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Everything posted by Morch

  1. “There she blows!-there she blows! A hump like a snow-hill! It is Moby Dick!” ― Herman Melville, Moby Dick
  2. My impression was that he thinks he knows stuff, but that his 'knowledge' is mostly superficial. Or rather, that he puts a way too high value on his own opinions and take, even when they are obviously off. I think of him more as salesperson (again, echos of Trump). While the long form interviews got their merits, not everyone is up for listening that long, especially as conversations often touch upon more than one topic, not all necessarily being of interest. I prefer reading such interviews, saves a whole lot of time.
  3. Unsupported how? You seem to be having imaginary discussions in which you're a 'winner'. Kinda sad. What you 'guess' is entirely up to you - I have actually posted several times now regarding engaging with you on this and other issues. You want to make up stuff to fit your fantasies, that's up to you.
  4. As far as I'm aware, Blinken is not a member of this forum, so if you want to discuss things with him, you'll have to find another way to contact his office. As for 'your fellow travelers' - not just 'mine', it what happens to a whole lot of your comments. People are apparently less interested in your style of debate and argumentative posting. I did not attempt to 'undermine' anything but your earlier comments, which weren't well thought out or written. You can't accept it, so you keep making up stuff, digging deeper, and so on. What I believe and think is that you've found a new pet 'issue', and that you insist everyone play along and 'discuss' it according to your dictates. Tough luck.
  5. The point is that you try hard to push a certain issue. It doesn't get as much traction as you expect, so you do whatever you can to 'engage' posters on anything semi-related, so that you can sneak it in again. I'm not obligated to comment on what you wish me to. You do not get to dictate such things. I said that you were nitpicking (a whole lot of posts ago, which goes toward the 'give it a rest' part), and you were. Cornered how? I have not even commented on what you're trying to push. You're just making up stuff about the discussion.
  6. @thaibeachlovers A united Muslim world bent on something like this is a figment of your imagination (and, in a different way, the poster you replied to). At this point in time, you continue to do your best to erase, minimize and normalize the 7/10 attack. None of what's going on now would have happened otherwise. Again, anything whatsoever to support your opinions with?
  7. @thaibeachlovers You agree with nonsense similar to the nonsense you post, how surprising. Your predictions about the USA are not based on anything much. People keep saying that the USA is not 'an honest broker', that its role as mediator in the ME is over - reality is quite different (Abraham Accords, Israel-Lebanon border negotiations, and current diplomatic efforts regarding the situation). South African leaders are 'innocent'? Guess that's you having no clue, or rather quick to embrace anyone supporting your anti-Israel cause. As for your one-sided take about a two-state solution - just how was there 'a chance' with Hamas agenda being what it is? Do you have anything whatsoever to support your opinions with?
  8. What 'million Muslims' are you on about? When was the last time (if ever) a 'million Muslims' cooperated and gathered for something of the sort? In reality (as opposed to fantasies aired) Israel got long lasting, stable peace agreements with two of its Arab neighbors. The likelihood of post-civil-war Syria gearing up for that, or Lebanon fully committed to Hezbollah's agenda is slim. One can assert Israel's need and right to defend itself without getting hysterical.
  9. More nonsense from you. I was not commenting on the content, but on the source. You keep making allegations as to stuff I haven't commented on. Give it a rest.
  10. Turkey's foreign relations, under current management, are always unstable. One day he's denouncing a country, the next they are buddies. Same flip flops with more than one ME country over the years (Israel included). Russia does what's best for Russia - they ain't nobody's 'friend', even if Netanyahu was trying hard to give this impression. Again, not the first time Russia turned it's back on Israel. Nothing new. And not so much 'pivoting' to Iran, just a matter of need and deepening existing connections. Comments like you've made always appear whenever things flare up between Israel and the Palestinians (or Hezbollah). The long term trend does not support them.
  11. Which Arab/ME countries have cut relations with Israel? Embraced the Hamas agenda? Or actively got involved in what's happening? A year (at most) after the fighting is over, and all will be back on track.
  12. My post had to do with the news source and the author's political stance (which you referenced yourself, if wrongly). As you are well aware, it is quite possible to present news items in a manner fitting an agenda. The author's Israel Bad agenda is nothing new. I have not commented on what you posted - so as usual, no actual point to your 'complaints'.
  13. @ozimoron Yes, and? South Africa is not suspected of being overly friendly with Israel on a good day. On a parallel topic, you just scolded another poster for bringing up other countries not directly related to the topic at hand. This topic is not about South Africa's ICJ move, but guess it's alright for you to bring it up - because of reasons. Or something.
  14. @ozimoron You do not seem to have a clear grasp on what 'war crimes' actually are, and the legalities involved. All you have on offer are one-liners and headlines. Like it or not, accept it or not, the issue of 'human shields' is a thing.
  15. Some people say Israel killed 160 Gazans per day. On 7/10, Hamas managed over a 1000 in a day.
  16. @ozimoron Don't recall staying on topic being high priority for you, or that you had such issues when Israel's supposed sins were compared to other countries (same for comparing Hamas with various other groups world wide).
  17. Just more nonsense when you can't back up your posts. Same old. All of them? All of what? You haven't really said much so hard to know what you think you're on about. And question? What question? You haven't raised any. Don't know that you're the one to preach others about 'bigoted views', or that you can actually point out to what's bigoted in mine. But again, not really expecting much of you or your posts.
  18. I find it amusing that you pretend to have a clue, post nonsense and then deflect when this is pointed out. What 'facts' are you on about that are not in line with what I posted?
  19. Of course you have. Your posts, however, do not betray the depth and scope of knowledge you claim. Not that I necessary believe you've actually read the thing, but apparently some basic concept failed to register even with all of this supposed legal information - you stating things as facts doesn't make them so. If and when the court declares it, we may discuss it. Otherwise, it's just you parroting things that go along with your politics and bias. As for the 'brightest legal minds on Utube', I hope for South Africa's sake that they got more qualified advice.
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