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Everything posted by Morch

  1. Making that comment with the forum handle @mamypoko - Priceless.
  2. The Houthis have been around for a while now, and were hostile to the USA before this started. As pointed out, them 9/11 perpetrators came in legally, and the Hamas 7/10 attack breached a proper border and its defenses.
  3. So what you offer is more waffle? Hand wringing? That for me is more associated with the whining from the likes of you (and others) about supposed past sins of the West, and how the locals are this or that.
  4. Oh yeah, that too. Managed just before heading to the IO office, 20 minutes including waiting. only basic stuff checked.
  5. Give In To Terrorists, Hijackers, and Pirates, Opines Poster.
  6. @thaibeachlovers You routinely make similar claims across multiple topics. It's only a problem when others do so, apparently. NATO is not an American invention, other than in that confused place you call a mind.
  7. I don't know if I count as prolific, but my experience is that every few years I either get fed up with this forum, or lose interest, or drop it (one of the go to options) to make more time for other stuff. What I've noticed is that times away from the forum get longer each time. I think the last 'off time' lasted a couple of years or so (maybe more, can't be bothered to check). Guess the next time would be the same, and with even lesser incentive to return.
  8. So, in troll land, there were no reports about the Palestinians playing any part in things? It was all Israel? Excessive security? Really. Post 7/10, that's as daft a comment as one can post. Rabin was not killed by Israel, but by a right-wing religious extremist. Try harder, little troll.
  9. You can present a letter from your immigration office confirming your address etc. You do not need a yellow book. Took about 15-20 minutes, 500 baht. Copies of passport front page, last entry, last extension (but verify at your own IO, may want other stuff). Not in Bangkok, and came in after lunch, place was empty the whole thing with the 'tests' was about 45 minutes, including waiting. Did the online thing ahead.
  10. Me, I laugh when I read your clueless comments. The guy was actually an activist in the anti-government protest movement before the war. Trying to paint him as some lick-spittle is amusing. Netnayahu's wife tried to meddle and terminate his employment, even, when she found out about it. Didn't go down too well.
  11. @ozimoron Oh, now you do the co-opting bit of 'and the world'? Cute. It's a provisional measure and decision, get over yourself.
  12. The ICJ's interim ruling upheld the less problematic (from Israel's point of view) points. The main dish South Africa was expecting was not served. Spin away.
  13. It was neither a victory nor a defeat. Not everything falls neatly into place as you paint. It's a provisional step, not a final ruling. Arguing the case in years to come does not necessarily mean Israel will lose, or even that the case will not be dismissed later on. You're jumping the gun by leaps and bounds. More like wishful thinking. I guess you like the red-masked Hamas spokesman better. Maybe turns you on?
  14. Once again with the false historical narrative. The Palestinians refused a Palestinian State in 1947. The Palestinians did nothing much to work toward this while being ruled by Egypt and Jordan up to 1967. The Palestinians then adopted a rejectionist policy which lasted for decades. And so on and so forth. You cherry picking historical bits to fit your false narrative is easy to counter. In some posters' minds the Palestinians are not accountable for anything, not responsible for their own choices. Almost as if they are children. Other than in some books, children do not run states.
  15. That would be you making up things again. This is a provisional ruling. As expected, wannabe 'pro-palestinians' try to paint it as something else.
  16. Could you point out to where, exactly, the houthis are discussed?
  17. Yes. And he's a right-wing politician also playing political games with other party members (including Netanyahu). I'm not defending his words, but what you try to imply that's a general Israeli position and perception - that would be akin to you taking Trump's words as being what the USA and Americans think or feel, for example. If Israel was out to 'slaughter' the Palestinians as 'animals' there would be far less Palestinians around. There would be no warnings, no time to to evacuate, no ground troops maybe, and no reprieve. You're back in hyperbole land, as usual.
  18. It wasn't even addressed to me. And no, it does not 'help'. Especially as not 'everybody' is being bombed - other than in your imagination.
  19. What is it with you and chopping off posts? Why the need for this? It's not like the rest of the post is irrelevant - it's just you doing that dishonest bit of misrepresenting a more comprehensive point. Mostly Israel and the USA? Like, Hamas is off the hook? Can't they just stop tomorrow? Today? Yesterday? What Palestinian State would that be? One ruled by Hamas? One announced on before the hostages are released? The Palestinians are not a main player when it comes to setting up a Palestinian State? You've lost the plot. Keeping on pushing them simplistic memes like they mean something doesn't really make you point.
  20. Yes, that was my point. You take a statement (or even several) and paint them as a general thing. As what Israel and Israelis think. You do not do context, you do not consider the speakers political leanings and motivations. You treat it as policy. You do not apply anything remotely the same when such statements are issued by Palestinians and/or Hamas.
  21. I see you're into cutting bits of post out of context, so as to make it easier for you to ignore stuff you can't address. That's, again another dishonest way of debating, and also against forum rules. Your claim above was already addressed many times before. People have a misguided notion of what 'dumb' implies. This isn't some WWI, WWII or even Vietnam War stuff. If that was the case, casualty figures would sky rocket (no pun intended). Unguided (or lower quality guidance) bombs are used - but not everywhere, and not in every situation. This is untrue - and would not even make military sense. As for not caring enough - a member of the Biden administration said Israel takes more care about such things than the USA military might have. This was linked and discussed on numerous past topics. And it's true - Israel is often held to standards which other military forces do not comply with or uphold. That it still isn't enough to prevent massive civilian casualties is a fact. But at some point, it gets beyond ridiculous blaming Israel when the Gazans own government does nothing to mitigate things.
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