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Everything posted by Morch

  1. See, that's one reason chefs usually do not argue such cases in courts. Because, like it or not, Hamas's actions, mode of operations, policies and agenda - these will all feature on Israel's response to the South Africa's charges. So, naturally - Hamas's actions and 'contribution' to things will be discussed, debated, considered and factored.
  2. He is stating the USA's position, which however you might resent, carries more weight than your opinionated, but fact light posts.
  3. I expect that when the ICJ thing doesn't turn out to be some instant anti-Israel magic solution, some posters on here would either whine or embark on some conspiracy theory or another.
  4. I know that you imagined that I 'failed' to debate, as mentioned in your post. The rest is your usual pointless nonsense.
  5. Doesn't say if she/the neighbor went to the police after the rape attempt. If so, then the police not only failed to do anything about the second assault case, but also the rape case. Wonder if they are just lazy or whether the guy got some low level local connection.
  6. No. What it means is that it's not a genocide. Not too hard to understand.
  7. Maybe you're new here. We don't get to 'vote' on such stuff. And, of course, just more nonsense from you and the other poster.
  8. An observation, based on years of acquaintance with poster's 'debate' style, and on how things fare for him on these topics. There was no 'failure' to debate anything, other than in your imagination.
  9. More of your huffing and puffing. No appointments, an observation. Same old - you start from something you think is a big deal, fail to get traction, seize on some side issue mentioned and develop it into a dreary, almost pointless argument to cover your tracks. This too, usually does not generate wide traction other than a single poster or so doing the back and forth. You are, as usual, trying to present views of others in a misleading, dishonest way - going on and on about it and expecting to be taken seriously. Try and follow your own arguments and 'reasoning' instead of hopping about as it suits.
  10. I still think you'd have to actually demonstrate what you claim. South Africa's attitude toward Israel is nothing new, and IMO, independent of Iran's. That their views may coincide is another matter. A better question would be why the PA isn't the one bringing this to the ICJ. Be that as it may, people here get overly excited by this. The timeline, regardless of anything, is way slower than some imagine.
  11. No, it's all you've got, so it doesn't take much to dismiss. I've already addressed the way you 'debate', you're just doing more of the same now. Give it a rest, no one's really interested in your nonsense.
  12. What I'm seeing here is your usual nitpicking. Nothing more.
  13. I was actually aiming at @placeholder heated rejection of sources, when it suits.
  14. Please decide which bogus argument you're going for and stick with it. At one point in this 'discussion' you claimed there were no such reports, now you make much of them.
  15. @thaibeachlovers One wonders if you are unaware wars, in general, cost money and carry effects on economies. Obviously, in your world, the war is only happening on one side - did you give a thought as to how Hamas, the PA, the Palestinians, Gazans will sort their economic issues post-war?
  16. I don't recall that many objections to AJ......
  17. To what end? Iran's policy/strategy so far seems to favor avoiding direct involvement, a whipped up national outrage would demand the opposite.
  18. Doubting COGAT reports is legit. But then again, you seem to treat UN and international organizations as totally honest, forthright and beyond criticism when citing their comments. You do not address that they have vested interests, that they have failed policies and conduct to cover up, or that for all of their decades long involvement, they can't deal with things when push comes to shove. That's without addressing the issue of Hamas interference, control and so on.
  19. These last two links.....that's the sort of headlines and reports you denied were made when commenting on my post.
  20. No, not nonsense, nor denialism - just you doing your thing. You've posted something you thought was major and important, it was addressed, and you did not get much traction. So what you do when you can't deal with the main arguments? You pick a minor issue therein, inflate it, huff and puff, post some more links, toss generalizations and false claims to cover your tracks. Same old. Denialism? There were headlines and reports such as I mentioned since the earlier stages of this war. This was discussed more than once on past topics. Even a cursory search would find such with ease. Here a are some (which you can nitpick further, but I think the point is made regardless): 90 percent in Gaza eating less than 1 meal a day: World Food Program https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/90-percent-in-gaza-eating-less-than-1-meal-a-day-world-food-program/ar-AA1lRJRH UN agency warns food, fresh water rapidly running out in Gaza https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/un-agency-warns-food-fresh-water-rapidly-running-out-gaza-2023-10-12/ Gaza to run out of food and fuel 'within days' as total siege begins https://www.thenationalnews.com/mena/palestine-israel/2023/10/10/food-supplies-in-gaza-to-run-out-within-days-as-total-siege-begins/ And so on and so forth, same for fuel, water, medicine etc. Not sure why you'd deny that there were such headlines and reports about. Then, you simply can't help yourself and do the scarecrow argument thing. Raise a point, spin it as if I claimed something regarding it and demand I support that with links. Not very dishonest, but that's how you roll. On top of that you now (for the second time) allege I have commented something specific, and ask me to refer to that - I have already replied that I do not know which comment you're on about, nor the context in which it was made. You do not provide any link to said post, despite request. Given the sheer volume of posts, topics and issues discussed, you are not being remotely reasonable.
  21. Repeating details about the destruction in the Gaza Strip is not addressing what I posted above. I don't know which comment you refer to and in which context it was made. There was nothing said about Palestinians being superhuman. I've no idea how much experience you have with actual third world living conditions, but people manage in quite extraordinary situations. Those bombastic declarations you quote have been made also much earlier in the war - I think food supplies were said about to be gone within 'days' several times by now.
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