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Everything posted by Morch

  1. @thaibeachlovers There's a separate topic dedicated for that. Notice the word 'soon' in the original post?....Yeah.
  2. Why did Hamas start this war knowing the reaction? Why didn't Hamas provide these children with shelter, enough tunnels for that? Maybe it's because Hamas leaders see Gazans as 'necessary sacrifices' for the 'cause'.
  3. Yeah, that often involves the terrorist side giving up terrorism. Same thing happened with the Fatah. Hamas is not there, yet.
  4. So you've no intention of visiting the region, no real interest other than bashing. That's good to know, although was rather obvious.
  5. You have no idea. There's no need to convince you of anything, your mind is closed and set.
  6. No, it isn't 'obvious'. He's been in power (on and off) for about 15 years. Check relevant Palestinian demographics, maybe rethink your nonsense post. Even with regard to this current war, had Israel's aim was to kill civilians, the death toll would be way higher.
  7. The IDF (as opposed to the government) cited the same time frame from the start, with regard to objectives set. As for the hostages - Hamas doesn't seem willing to negotiate, at least not under any semi-reasonable terms. Even if there is a hostage deal, it will not include all of them, so things are bound to drag on. The flip side of this (which you do not mention) is that Hamas could end the suffering, death and destruction by either negotiating or surrendering. For some reason, you seem to imply this is solely up to Israel.
  8. @thaibeachlovers Have you finished justifying, minimizing Hamas's 7/10 attack yet?
  9. @thaibeachlovers It was only 'ignored' in your misleading low information posts.
  10. @thaibeachlovers Hamas managed to kill over 1000 Israelis in a single day. Israel's pace is nowhere close to that. Hamas announced they would do it again, and again. You say ignore it. Try harder.
  11. You keep saying the same thing. You haven't supported it with anything. It's nonsense.
  12. @thaibeachlovers No, it doesn't take years of experience. Most military flights schools don't last years, and takes less for an experienced pilot to switch to another airplane. As for tech and mechanical support, this is always included in the deal - complete with training for relevant troops. Same goes for spares. There are kits which allow aircraft to carry missiles/armaments they weren't designed to. Often used the other way around, by the way - putting western made missiles/systems on older Russian made aircraft. All this is common knowledge, or easy enough to find out.
  13. I wonder what happened to the dog. There were loads of stories about pets running around scared, owners dead, taken or ran away. Some people and NGOs were picking them up, but some still showing up every now and then.
  14. More nonsense. I doubt that there are many Russian pilots about with 'decades of experience' flying whatever. You make a whole lot of the language thing, not sure on what grounds. If that's what the Russians are depending on.....good luck.
  15. Iranian warship Alborz enters the Red Sea https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/iranian-warship-alborz-enters-the-red-sea/ It's not a super-threat or anything, but not a move aimed at calming things down. IRIS Alborz (72) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IRIS_Alborz_(72)
  16. You've probably no idea what you're on about. Try this, they don't get the gear and a manual, there's training involved, foreign reps in Ukraine, Ukrainian troops training abroad. It's nothing like your contrived example. Pretty much the same with every sale of anything but basic military gear.
  17. Kinda funny it's South Africa rushing to the front. Earlier this year, South Africa was saved from major embarrassment (and potentially more than that) by Putin announcing he will skip the BRICS meeting held there. There's an arrest warrant with Putin's name on it, and South Africa being an ICC member would have been obligated to act on it. There was a whole lot of pressure from Russia, a whole lot of squirming and dodging from South Africa trying to find ways around it, loopholes etc. Will also be amusing to see the international composition of judges tasked with hearing this. Hilarity around the corner.
  18. Promotes RT, talks about echo chamber. Whatever. As per your other comment - that would be you assuming stuff. You don't know how well trained/experienced troops are, and not necessarily comparing similar systems, even. And seriously - 'English-language-air-defenses'? Do you think all them armies that buy USA, Russian, Chinese, French or whatever systems are fluent in relevant languages? Doesn't have anything to do with anything.
  19. As 2024 begins, IDF releases 5 brigades from Gaza, but says fighting likely all year https://www.timesofisrael.com/as-2024-begins-idf-releases-5-brigades-from-gaza-but-says-fighting-likely-all-year/ Guess it's another way to say operations will be toning down some.
  20. It's 'like for like', maybe - if you disregard the previous comments. What was it you said about 'dishonest'? I've no idea what you're on about with your second remark, I suggest that in this case too, you're just playing a childish tit-for-tat, rather than having an actual point.
  21. @thaibeachlovers (a) It's an RT report..... (b) It can sometimes happen, depending on missile/radar tech, and on the parameters of interception.
  22. It's a rather diverse movement, so there are differences between chapters.
  23. Yawn. Some BDS supporters are about a one-state-solution, others are about a two-state-solution. So it would depend.
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