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Everything posted by Morch

  1. This. These pointless games. Everything is on if a point must be made. Your post is meaningless.
  2. @thaibeachlovers The Master Tactician Has Spoken. I suspect you've no idea what you're talking about, just running interference as usual. Yeah, Russia launched a major offensive, but actually meant it to fail. Makes sense.
  3. @thaibeachlovers They spent quite a time in these lands post war, and maintained a strong military presence. Limitations were placed on these countries for decades, regarding arms and such. The point was that an 'idea' can be removed and dismantled by force. You have not addressed that.
  4. @thaibeachlovers He did. He started this. He knew what the reaction would be. He took no steps to protect them. He called on them to remain in place and face the IDF. He refused hostage exchanges, pauses in the fighting. You want to absolve him of responsibility. Good luck with that.
  5. You don't get it. One of Israel's core tenets is that 'no one gets left behind'. It's ingrained on many different levels. The core being Jewish, but the application Israeli. On Thailand related stories involving Israelis, you'll usually find mentions of embassy (or even ministerial) involvement - almost regardless of anything. It's the norm. It's even stronger when it comes to hostages, captives and bodies of the dead. Again, origins in Judaism, Israeli application. This concept, this idea, this bond being waved - that's something that threatens Israel. To say that these people, these families don't think about what's good for Israel, that's about as disconnected, or vile, as it gets.
  6. You've tried that one too. Post rubbish, challenged, deny you posted, presented with posts - huff and puff, 'ignore'. Your games are boring.
  7. Considering the many posts in which you and others compared Israel to this or that vile historical regime, that's hardly an honest post.
  8. @thaibeachlovers Oh, is that what they did? Got to love the 'albeit' bit. Like....you're posting all these condemnations of Israel all over these topics, shedding crocodile tears over dead children, women, Gazans, Palestinians, whatever. And then - 'albeit'. Moral bankruptcy comes to mind. Your last bit is the usual salad - a WW3 which will somehow affect only the West, but this is ok because of Palestinians suffering. Huh?
  9. Obviously how? Do you understand the context this was posted in? Or did you simply do you usual hijack job? Sick is what your post is.
  10. @thaibeachlovers Hamas's agenda is about destroying Israel. You can try misrepresenting it to your old heart's content. Your grasp of history is shaky. Germany. Japan. ISIS. Fatah. Examples of forceful interventions which either changed the 'idea', made in irrelevant, or whatever. Your constant comments about Israelis living in fear (as if you care), miss the point that the Palestinians' lot is worse (not that you care about that either).
  11. Such as? Says who? And again, why wouldn't you expect a strong emotional response ?
  12. There are calls for a ceasefire from families of those held hostage.
  13. What 'information' would that be? About there being multiple views within Israel? That's hardly news, and was referenced on these topics as well. As for your 'share with the rest of us' - give it a break, you're not speaking for anyone, so better stick with 'new to me' which is more in line with what your post displays. Some articles and columns like this already linked in these topics - sometimes even by the anti-Israel-brigade (including, I think, at least one of those referenced in the link provided), for that extra shock value. There are such advertised daily on say, Haaretz, or +972 - usually by the stock 'house' writers who just continue their usual line of commentary, and some op-eds by left wing notables or wannabees. I don't know if they all get translated to the English versions of these venues. I really have no idea what you're own with your second deflection. Why would you expect people to act in a detached, unemotional way to something like 7/10. Way earlier in these topics, I explained about how this effects Israelis, in that being relatively tight-knit, sharing multiple social circles, and being a small country, this tragedy hit closer than what it conveyed. Come the second or third step of separation, and boom - someone got hurt. Makes things way more personal. The article you linked does a good job of highlighting some stuff, not mentioning others. It's understandable that if you depend on such you'll come to certain conclusions. For example, while it does actually reference Israeli academics and left wingers commenting critically on things, it does so as if these view are detached from the fabric of Israeli views. Also missing is mention of the hostages families protests vs. the government - which are gaining momentum as the war drags on.
  14. But there are, in fact, such articles and views published. Not that these are popular positions or that they generate a whole lot of interest, but they are there. Mostly by way of opinion columns from the usual suspects of the Israeli media scenes. I don't know whether you actually expect Israelis to be focused on such views at this time, or whether you're just doing one of your argumentative bits. It's quite normal for people to be more invested in 'their' side during war. Maybe you're setting them expectations (real or not) too high. Is this the norm elsewhere?
  15. What I know is that many were released. And 'martyrs'? That's Hamas terminology. I doubt you'd speak that way if any of your loved ones were taken by Hamas.
  16. And killing all the hostages in the process...
  17. Can you wrap you head around the fact that Israel, like many other countries, supports multiple political views? It also 'helps' that the Palestinians are just ain't that bright as playing 'good guys' either.
  18. Israel did not consider Hamas a serious threat for a long time, and even after it was defined as a threat, a policy emerged under which it was used as a sort of counter-balance to the PA. If referring to the situation dealt with now, meaning Hamas controlling Gaza with all that infrastructure - that's a more recent development.
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