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Everything posted by Morch

  1. No, that was pretty much the point. Again, not the first time this came up.
  2. So what is your point? That they have no choice? No options where to place their facilities, bunkers, launchers, depots and and so on? They obviously do. They don't like the tradeoff. They put them right smack in the middle of residential areas.
  3. Compared to living in Gaza? They might see it as a vacation...
  4. I do not disagree. But I think you're barking up the wrong tree. Can't see congressmen and senators in relevant areas angering backers, and losing support from possibly disgruntled workers. It's not very different from other instances in the US political system.
  5. @placeholder Really? You figured that all by yourself? Well done. Of course there's a tradeoff. Guess Gazan lives aren't that valuable for them, all things considered.
  6. Mortars fired from Lebanon, infiltrators killed as 6 Israelis injured in gunfight https://www.timesofisrael.com/mortars-fired-from-lebanon-infiltrators-killed-as-6-israelis-hurt-in-gunfight/ This is Islamic Jihad, the smaller but more militant Palestinian organization in Gaza. Both it and the Hamas got ties and some presence in Lebanon. The IJ is more closely tied to Iran than the Hamas. Hezbollah might not have participated, but certainly knew and approved. Also a wake up call for those still dreaming about international UN forces etc...
  7. Not sure what your first question was. As for the second, check again, and you'll see there are enough places not directly in the middle of residential areas. Or not under hospitals. Or not under schools. And regardless, I'll refer you to another comment - no real investment in public shelters. Public safety is not priority - and each civilian death can be further used for propaganda purposes. And for bolstering the ranks with angry relatives.
  8. When I reference Israelis, I include Israeli Arabs, as they Israeli voters. That quite a chunk to take out of the equation, or calculate it separately. And still, for all them figures, it's a poll. A Palestinian publicly advocating strong pro-peace, or accepting Israeli point of views, risks his life. Israelis are (still) free to do that. I'm not sure how replying to a pole compares with actually engaging in such activity. With regard to the decline in support for this among Jewish Israelis, we've been over the issue of the shift right, and of religious elements gaining strength quite a few times.
  9. Are we going on a crusade?! Let me get my armor and sword.
  10. Hamas seems to know it's way toward making underground installations and facilities when it so chooses. Recall all them attack tunnels into Israel?
  11. I'm not sure what is the point of focusing on the 18-34 bracket, or how the total figures go, so hard to comment. Polls are ok, but recall that these polls are supposed to be anonymous. There is public pro-peace movement, parties strongly advocating it, speakers who decree their own sides wrongs and the other side's rights among the Palestinians.
  12. I'll pretend to I understood what you posted, but to make things simple, they aren't about at sunset. Come in at night (well they are suspected cultists, after all...).
  13. Aye. The Mrs. forbade it, and anyway I'd miss it.
  14. I have answered this numerous time on past topics. Perhaps even in reply to you. Open Google maps instead of reading figures out of wikipedia. It's not like the whole of the Gaza Strip is a concrete jungle. There are fields, orchards, open areas and so on. Granted it's crowded, but it's not like there are no options. Where do you think Hamas trained for this attack? Where do you think it conduct rocket experiments?
  15. To add to that, at least on the Kibbutzim attacked, most residents usually vote center-left. If one wished to drive another nail in the coffin of the pro-peace camp in Israel....way to go.
  16. @MrMojoRisin Double lazy: again posting picture with quotes of others, instead of your own words. And while at it posting (knowingly or otherwise) an edited version of the original.
  17. There are more Israelis that support Palestinians' right to exist, and to a country of their own, then there are Palestinian feeling the same toward Israel. Palestinians often display mass gathering of support and celebration when there are Israeli casualties of Palestinian terrorist attacks (the recent one had the same effect). Sure, there are Israelis doing the same, but that's nowhere a mainstream thing.
  18. It's hardly the 'only thing that is preventing peace in the Middle East' other than in your disingenuous fantasies.
  19. Who leads the Palestinians? Men of worth? Not hell bent on maintaining power? Not corrupt? Hamas is an Islamic movement, commanding about half of the Palestinian popular support. What does that bode for the Palestinians?
  20. Children get killed in wars. It's not quite the same as intentionally murdering them at their homes.
  21. I doubt you believe your own words.
  22. Do you think that there are 'acceptable' locations to kill people, in general? Like, at their homes? When partying? Hamas uses the local populace as protection from attack. It could place it's facilities in a way that will lessen the risk for the people of Gaza. That doesn't happen.
  23. The Hamas doesn't spend anything to protect the citizens of the Gaza Strip. No bomb shelters, for example. On the other hand, it digs miles upon miles of attack tunnels into Israel, and provides it's operatives with underground bunkers. Them priorities. No one is under any compulsion or moral obligation to supply the Hamas with arms.
  24. The civilians murdered (actually murdered, not maybe-will-be) yesterday by Hamas did not deserve it either. The civilians on the receiving end of all them rockets yesterday (and still, today) launched by Hamas, did not deserve them as well.
  25. If only Sergio Leone was with us....
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