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Posts posted by stevenl

  1. My goodness, I think you are missing the point. I DO NOT Agree or disagree. I was asking for advice, help. I have given some wording. You now claim to have some expertise having earlier said that you do not - it was 'common sense'- but will not share it. Fine, but not helpful.
    You have to make a decision: do you want to know whether this is covered under your policy, or do you want to know if a vulcanic eruption is a natural disaster or a weather condition? The latter question has been answered here, by me and others, but the former question can not be answered without the policy.

    You received advice here, did not like it so denied it could be true. I have over 10 years experience in analyzing and comparing insurance policies, and have not claimed not to have experience. What I have said is that it is impossible to help you if you only take 1-2 exerts from your policy and not give the complete information, you are confusing the 2 issues at hand.

  2. That depends on the month, it could even be 31 days.

    A you saying it goes by farang calender month? What happens if you "sign up" mid month, like I have?

    Maybe the guy you're renting from does it differently, but standard practice: from 16 month 1-15 month 2 (or 14 month 1-13 month 2.

    Some may prefer to first charge till the end of the month and from there make it a full calender month rental.

  3. IMO it is pretty obvious that a vulcanic eruption is an event from nature, and not a weather condition.

    Thank you for your opinion, do you have any legal definition/ precedent to back it up? Weather is an event from nature too. How do you distinguish?

    No I don't this is simply common sense.

    He, this is life, things go wrong, and sometimes you just suffer damages from them. Accept it and move on.

    I'm not looking to BLAME the insurance company for the Volcano( I blame the Icelanders, I think they are getting their own back because the Brits demanded their money back when the Iceland banks failed, light a volcano is a bit much tho').

    I read the policy before I bought it, but admit not forensically, nor did I anticipate a volcanic eruption. I'm sure others will have similar problems as this was a policy bought through Thai Visa.

    Others have helped, thank youfolks. Thank you Steven for your opinion but your 'common sense approach' and ' no knowledge of the policy' is not actually advancing the debate. If you have any legal/ precedent/ experience/ to add that would be great

    Yes, I do, but I would have to see the policy. Judging anything like this from a distance without any of the wordings is simply impossible.

    My only comment was that a vulcanic eruption is not a weather condition, but since you think that does not suit your needs you don't agree with that, up to you.

  4. IMO it is pretty obvious that a vulcanic eruption is an event from nature, and not a weather condition.

    Thank you for your opinion, do you have any legal definition/ precedent to back it up? Weather is an event from nature too. How do you distinguish?

    No I don't this is simply common sense.

    He, this is life, things go wrong, and sometimes you just suffer damages from them. Accept it and move on.

    But the risk of "things going wrong" is precisely why the OP paid an insurance premium. It now appears that he may perhaps have received poor cover and/or is having a valid claim unjustly and unlawfully denied.

    Come on, that is just looking to blame the insurance company. I don't know the exact cover, but calling a vulcano eruption a weather condition is simply ridiculous.
  5. IMO it is pretty obvious that a vulcanic eruption is an event from nature, and not a weather condition.

    Thank you for your opinion, do you have any legal definition/ precedent to back it up? Weather is an event from nature too. How do you distinguish?

    No I don't this is simply common sense.

    He, this is life, things go wrong, and sometimes you just suffer damages from them. Accept it and move on.

  6. steven, get a euro currency account in Ayudhya and avoid all charges :)
    Doesn't help, I still have to get the money to Thailand. So Euro account or Thai baht account is the same.

    Sometimes I withdraw directly from my overseas account, sometimes I transfer to my Thai account, depending on the amounts.

  7. od. I dont use foreign cards, but my tenants say this is the only ATM in Kata not charging on foreign cards withdrawal. french, english, scandinavian cards
    When guests pay me on my Euro account (Dutch), I withdraw in Kata, mostly at Ayudya. And always get charged 150 baht.
  8. I'm just tired of this, my question was, aren't everyone else?
    No, hardly ever happens to me.

    And if a mistake is made, 50-50 in who's favour the mistake was made, I will not let that spoil anything.

  9. :) Well sorry to disappoint you but in fact it can happen again tomorrow same place. Two years ago an R.N. research ship sent an unmanned sub to the site and found the seabed had subsided some 400m. They concluded it was now more unstable than before and another one could occur next week, next month or next year. Time to move.

    (ex R.A.N.)

    So RN (I presume Royal Navy) concluded that within one year there would be another tsunami here? Somehow I seriously doubt that was the conclusion of their research.
  10. Yesterday evening, coming from Chalong going to Rawai, ran the red light (by bike), right in front of a BIB, no problem at all.

    This morning, by car, for the first time no red light coming from Rawai.

    Sounds to me as if the lights need adjusting so that if the light from Rawai to Chalong is red, there is a green arrow left light from Sai Yuan.
    With only one lane, as soon as a car is waiting to turn right that green arrow won't do much good.
  11. I travel from Rawai towards Chalong about 5 times a day and I have never had the lights on green yet.

    I have also noticed over the last few days people are totally ignoring the lights now as the traffic is not so heavy at various times of the day.

    Yes, coming from Chalong many people ignore a red light (myself included).

    Coming from Rawai I still have not had a green light yet, in spite of being able to adjust my speed. Coming from Chalong I always :) have a green light (by bike that is).

  12. In view of the lack of information sent out by the "authorities" during last week's tsunami warning, I thought your readers might like to learn of a reliable, independent, tsunami alarm system which sends SMS messages directly to subscribers' mobile phones.

    As a long time Kamala resident, I have subscribed to this system since the 2004 tsunami, and am completely satisfied with the information I receive.

    For example, last Wednesday 7 April at around 5.35am, I received 3 tsunami alert SMS messages from the Tsunami-Alarm website just 20 minutes after the quake.

    I then logged onto the USGS website where I evaluated the danger myself, and was able to estimate there was no real threat of a significant tsunami in Phuket. I was able to confirm this by following Twitter immediately after receiving the alerts (search for "tsunami") where I was able to see when an "all-clear" message was posted at around 6:15am, long before the "authorities" had informed the public of any threat.

    I hope this information helps give Phuket's residents and visitors peace-of-mind, in case of any future tsunami warnings.

    There was no tsunami warning last week, only an alert (meaning: there may come a warning, but not yet).
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