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Everything posted by Morch

  1. 'Sovereign' how? When was there any Palestinian 'Sovereignty'? When did they officially claim one? Your definition of 'occupation' is not in line with Hamas's river-to-the-sea view. Nothing stopped the Palestinians from accepting independence, sovereignty and all the rest back in 1947. Nothing stopped the Palestinians from announcing independence, sovereignty and all the rest between 1948 and 1967. Nothing stopped the Palestinians from negotiating for independence, sovereignty and all the rest post-1967. Took their time, embraced rejectionism, and conditions shifted. The answer - blame everyone else.
  2. Why was the Gaza Strip blockaded? Just to spite? Out of the blue? No context? And, for double points, what other neighboring country maintains the same blockade?
  3. Ah, so had the Allies shown more compassion toward Germany....? Nah, that couldn't have been what you implied.
  4. There is no official Israeli government policy calling for a total annihilation of the Palestinians. There is not even an official Israeli government policy to the effect that the PA be dismantled. Hamas Charter, and numerous comments by Hamas leadership clarify that their policy is set.
  5. Not even remotely true. While 'Haaretz' is more affiliated with such views, similar columns, opinion pieces and op-eds appeared in recent days on other major venues. Many calls for Netanyahu to accept responsivity, resign. Obviously, other view points aired as well.
  6. Sure. No posters (including yourself) trying to constantly present the Palestinians as angels, victims and so on. Downplaying any 'bad behavior', minimizing atrocities.
  7. And on here, we have @thaibeachlovers waffling his way out of answering questions, responding to comments, and mostly 'ignoring' posters he can deal with. That while constantly 'broadcasting' AlJazeera. Just the usual 'support the Palestinians', 'Israel bad', 'Gazans are victims'. Complete waste of time.
  8. Hamas militants behead children. Poster claims 'Humanity has evolved'.
  9. Why don't you stop using loaded statements? Or how about not picking arbitrary points of entry for discussion?
  10. Are you an expert on such matters? Or just an expert of airing suspicions? Anyone with a little experience in analyzing airstrikes can figure out what they are doing, and why. Two goals - (a) set conditions for a ground maneuver. (b) shock and awe. The former centers on removing possible defense vantage points, and clearing possible routs. The latter is pointless if there's no one left to shock and awe.
  11. American citizens were killed and abducted by Hamas. Biden is the US President.
  12. More nonsense from you (and/or Aljazeera) - the Egyptian border pass was never freely open for Palestinians to leave the Gaza Strip. The Israeli bombings are not directed at preventing citizens from leaving. IDF broadcasts in Arabic (since a couple of days ago) actually advice Gazans as to which areas would be safe (link provided in a previous post). This was done on all recent rounds of fighting, to my recollection, not one time was such an area attacked during the fighting.
  13. Get your head out of AlJazeera and you'll see most Western governments (and others) issuing statements of support to Israel. Major famous buildings around the world lighted with images of the Israeli flag and colors.
  14. Wars are not always (or even not often) between balanced forces. That's just another false trope you're pushing.
  15. Hamas attacks Israel, and Israeli citizens. Israel visits destruction on the Gaza Strip, and kills more Palestinians. According to your paradigm, Hamas should cease attacks.
  16. American citizens were killed and abducted. Hamas militants killed Israeli children. Not much comments on this by you.
  17. Deflections again. Citizens were killed by Hamas forces. You want to deny this? To claim otherwise? Hamas doesn't. Seem like you're conformable enough with 'collective punishment' when it comes to Israeli citizens.
  18. Again, your knowledge is Aljazeera based, perhaps. Over the years, less and less Israelis are conscripted. Getting wavers became easier do to a myriad of reasons. The ultra religious are indeed not recruited, many of those who are religious but not ultra orthodox serve for a much shorter duration than normal, Arab citizens of Israel are exempt (some volunteer). One of the points raised by the mass protests against Netanyahu's government was that this state of affairs is neither attainable nor fair. Even worse when it comes to reserve duty.
  19. Your 'knowledge' is, as usual, lacking. That what happens when you rely on a single biased news source. The Palestinians had an airport in Gaza. It's been shut down for years. Two guesses why. Considering Hamas manages to smuggle in, or divert legally imported materials to construct rockets etc. - what do you think would happen if there was a port under their control?
  20. I venture that decapitating children merits such comments.
  21. They are nothing but Woke scum.
  22. And all this happens in a vacuum? Nothing to do with Palestinian actions? Agenda? And sure, lump it all together, by all means - but what I posted was in response to a specific post, and a specific comment by a Palestinian official.
  23. People are not expected to express the same feelings for each and every situation. It is perfectly normal to care more or to express stronger feelings when things are closer to home.
  24. There are such signs, occasionally. Seen them on Samui, Tao and Phangan, mostly. Bear in mind, Thailand is also very popular with young Arab citizens of Israel as well. Obviously, not a whole lot of Palestinian tourists about, so no real point in your post.
  25. Is he? Must have missed where this was reported. It's a misconception that all Israelis are reservists, or that all even serve in the IDF.
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