19. Not for the first time....maybe consider changing your forum handle to 'The Conspiracy Theory'?
  20. Some posters keep pushing Trump campaign talking points. It's almost like it's an election year.
  21. You are making up stuff regarding agendas, positions. You do not even bother to support any of your nonsense with anything.
  22. If Zionists were to disappear, there would be no Israel. That's because Zionist doesn't mean what you insist it does. Hamas, on the other hand is a more clearly defined faction within Palestinian society/politics. Zionists would make the majority of Israelis - without necessarily attaching them nonsense labels of yours attaching things like religion, extremism, right-wing politics and so on. antisemitism got nothing to do with hating Arabs.
  23. You do understand that this got nothing to do with the (possible) ceasefire, right?
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