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Everything posted by Morch

  1. Disregarding your inability to make a coherent argument without getting into these pitfalls, how would you suggest dealing with a situation where the rejectionist elements on both sides hold sway? Or even if they are a majority on only one of the sides? Saying stuff like 'they need to go' doesn't answer that.
  2. That is not true. Saying that there won't be a Palestinian State between the river to the sea is not the same as the 'destruction' of a Palestinian State, since it doesn't even exist, and of course, it does not imply that with regard to the Palestinian people. This, by the way, is not an endorsement of that saying - just a comment on your nonsense claims.
  3. Here we go again.... No, it does not. Hamas in an acronym. The 'm' part would reference 'resistance' in Arabic, but the full version is 'Islamic Resistance Movement'. Hamas was initially actually bemused by the acronym, but it caught on and was adopted. As for your snippets above, what they actually show is that Israel got a plurality of opinions, and relative freedom to express them. When you provide similar snippets from Palestinians, Hamas members, Gazans - you may have a point.
  4. @ozimoron More your worthless pronouncements. What does it have to do with the hostages?
  5. He reads my posts. Been outed several times now when responding directly. Anyway, I may comment on any post I like, what's it to you?
  6. I don't feel compelled to address words which I do not believe you authored yourself. I'd like the source, please. I have no 'Israel can do no wrong' narrative - that's something you made up. You can spin things all you like, this topic is not about the Oslo Accords.
  7. @thaibeachlovers More like you trying to push three of your pet agendas in one post.
  8. There's a general decline in participation on these topics, it's the same each time. Your one sided nonsense views apparently include this as well. Thanks for demonstrating it again.
  9. @thaibeachlovers The last bit is telling. For all your crocodile tears and whines about Palestinian casualties (which is nothing but 'reap what you sow') - you focus is about the 'price' Israel will pay. For you this bit is worth sacrificing Palestinian lives - not like you're paying the price, and of course their death make wonderful propaganda stuff for your posts. Disgusting.
  10. @thaibeachlovers My question would be if you're just posting things to bait and troll or actually got a point to make? Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip long ago. Israeli prime ministers, in the past, offered solutions which would have involved pull out from much of the West Bank as well. These were either rejected or left out in the cold. In the context of this war, it is Hamas who broke agreements, not Israel. And you still need to come to terms with what the Hamas agenda is, you seem clueless.
  11. @thaibeachlovers It's great when you pretend to 'ignore' so many posters, and then make such comments. Claiming Israel is prefect is not a thing, and there were plenty of comments about Israel's share of the blame.
  12. The author IS Western MSM.... This is just an analysis looking at different markers, it is not a definitive or comprehensive comment. But yeah, India at #3....guess someone needs a field trip to get in touch with reality.
  13. @thaibeachlovers Yet to see a 'pro-palestinian' protest which does not heavily display anti-Israel elements.
  14. @thaibeachlovers How do you know that this was about 'collective punishment'? Wars cost money, everyone knows that - except for you, apparently. Care to review the economic effect this war had on the Palestinians? In both the Gaza Strip and the West Bank? On Jordan? Lebanon? Egypt? Etc.... Nah...you're just beating one drum.
  15. One obvious difference would be the TOI not being owned by the Israeli government, and often running stories critical of it, or running against it's positions. You cannot say anything of the sort about AJ. So basically, just your usual clueless, pointless, knee-jerk reaction.
  16. @thaibeachlovers Where did you get the notion that Hamas is into a two-state solution?
  17. @thaibeachlovers Sounds like another Hamas fanboy is coming out of the closet. Other than your almost undisguised disgusting glorification of Hamas - you still seem to be unclear about Hamas's agenda, which does not support a two-state solution. Somehow you seem to need to frame things as a Hamas 'victory', echoing their leadership's words about casualties being necessary sacrifices etc.
  18. You are exactly doing this. Or rather, trying to and failing. Will now allow? Who do you think you are? I was not 'caught out lying' other than in your imagination. And I'm not impressed by your threats.
  19. Yeah, as I said earlier, you have a very foggy notion of things. The 'list' you posted above is the same idiosyncratic nonsense you've posted on past topics. Since enough time was wasted on explaining to you how ignorant and wrong what you posted is, I see no reason to repeat it again. How you 'define' things is irrelevant.
  20. @ozimoron Yawn. If a house, facility, whatever, is used by military/terrorist forces, it loses it's protected status. This was pointed out numerous times by now, so no chance you're not aware of it. Just being pig-headed? Trolling? Who cares.
  21. The point made was that 'object' can mean different things to different people. For you, it seems like object=deflection.
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