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Everything posted by Morch

  1. For decades? Hamas is not in control of the Gaza Strip that long. And, of course, it's not like all Gazans voted them in. Hopes are very nice, but aren't a substitute for reality, and the reality is that this operation either drags on, or dies a slow undignified death.
  2. Doesn't have anything to do with anything. If they have the odds, or think they do, they'll charge. Same as Thais.
  3. No, they aren't. It's an image foreigners invented. Scrap the top and they're like everyone else, sometimes worse. Especially when it's a crowd/group thing.
  4. From the linked article: Guys were having a chill time until the girls decided it was boring.
  5. Achieving it how? Does Hamas surrender? Stop fighting? Release hostages? Accept proposals?
  6. Here is another take about a story that made headlines recently - Iranian commander claiming Iran was in on the attack or something, and Hamas denying it. The analysis suggested here is that it's more to do with power plays within Hamas: Why is Hamas worried about the October 7 narrative of Iran, Hezbollah? - analysis https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/other/why-is-hamas-worried-about-iran-hezbollahs-october-7-narrative/ar-AA1mahKY
  7. That's actually a very poor showing for Russia. I wonder if it's the operators that suck, or the gear, or whether Ukraine was defensively geared for that.
  8. Senior Palestinian official criticizes Hamas: 'Led to catastrophe' https://www.ynetnews.com/article/sk92ow9wa
  9. It's different when you're a tourist, or on vacation. Lots of stuff you don't need to deal with, lots of stuff you don't notice. Friends were just in for a 10 day yacht cruise off Phuket. Had a blast - and they have been doing these all over the world by now.
  10. Yeah, so knowing myself, I would have believed it. Especially after a good thrashing. Plus it would have been easy to prove...all them sins revealed. The problem is causal one. Because if the younger me would have listened, or even absorbed some 'wisdom' the future me would turn out different.
  11. @ozimoron Nobody else said that. Again with your blanket pronouncement. Read the topics.
  12. There a guy with a pickup passing through the village every other day, trades eggs (I know...) for electric and IT scraps. Never stopped him. Usually if you put it by the garbage bin, it will magically disappear. For larger stuff, the garbage collection guys are a blessing, they take these and sell on. Refrigerators, washing machines.
  13. Complaints about flaming coming from a troll with a gasoline can and matchbox are amusing. I was not lying, obviously. You constantly try to paint 7/10 as just another incident, just another event, just another link in the chain. It isn't. You do not actually deal with it at all. The minute it comes up, you huff and puff, deflect, and pull out some general link about the history of the conflict. You don't deal with it because you cannot.
  14. @thaibeachlovers Wars are expensive, this is no news. There's already talk that the next phase of the fighting will see many of the reserve duty soldiers released.Talk of the price and economic implications of the war is very prominent in Israeli media. With the backdrop of the current government's preferential spending for religious and right-wing sectors, much of this is not favorable to the coalition. As usual, your hatred for Israel blinds you. Israel can withstand the economic implications, even it it hurts the country. Have you considered what does this imply for the Palestinians (both in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank)? Lebanon (especially resident of Southern Lebanon who self-evacuated to the North)? Syria (Damscus international airport been shut down for about a month now)? The point is that you don't really care about Palestinians, or any other Arabs much. What you're about is Israel Bad.
  15. What's important for you is to troll and deflect. You cannot handle what happened on 7/10. It doesn't fit the narrative. So you try to trivialize it. Not complicated. I'm quite comfortable with my level of knowledge regarding these things, especially when compared to the likes of you.
  16. Me. As a teen. Slap around, then a hard talk about what's what. Set myself straight.
  17. Why lie? When he went on about 'indiscriminate bombings' you parroted it as gospel all over these topics. You still do.
  18. @thaibeachlovers Which countries severed ties with Israel? I think you have made this comment numerous times in the past. How does it fare?
  19. @ozimoron But they do not support 'the Palestinians', they support Hamas. All of the countries/organizations involved do not support the PA, for example. Nor do they provide any 'support' on a civilian level.
  20. You don't raise such objections when he says something you can use.
  21. It's a load of projected nonsense. The author, being well familiar with Israel cannot be ignorant to the fact that there are multiple political views therein, and yet he chooses a wide-brush. In the same manner, there is absolutely no mention of violence, hatred or anything vile coming from the other side - hardly a balanced or believable position. The oddest bit was about the envy part - the disconnect from reality is strong with this one.
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