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Everything posted by Morch

  1. I could swear I saw a post or two, on these very topics announcing Israel's guilt. Maybe I was wrong.
  2. These far-right/religious coalition elements/partners got their own agenda. It is not necessarily about what's obviously better for Israel, but more to do with their own vision of things. So for them, there is no 'hole'. As Netanyahu's political survival depends on them playing along, he's got little pull over what they say or don't say. The real effective measure taken was excluding them from the War Cabinet, at the price of them running their mouths.
  3. Those comments, vile as they are, are not official policy, though. And as there were counter comments, and (ignored) directions to stop making those, it's not much to go on. If this was to be decided on statements made by various leaders and politicians, then the Hamas side got a whole lot more that would justify Israel's actions. It cuts both ways. As far as I understand, the main issue, as per the court thing, is intent. For that, there needs to be clear evidence of policy, chain of command directives and application of commands.
  4. You are right about the camera, wasn't thinking straight, didn't even occur to me until you mentioned it. Thanks. Was more angry/worried about our girl possibly hurt, didn't realize I could get hurt until I saw there were two of them.
  5. People were indeed celebrating. And no, there were no protests in condemnation. But celebrating the attack, vile as it is, does not necessarily make one a Hamas member, nor does it imply some death warrant. Those who participated, aided and so on - that's a different matter.
  6. No, not a great life, and this obviously was not claimed. But alive. Guess most of them would prefer that. It's kinda odd how some go on and on about dead Palestinians, but when pointed out they were alive on 6/10, that's somehow not good enough.
  7. There's a good wire fence + concrete wall in some parts. The suspected entry points were either a part where the bottom soil was eroded due to flooding and they dug/slunk under or a hole created when 'someone' cut it by accident while taking care of the grass. Both fixed now, and no such issues for the last 3 years. Also, when the dogs were cornered, the one I previously hit (well, he was trying to have a go) panicked and tried to bash/bite the fence - no success. Keeping them out is obvious, my question is more about my 'rights' if they do manage to come in and if they pose a threat.
  8. Thanks, but the two fields bordering us (from which the dogs presumably entered) are flooded regularly. Plus our girl will probably object....
  9. @ozimoron Here we go again. Same nonsense. All them Palestinians were alive on 6/10.
  10. Well, I don't really know or care about 'supporters', since support as measured in such polls comes and goes, plus it doesn't clearly imply what this implies. Leaving that aside, Hamas's fighting force in the Gaza Strip was estimated as numbering between 30,000 to 50,000 (minus those who were killed so far). Numbers in the West Bank would be way lower, with actual figures maybe not topping 10,000 (and even that, not on par militarily with the Gaza Strip set up). A few more thousands in Lebanon, as well. The broader Hamas membership, as in civilian office holders etc would be be anywhere between 100,000-300,000 (again, depending on which level of detail is applied). The notion that all, or most, Palestinians are Hamas members, or more specifically, directly involved in terrorism, is nonsense. What you do get, though, is a lot of 'partial' and 'coerced' participation - kids getting paid a pittance (or a pat on the back) to act as lookouts, messengers, people looking the other way, people forced to accept things they are unhappy about and so on. If Hamas terrorist membership was as wide as claimed, there's no way they could have kept anything secret - not the plans, not the tunnels, not locations of hostages and so on.
  11. Lovely dogs, these two. A couple of words, though... Not a dog fitting for new dog owners. Sheds like crazy (but otherwise, super clean). Maybe not super happy outdoors in Thailand, especially when it's hot.
  12. Of what? Supporters? General membership? Actual terrorists?
  13. Earlier today found two dogs in our yard. Mixed Rottweilers, by their looks - not super big, but quite ferocious and not small either. Our elderly female dog is a little smaller, not as aggressive, and was mercifully sleeping so was easy to evacuate indoors. Chased them away (at the time I thought just one) with a bamboo stick, figuring they either found a hole in the wire fence or dug under. Ended up with the duo cornered and nowhere to go, which is when they turned more hostile. Hit one of them in the ear, drawing some blood, and them escaping when I went to get better gear. Found two possible entry points, fixed. Hopefully will keep them out. My question is, what can am I legally (I know....) allowed to do in such a situation? I'm not even sure who's dogs they are - two possible neighbors, each basically a field away, only one got an actual 'border' with us. Dogs in the village often run loose, but usually stick around their turf, and the more aggressive ones are muzzled (two that I'm aware of near us). Never had much of an issue walking the dog at night on the street, and not planning on campaigning to teach people better regarding dogs running around. Just wondering if different rules apply (or if there are such, at all) regarding aggressive dogs coming into our land.
  14. I think that would be you trying to apply your USA politics stance to these topics. I don't see the 'lines' being as clear as you suggest.
  15. @billd766 This 20K figure includes thousands of Hamas men. You lump them all together, because that's the sort of think you do. And them dead Palestinians? They were alive on 6/10. Something happened.
  16. You would be wrong. That figure is taken from a poll citing support for Hamas (by the way, lower figures for the Gaza Strip). It is not the same as being a card carrying member. Take it a step further, not even all Hamas members are terrorists - Hamas operates many social, welfare projects etc. which got little to do with its military activities.
  17. @billd766 That's a nice story. Your commentary on these topics (and past ones) is, however, almost one-sided criticism of the Israeli side.
  18. @ozimoron You really don't read these topics, eh? No 'weasel words'. Said clearly that the poster is an antisemite. If you would have bothered to read these topics, you'd know why.
  19. It doesn't 'remove their right to stay alive', that's a bogus construct you made up. What it does is shift the onus of responsibility from the attacker, to the 'defender'.
  20. Not according to me, but according to you. Your words are on this forum, on these topics. I don't know about anti-US, but the other three, yes. The point was not about bringing anyone back from the dead. I was addressing your post where you claimed some even-handedness.
  21. @billd766 Hamas = civilians defending their rights to exist? Hezbollah = civilians defending their right to exist? You've lost the plot. And yeah, I think such comments do mark you as a terrorist supporter.
  22. This would be a tad believable if one wasn't aware of your posting history on these topics, which mostly revolves around virulent criticism of Israel, with cursory comments about Hamas. Then again, there are them antisemitic views aired, which deny as you might - were indeed made, and therefore do indicate a certain bias.
  23. @billd766 Some do, some don't. There are some giveaways, though - like calling the Israeli government a 'regime', or labeling it as 'murderous'. All the more so when not doing much of that on the much fewer times Hamas is referred to.
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