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Everything posted by Morch

  1. By your reasoning, Israel may do unto the Palestinians whatever, because they hold such extreme views. But, of course, you allow this to apply only in a one-sided manner. Guess your argument would be 'not all the Palestinians' or something.... As for the poster representing anything, maybe he is, maybe he isn't. Being a newcomer to these topics, it's kinda hard to tell if he's genuine nutter or a troll.
  2. Crash and burn. Too funny. Read the exchange, understand the context. You're cheer-leading someone ever more extreme than those you wrongly label 'extreme'.
  3. IDF generals in Gaza: Tactical accomplishments aren't translated to strategy https://www.ynetnews.com/article/hjsuia5fa Some think like that, some think otherwise (as linked in previous posts) - but seems like there's a general sentiment that the country's leadership lacks a coherent strategy. I concur.
  4. @thaibeachlovers Must be very confusing for you.
  5. Next Thaiger headline: Foreigner Run Over After Trying To 'Educate' Locals.
  6. @thaibeachlovers You are, presumably, human. Following your 'reasoning' you are not logical. Hence, everything that you post may be a mistake.
  7. Nah. You won't. You're a coward. You'll just do what everyone else does. Annoyed and go on. At best (or worst, rather) you'd start another pointless topic about it here.
  8. Other than in your post where does 'moral right to destroy Palestine' comes from? As for 'genocide', what 'genocide'?
  9. That was what you posted: This is not what's happening, this is not Israel's policy. If it was the Palestinian death toll would be way way higher, and there would be far less IDF casualties.
  10. @billd766 Out of this mess of a post, there's one especially puzzling 'point' - You assert that this is 'possible'. How so? What supports this? There's no cooperation on easier stuff, so why this? What would Iran 'gain'?
  11. As unfortunate as it is most world leaders are sociopaths. He said knowingly. I think a whole lot of posters are, though.
  12. @thaibeachlovers Scaremongering. Is there any precedent for something of the sort?
  13. You have no point. And I couldn't care less whether you 'get back to me', actually prefer that you don't. What I wrote was on par with the merit and value of your dishonest comments.
  14. You did not. You waffled. You did the bow-before-the-NYT bit. You do not know who the officers are, what are their roles in the IDF and what exactly was said. It's a report, like any other. You choose to make it into something else. As Netanyahu just proved, there's a whole lot of room for confusion and contradiction. Try harder, sunshine.
  15. You can't cover your 'stumble' with this nonsense deflection.
  16. That would be you with your NYT worship. Like it never gets things wrong. Never retracts. corrects or whatever. A certain hospital 'bombing' earlier in this campaign comes to mind. You cannot address the point made, which is legit.
  17. Rubbish. You make some faux outrage comment, then proceed to make the exact same comment yourself - now trying to waffle your way out of it. You pretending to 'take offense' when it's nothing whatsoever to do with you, is despicable. Everything goes when you try to score points. I already noted that these sentiments were present for a while now. My original comment was that it was not a new thing. It does not, however, imply that everyone is on the same page, or got to the same page at the same pace.
  18. @thaibeachlovers Whines about 'hand wringing', make a 'hand wringing' post.
  19. @thaibeachlovers Children, in this instance, are anyone under 18. You try to make them all like primary school age or something. I don't think Hamas got a strict policy about not recruiting/using teens. And let's face it - it's not as if these kids would have grown up to be anything but hate-filled vs. Israel - not under prevailing conditions, and Hamas rule/propaganda.
  20. @thaibeachlovers You seem to assume the ICJ would decidedly rule against Israel. I'm not sure why you think that the USA can 'veto' it. Further, this isn't so much about Israel, as it is about what other countries will do. But what if the ICJ does not rule against Israel, or makes some sort of non-committal ruling? Do you suppose this would go down well with you haters?
  21. On the other hand, there were rockets launched from areas Israel withdrew from, and reports of Hamas officials/policemen starting to do the rounds again.
  22. As expected, you're trying to tell me what I posted, what I meant, and how that fits into your own new pet 'issue' and argument. You are wrong. I referenced the issue of the hostages, and how it complicated and effects the war effort/options since the beginning of these topics. The rest of your usual deflection waffle, with the expected memes is uninteresting and just dodges issues and points made. As for 'cheap shot' - here is what you posted just a few lines bellow: Apparently a legit comment when you make it. You do not know the man, his family or anything. You're just doing the fake outrage bit to score a point. Obviously, you have not been following his rhetoric, words, and attitude so you just try to wave this out of hand. The difference is there. For some reason you seem to think such an event won't have an effect on him, but somehow may on others - I don't know why. I'm also not interested in any slimy explanation on this you may come up with. You've no idea what you're talking about. You'll say pretty much anything in the course of any petty argument. Disgusting.
  23. @ozimoron You made a comment you cannot back up in any factual or meaningful way. Rather than admit it, or even ignore it and go on, you dig deeper. You stated something as fact. Now you're asking others to 'guess'.
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