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Everything posted by Morch

  1. @Brickleberry You can't believe anyone can be that heartless? Consult your own posts. Especially ones commenting on rapes and other Hamas atrocities.
  2. @Brickleberry The UN (or elements of) are fond of these alarmist the-sky-is-falling statements. It makes for a decent headline, and generates public/diplomatic pressure. For someone who presents himself as savvy, you sure do have some blind spots.
  3. @Brickleberry Why do you think these governments decided to suspend/withdraw/whatever donations to UNRWA? You dodge around this all the time. Also: We oppose axing UNRWA mid-war, senior Israeli official says amid global funding halt https://www.timesofisrael.com/we-oppose-axing-unrwa-mid-war-senior-israeli-official-says-amid-global-funding-halt/ I said on another post, that I doubt the monies will not be transferred, eventually. This is more about showing UNRWA how serious things are, how serious governments see things.
  4. @Brickleberry You don't have to talk about it. You can try and peddle Hamas talking points on one of the other topics.
  5. @Brickleberry Not an idiot. I ought to ask for a link supporting that. So you're not, but all them governments who actually have the information - they are clueless? Less informed than you? You say you do not believe anything Israel says. I don't believe most of what you say. Much of the above is just your opinion, not fact. And your opinion is nowhere near anything resembling balance or reason. I believe that a whole lot of information is being declassified these last three plus months. A whole lot more information about compared to previous rounds of fighting. About a whole range of related things. I do not 'believe' the rape stories. There were rapes. Someone I knew from a long time ago was raped. And butchered. Literally. I think your repeated denials of this, your constant defense of Hamas on this - is disgusting, vile and loathsome. There is evidence. You saying otherwise is just you lying. I think you're a despicable person. The 40 babies thing was explained, and discussed in depth way earlier on these topics. That you see fit to rehash it again just shows that you're desperate. Desperate to deflect from the topic, desperate to defend Hamas. All of your lies. All of your bluster. All of the disgusting attitude - and you cannot address a simple issue. Governments received information. They analyzed it, and decided to act. Dramatically, swiftly. You offer no coherent explanation as to that. All you have on offer are conspiracy theories, claims about lies regarding information you weren't made privy to. And your word means nothing. 'ignore'. pfft.
  6. @retarius Your inflammatory comments, your dodgy statements...never mind these, but - 'acquired'? Seriously? Like Lazada or something?
  7. @ozimoron Redeem? Last chance? Who do you think you are? Who do you fantasize you are? You don't bother answering other people's questions, and somehow expect yours would be treated seriously. Pathetic.
  8. @ozimoron In a topic discussing a possible future Palestinian State you refuse to address Hamas's position and how it effects things. Now, I have actually addressed what you go on and on about, more than once. You, on the other hand, have not. As for your 'ignore' games - pathetic as well.
  9. @Brickleberry You have no access to the full report. Governments do. A bunch of them decided the information shared is credible and reliable enough to merit a drastic move. You insist on ignoring this. Do you think that they are all taken for a ride? That they are clueless? That Israel controls them? How do you explain these governments moving this decisively and in such a short span of time? None of your deflections begins to address that.
  10. @ozimoron Translation: I'm going back to the cowards' echo-chamber.
  11. @ozimoron Even in this 'balanced' effort, you cannot address Hamas, or the actions required from the Palestinian side. It's all Israel this and Israel that. You're fooling no one.
  12. @ozimoron And there you go again with that 'we all know'. No. You state things. Then you treat them as facts. That's the sum of it. That's how you roll.
  13. @ozimoron No, there is no such equivalence, there's just you not being familiar with details and facts, so you go for them strong comments which you cannot back up - and do not bother backing up. There is no Israeli policy about destroying killing all Palestinians. And the same way Hamas does not represent all Palestinians, so does the current Israeli government does not represent all Israelis and where they stand regarding this conflict. You have not 'established' anything. You just keep posting them 'announcements', and in time, believe them to be true. Focus on this part - Hamas is not interested in 'fixing' anything. It's policy does not include an 'Israel'. You seem to be willfully oblivious to this.
  14. @retarius Bad, yes. Evil, I don't know. The worst? Not by a long shot. Putin, Assad, and others probably killed way more. But of course, you're not here to propose any semblance of balance or rationality. You do not even contribute anything to the discussion.
  15. @ozimoron You new trolling routine is lame. You have not demonstrated a single war crime. You're also routinely ignoring, dodging and deflecting any discussion of Hamas positions - making it all about Israel. It is not.
  16. @ozimoron You have not demonstrated a single actual war crime. You cannot. Alleged war crimes, maybe. But actual, legally decided war crime - no such thing yet with regard to the current fighting. You could always qualify your comments, but that would rob them of that 'oracle' pose you seem to be shooting for. As for 'shooting the messenger' - kinda funny coming from someone putting people on 'ignore' (which is an actual thing with you wannabe 'pro-pestilential' posters).
  17. @ozimoron Oh, great, yet another Hamas justification post from the I'm-not-a-Hamas-fan poster. I can imagine Palestinians taking up a path of organized non-violent resistance (never seriously embraced). I can imagine the Palestinian not embracing violence, or the Hamas's far reaching agenda. You, on the other hand routinely make the case for violence. Justifying it. Normalizing it. Minimizing it. When it comes from the Palestinian side, that is.
  18. You ignore the fact that Israeli leaders did engage the Palestinians in negotiations toward a two-state solution. Nothing in your post would hint that the Palestinians play a part in this as well. With some posters, like yourself, it is all about Israel.
  19. That would be you making some disjointed comments without much support. You claim Israeli media 'brainwashes' - you do not provide any support for that. You try to make some unclear point about the protests against the government somehow demonstrating what you claim - but fail to do so. You claims some 'bubble of existential paranoia' - on the heels of 7/10? Sometimes they are out to get you. You're all over the place with nonsense claims you cannot support or which fail to make some coherent argument.
  20. All it shows is that you've been wrong for many years. The topic is about Israel. You're the one insisting on make it about 'Zionist'.
  21. Your 'idea' is wrong. There are Zionists who are for a two-state solution. That's not an opinion, it's a fact. Even the example cited (ie Biden) goes against your nonsense 'opinions'.
  22. That would be you misrepresenting facts. There was the Nakba, back in 1948 - which indeed involved displacement of Arabs/Palestinians/whatever from the area designated as the Jewish State, and and further. After that? Nothing on par. Not within Israel. So that 'ever since' bit? That's not true.
  23. I'm not making any nonsense 'deals' with you. You cannot back up your claims, you cannot address facts, or even direct simple questions, you cannot clearly explain gaps between your 'opinions' and 'reality'. What you posted above doesn't have much to do with anything, it's just your own 'opinions' laid out in a different manner - still rubbish. You have no idea about what you're posting about. You cannot even define these supposed groups you pretend to 'describe', you do not know their names, leaders, policies or anything. You're just making things up.
  24. Again, what is it to you? I have explained the rationale, you obviously failed to either read or comprehend.
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