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Posts posted by stevenl

  1. Seas may look calm but can change quickly- people can get into trouble from a variety of conditions from cramp, tiredness as well as the sea conditions.

    Why don't the authorities resolve this?

    When I was young and I went swimming in the sea, there were never any life guards.

    In this time of year the seas are safe, how about people taking some responsibilities themselves?

  2. Not really 3-4 star, but OK in my opinion:

    Swiss Inn or Manhattan Hotel. I have stayed there a few times and got there by car. They both have a car park, and are easy to reach from the Tollway and once there close to the BTS.

  3. Even if I quoted statistics from the United Nations regarding Land & Home (which are unfortunately not available), you'd just dismiss them as "dodgy" anyways.

    Perhaps I'll start using an Ouija board to base my opinions upon and then some of the readers could relate better.

    If they are dodgy, yes, I'd dismiss them, but if they are reliable, I would not.

    But to first say you'll only give statements if you can support hem with numbers, and after that say: I don't know a certain place, but it must be the same as elsewhere, without any numbers of elsewhere and not knowing a place makes you completely unbelievable and obviously your statements unreliable.

    But I'll follow my own advice to LOS and not get into a personal and senseless discussion.

  4. This is the same discussion we have been having here on the forum over and over again.

    Let's say there are opposing views on this.

    I have no personal experience with Land & Home but crime there must be similar to what you find in the general area.
    Funny statement coming from somebody who claimed very recently here never to give any statements unless supported by statistics.
  5. Timezone: GMT + 7 hours (Bangkok, Jakarta, etc.), computer time: 14.15, but on this post it will say: posted @ 15.16 (last post from LOS: posted 15:07:43).

    So my settings are ok.

    Am I really the only one?

  6. Next to my screenname I see: "Today, 2009-11-25 14:22:43"

    Next to your screenname: "Today, 2009-11-25 14:49:42"

    So it really looks to me like the Thai Visa server is 1 hour ahead.

  7. Can somebody please set the time on the forum correct?

    It is 13.22 now, but there are posts already with a time of 13.48, and I think this post will show 14.22?

  8. but on tours they make good money, you know Simon C, FantaSea, that stuff gives good money and when they go to the big pearl market ETC they get up to 30%.
    Normal margin on Simon C, Fantasea etc. is 50%. So if she gives 20% discount she still makes the 30% you mention. Do you know if the 250 K is for 1 or 3 years?
  9. Exactly, so what price must her tours be to cover those costs.. Its all a viscous cycle.

    She's never going to make that amount of money. So the only one getting better from all this is the landlord, because as soon as she can't make it anymore, the next person comes along, pays again the key money, etc.

  10. therefore the toll booths are a useful way of breaking large notes if that's all you have (and this is likely if you've just arrived and gone to an ATM at the airport).
    Agree with you. To solve this problem, one can also get 15,900 Baht from the ATM which will rwesult in 15x 1000, 1x 500 and 4x 100 Baht notes (proved all in stock, which will normally be the case).
  11. Your profile in TV shows a link to 'Facebook', where you've described yourself as a Pastry Cook (I'm sure a very good one) at a hotel in in Phuket. That hotel wouldn't be Indigo Pearl by any chance would it? I always get suspicious when I read 'flowery' prose praising establishments, particularly restaurants.

    Yes I am!

    And I don't see any problem about that! I do really invite you to have a try at the new Sunday brunch of Indigo Pearl.

    Because I'm convince it is the best, and Believe me you will like it. I'm a passionate, it's my job, I love it, and I have the right to talk about it. I'm not anonymous like many people here. I don't mind.

    Once again, Give a try to the new brunch of Indigo Pearl, I will be glad to meet you and share my passion with you.

    Julien Thevenot

    Executive Pastry Chef

    Indigo Pearl


    The problem is you're promoting Indigo Pearl Brunch without mentioning you have an interest there. Mention that and I have no problems with it, although TV would probably consider it spamming.

    But don't pretend to be a happy guest, that is cheating.

  12. You're lucky. When I used to buy the 24 bottle 'cases' of Chang in Carrefour Pattaya the price for a 'case' worked out to 1 Baht per bottle more than the the single bottle price! In Thailand buying in bulk does not necessarily mean making a saving. Very often the small packs of some items, when you multiply up the contents, work out cheaper than a large pack of the same item.
    Yes, you took the words right out of my mouth.
  13. The way I see it I have just paid for my access by giving them custom, fairs fair no ??
    Agree with you, but they obviously do not. And since they own the beach access, they can deny you access to the beach. Accept it and pay, or don't accept it and don't go there (or come by boat and know they'll give you a hard time).
  14. Sure. I can agree with you about FAKE reviews...but, I think, it is very simple to see.......if you see many reviews covering a particular restaurant made by travelers with only ONE review in their life..... :) .....but I am sure that readers are not "stupid geese".....and can separate the good from the bad... :D
    Glad to hear this.

    I said: "if there is one website where the reviews are corrupted by commercialised reviews and rejected unwelcome reviews it is the tripadvisor website.", you did not agree with this but now you do agree that on TA many reviews are fake.

    This is off topic though, and distracting from the main thread: favourite restaurants in Phuket.

  15. There are always discussions on TA about this, and these discussions are deleted very, very quickly.

    But many, many posters there are complaining that their reviews (quite often the negative reviews) are not published. Also, many of the (positive of course) reviews about hotels and trips are done by the operators themselves. If you look good at the reviews you can normally tell which ones are fake.

    TA wants to keep it positive and sell, so yes, many negative reviews there are rejected (but of course you'll manage to find some).

  16. Where did you read that pizza dough must be sweet???? :)

    Mario's pizza is the best not only in my opinion........gives a look at "tripadvisor"... not a classic "guide" that can corrupt..... but an independent evaluation by travelers....

    if there is one website where the reviews are corrupted by commercialised reviews and rejected unwelcome reviews it is the tripadvisor website.

  17. They made me sign a form that covered them if i damaged the ski ,so my wife videod the jet ski showing that there was now damage before i went out to cover my butt , hoping with the new insurance system this will change .

    But you will still get the tourist that will abuse the system.

    it have not been the tourists that have abused the system. But some tourists ripping of the jetski mafia would be good.

  18. Also, a ranking of 7th in the pizza league equates it to Fulham.

    Slightly better than average !

    No, considering there are easily more than 40 pizza places on the island, that puts it in the top, you have to look at least at the top 2 leagues.
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