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Posts posted by stevenl

  1. A colleague in my organisation had a similar problem. He booked a few nights at the Landmark for a Bangkok trip but cancelled when a state of emergency was declared. Asiarooms would not agree to a refund. I e-mailed them to say that the organisation would blacklist them if they did not relent (i.e. no more business from us). They would not budge and to the best of my knowledge we haven't used them since.

    Why should Asia Rooms give a refund for a situation like that? There is travel insurance for these cases.
  2. Quite often excellent deals on latestays.com. Of the present offers in Kata, in your price range, I would in Kata beach prefer Tropical garden, Sugar Palm or Kata Palm resort. But there are more excellent offers, some cheaper than the 1000 Baht you mention, and some just a little bit more.

  3. I agree with HDRIDER. Pay up and get your own filter. Sorted.

    I doubt getting even a water tank for rain water would be more than a couple thousand baht? It sure is good enough to shower.. hel_l my grandfather in canada showered with rain water for the past 35 years

    even stronger, we are collecting the rainwster and use it as drinking water. No problems whatsoever

  4. I have the same with my HP printer if i refill. It keeps printing though.

    If i buy a new cartridge i never have this.

    Either way no problem as long as printing is possible.

  5. They really do, that is kind of funny.

    Anyway, I think Dutch supporters will find this article of interest though it may make you a bit angry --


    In spite that the author does not realise the game is called football, and he misspells the name of the greatest total footballer of all time (Cruyff in stead of the correct Cruijff) he is correct. Finally Van Bommel gets recognition.

    He is also correct about Cruijff being at least partly responsible for the style of play of present Barcelona and Spain.

  6. Paul already predicted the finals result, a win for The Netherlands.

    So yes, I believe him.

    NO...he did not (yet.......at this time when I'm writing) since Paul the Octopus will open one of the boxes at 11.00AM in Oberhausen - Germany; that's 4.00PM in Thailand.

    "Pauls Weltmeister-Prognose heute um 11 Uhr im Live-Video" which means : Pauls Worldcup-Prognosis today at 11 o'clock in Live-Video



    Yes, I was misinformed.

    Still, if his predicyion is the Dutch will win I believe in him.

  7. abihol market ( i hope i spelled that right) is a german bakery with strange hours that is located on the sai yuan turn from the road leading to rawai. (is it viset rd--idk!) it's just before the stoplight on the right hand side, behind the new little bus stop pavilion where the motorbike taxi drivers sit in the morning and next to a phone shop. if you stood in the parking lot of this place, 7-11 would be to your left. the place has great bread, a decent-sized menu, nice cheese and a freezer case filled with deli meats, etc. the apple streudel on the menu is to die for, as is the pepperoni bread. the thais who work here don't speak much english, so be patient with them and point at the menu. i have found that whenever i've had to wait for a take away order, they put a free pastry or bread in the bag as an "apology".
    Saw this recommendation and did not yet have bread for lunch, so checked Abihol. Their 'semmel' were good, better than Flinstones e.g. If only the girls behind the counter would have been smiling.

    Open every day 07.00-16.00, Wednesday's closed.

  8. Soccer has already caught on in the USA. This latest world cup sealed the deal. The USA is now fully engaged in this sport. It's about time.

    Even on CNN they are talking about football sometimes and meaning football, not the other game that is played with the hands but still in some places called football.
  9. Still very good WC for the Germans. Young team, but they played well and a lot more offensive than the german national team tends to do. Klinsman started that, and Loew continued, very good for the, Looks like they have a bright future.

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