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Everything posted by Morch

  1. I wouldn't know what settlements, appeasements and deals you're on about. It's not like Israel was all in for peace and it didn't work out. That's not even a remotely accurate description of events. Both sides contributed to things being what they are. Both sides got their extremists and hardliners who do their best to thwart compromises. You can push the narrative you hold as much as you like - but bottom line, there were deals even during this way, and there are ongoing negotiations as we post. While most Israelis loath Hamas, there is significant public support for bringing back the hostages, and acknowledgement that there's a gap between politicians statements regarding the war, and what's actually realistic. Sorry, not interested in the Nazi comparisons to either directions. It got little to do with the actual situation, just serves to muddy the waters and flame. Same goes for MIC references - these are usually either off mark, or very simplistic. Sometimes both. It is surely in Netanyahu's personal interest that the war goes on, at this time. If the war ends, he's bound to face the consequences. So long as it goes on, he can hold on to power, and wait things out. Accordingly he's currently more focused on derailing the negotiations, renovating the pool at his private residence at tax payers expense, and trying out various alternative narratives in which he's not only free of responsibility for 7/10, but actually the one who warned about it beforehand. I think it's important to differentiate between what politicians say, and reality.
  2. The 'trash talk' comment was not directed at you, or any other poster. It was a reference to Trump's style. But hey...you just demonstrated your own point.
  3. You can apply for a Russian citizenship and pay your taxes to Putin.
  4. @ozimoron War crimes are decided through legal process, not biased reports and posts. Yours is a propaganda war. Keep hammering them talking points,
  5. @ozimoron But, of course, the headline is intentionally misleading. It is not 'Israel' as a whole. If someone dared post something of the sort about Palestinian views, you'd be all over them. Dishonest. As usual.
  6. Care to show where such rampages were carried out in connection to the current situation? Care to support the 'loyalty' bit with something?
  7. Some fight among the IDF ranks as soldiers and officers. Some are held hostage in the Gaza Strip. Some were killed on 7/10. And, of course, there was no mass identification/support for the Hamas, no rebellion, and not even much unrest. Some people just use the situation and the topics to air their extreme agendas, from whichever angle.
  8. Other than in fiery statements by some Israeli politicians, there's no likelihood, and little possibility of 'killing all Hamas and their supporters'. The IDF, and the more level-headed Israeli leaders acknowledge that. Even if this was referencing combatants only it would be a very tall order. As for 'supporters' - how far does that go? What sort of 'support' merits death? Judging from the tone of your posts, I guess you're into extremes - which is neither realistic, nor in Israel's wider interests, even. There where hostage deals with the Hamas (and before them, other Palestinian terrorist organizations). So saying 'no deals' is a bit odd. Even in this case - there were already such exchanges earlier on in the war. Not sure what you're on about, really. What I do sense is that you do not get how central this issue is to Israel's ethos. The notion that 'no one gets left behind' etc. is one of the core tenets when addressing such issues. Netanyahu, though actions past and present does this bedrock a whole lot of damage, in return for dubious short term political gains. It is not clear that Hamas could be forced to surrender. It is unlikely Hamas could be made to give up the hostages. This is not what I wish for, but how things are. A realistic take. Hamas can be severely hurt, and just maybe effectively dismantled as a major threat in the Gaza Strip. But this does not really address the hostage issue. I don't think that there is a clear way for Israel to 'win' this. Whichever path is chosen, there will be some 'loss' involved. I'm glad I'm not the one who needs to make the choice.
  9. Unless much mistaken, on your previous 'life' here you were pretty much what you complain about.....
  10. I thought only lame posters made such comments about Wikipedia. There are sources referenced within. As for 'write yourself', here's a challenge - go and do some major bogus editing on that page, or a related one. Try it. See how it goes.
  11. Jews can emigrate to Israel, and get a citizenship relatively easy. Other denominations.....not so much.
  12. @thaibeachlovers More cowardly baiting. And the above post in reply to a poster trying to casting doubt on rapes being part of the 7/10 Hamas attack. Just recently, I wondered (in reply to one of your own vile posts) if you reached the bottom yet. Guess not.
  13. @thaibeachlovers It's sad that some posters continue to pretend having others on 'ignore' so that they can deny explanations have been posted numerous times. You're pushing a false narrative and account of what happened - in a post baiting about such. Well done.
  14. @thaibeachlovers Ramblings. Fantasies. The usual fare. Then, on other posts, you berate others about 'crystal ball' comments.
  15. @ozimoron Them Hamas talking points, again. Why would Israel accept a condition which prescribes full withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, without hostages being released, even? Just one example. Somehow, you embrace Hamas's narrative, see their conditions as justified, fair, reasonable - and then complain about your being labeled a Hamas supporter. Maybe some reflection is in order, although I doubt you're into that much.
  16. @ozimoron I read his post as if referencing Hamas, not all Palestinians. As for you not supporting Hamas - posting Hamas talking points, ignoring parts of Hamas's agenda that are uncomfortable, describing them as 'freedom fighters' and so on. All that might give a different impression than you're shooting for.
  17. @ozimoron Israel is not 'prosecuted by the ICJ' for saying destroying Hamas is a good thing.
  18. Less inclined to be more aggressive how? I gave two examples of rather high profile incidents which went unanswered. There were others. And, of course, the same inconsistency tends to make allies skittish. Introducing more uncertainty to volatile areas and situations is not a good thing.
  19. @Brickleberry So, you trust UNRWA's statements even though they are an involved party, and even thought they are obviously compromised. But comments from an Israeli agency? No no no.....
  20. @Brickleberry Since you dropped the 'ignore' act, you can 'officially' read posts. Try and read the two that linked comments from an Israeli official on that, appearing up topic. This was already addressed.
  21. Yawn. We're at the beginning of February. UNRWA can operate until the end of February on their existing funds. They have a full month to investigate and present findings to donor countries. Better get a move on.
  22. @Brickleberry Oh, so you're making a case than a UN agency who's workers were found to have ties with a terrorist organization who instigated this mess should get increased funding? That's nice, dear. Now....could you address that small issue of multiple governments not seeing things your way - and that's after being exposed to information you have not seen (but declare as unreliable)? What would their motivations be? Why would they do that? As far as I'm aware, no hospitals were destroyed. Can you back that claim with anything? Same goes for 'damaged' (in a way rendering the unable to operate). As for the 'entire population starving' - I kinda doubt Hamas men and leaders are starving. Or UNRWA workers, for that matter. And 'starving' is a big word. Unpleasant for sure - but I don't think you actually see pictures of people dying of starvation etc., right? Hardship? Sure. That kinda goes hand in hand with war. I think that you are dodging the question.
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