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Everything posted by Morch

  1. IDF knows where Hamas leader is, but won’t strike at him because of hostages – reports https://www.timesofisrael.com/idf-knows-where-hamas-leader-is-but-wont-strike-because-of-hostages-reports/
  2. @billd766 For you, there seems to be only one side in this war.
  3. @billd766 You believe what Hamas and the voices in your mind say. Hamas men surrendering is a fact.
  4. @billd766 More of your nonsense. Israel is not at war with the citizens of Gaza. If it was, the casualty toll would be way higher. As far as I'm aware, Netanyahu is not wanted by the ICC or even under direct investigation, never mind charges.
  5. @billd766 You people do love tossing labels and terms about, regardless of facts or reason. Becoming a a rogue state? How so? By what standard? Is there a mass of countries boycotting Israel? Sanctions? Cutting off ties? More like your fantasies. Why would someone expect the USA to militarily confront Israel? That's quite out there.
  6. That's your opinion. I have no idea what it relies on. Not worse off? That was pretty much standard Israeli policy for years (ignoring proceedings). There would have to be a good reason for this change. As for 'nothing to lose', that is, again, a very shallow way of seeing things. Diplomatically, and legally, this is not quite a nothing-burger as some wish it to be. Just to give you an idea of how seriously this seems to be taken, check out who was appointed as 'Israel's' judge. For over a year now, Barak was cast as the founding father of all that's (supposedly) wrong with Israel's legal system - as part of the judicial 'reform' (ie taking control of) by Israel's right wing. The level of the personal campaign against the man was appalling. Netanyahu is facing much issues with this among coalitions member and supporters - who neither appreciate nor understand this about face.
  7. Some more details about the planning and execution of the 7/10 attack: ‘Al-Aqsa Flood’ : Initiated by 70 Elite Fighters, Crafted by 5 Hamas Leaders https://english.aawsat.com/arab-world/4780421-‘al-aqsa-flood’-initiated-70-elite-fighters-crafted-5-hamas-leaders The main element discussed is the secrecy and the level of 'need to know' applied. I think the numbers of Hamas men cited participating in the attack are not reliable, and not in line with many other reports, or casualty figures.
  8. That would be another one of your pointless deflections. The Wiki link is not 'better' - it's just a list of the judges, specifying their end of term and nationality.
  9. For those belittling the ICJ - no, it does not have actual powers to enforce anything. But if it was that of non-event, why would Israel even bother with attending the legal proceedings, fielding a defense and so on? Russia, China, the USA - they can shrug off such rulings (up to a point). Countries which are actual (as opposed to anti-Israel-brigade's fantasies) pariahs, or have some specific strong strategic clout, do so as well. Israel would find it much harder to ignore such rulings, at least not without paying a diplomatic cost. It may not be quite as high as the aforementioned brigade imagines, but probably not negligible as well. Down the line, ICJ rulings can be used as basis for further diplomatic and legal measures. Call it a legal infrastructure, if it helps. I think the Israeli government (as in the elements which aren't fanatic and have more than a couple of brain cells to rub together) are less dismissive of this than some of you guys.
  10. This had nothing to do with 'what happens in the coming days'. This was about you blaming me for made up stuff. Well, maybe there are some parallels, after all.
  11. More of your usual baseless accusations. What 'hit job'? And who cares what washes 'with you'? What information pertaining to my post appears in the ICJ's home page? How are my points 'meaningless'? Or how do they 'muddy the waters'? You're just tossing accusations and allegations about, without having nothing to back them up with. You're not even making much sense, but that's not unusual. As for being honest - I'm not the one posting antisemitic comments, then claiming no such sentiment.
  12. No one really expects the Lebanese Army to do so, or think that it can. Given that Hezbollah is very much in the political system/government, it's also a bit of a convulsed situation. The point made was that so far it's an ongoing tit-for-tat between the Hezbollah and the IDF, with civilians on both sides of the borders being evacuated. Hopefully things will not deteriorate into an all out war.
  13. You've obviously failed to notice all them personal attacks made by Trump supporters on here. Maybe they are 'fake' Trump supporters, though.
  14. You obviously failed to understand what I posted. There was no point made that all Jews are Zionists. No one claimed that. It's not a thing. According to whom? This was already discussed, with you even. Neturei Karta https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neturei_Karta It's one thing not having a clue what you post about, another to disregard information with was already discussed.
  15. Here is a list of the judges (excluding Israel's and South Africa's representative judges) who will hear the case: Current composition https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Court_of_Justice#Current_composition Some points - (a) 5 of the judges are due to be replaced of February 2024. In case deliberations and proceedings are delayed/stalled for some reason, no idea how this might effect things. Similarly, as the case might take years to finalize it also means a turnover in judges hearing it anyway. (b) As is usual with UN and international bodies, the membership includes judges from countries which are either not paragons of human rights, involved in issues related to the court's function and/or are hostile to one of the parties appearing before the court. One can prattle about 'impartiality', but I'm not sure that's a thing considering some of the countries involved. Assuming that a strict separation will be applied between countries political stance on this matters and judges' rulings, that's a choice. (c) With regard to (b), this creates some interesting issues for countries/judges involved. Thinking about past rulings in cases vs. Russia, Myanmar and how certain countries/judges ruled, and how the legal reasoning offered in those cases might run counter to their current political agenda/affiliation.
  16. That's not much of a point, it was never claimed otherwise. As for extremists - the last picture definitely portrays such. This group was discussed on previous posts.
  17. Why do you think putting up a picture of extremists makes your point (assuming you had one)?
  18. The people evacuating are civilians, though. Hezbollah keep firing missiles, launching rockets and carrying out drone attacks regardless. Also, on the Israeli side of the border, a whole lot of people have been evacuated as well.
  19. @ozimoron You do the same quite often. Just this morning, in fact.
  20. On Gaza civilian evacuation road, IDF uncovers largest Hamas rocket factory to date https://www.timesofisrael.com/on-gaza-civilian-evacuation-road-idf-uncovers-largest-hamas-rocket-factory-to-date/ Just to remind some folks what this is about.
  21. It was in the works before South Africa's move.
  22. @thaibeachlovers You mean like your 'condemnations' of Hamas?
  23. There are a whole lot of people making comments about 'reasonable steps' etc, without the benefit of having a clue, or even bothering to compare the current campaign with others, on this score. Biden aide: Israel taking steps to protect civilians that even US might not have done https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/biden-aide-israel-taking-steps-to-protect-civilians-that-even-us-might-not-have-done/ People don't seem to realize what the conditions and circumstances are, or are somehow expecting war in densely populated urban setting, with terrorists embedded within civilian population (and using it as shield) to be 'clean'.
  24. @ozimoron That's just you saying thing you believe in. These aren't legal facts, regardless of how you misleadingly persist in presenting them.
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