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Posts posted by stevenl

  1. Thank you all for your comments.

    We do not have a boat as yet but are currently searching. Would it be better to apply once we have bought the boat. Or Can I apply then add the boat on to the licence at a later date?

    Also I am not sure which company docs I require - all the directorship docs, tax docs and balance sheets? Should I go directly to my accountant? will they be able to assist in the application.

    Sorry to ask silly questions but I am VERY NEW to this.

    Cheers FishNShips

    there is no point in adding anything after you have been approved. If you do business before you have the boat you need the license beforehand, otherwise you do not.

    If i recall correctly i gave an overview of documents earlier, none of the documents you mention is on that list.

  2. I see. Sounds like fishnchips should talk to you. You been through this before.

    he's welcome here.

    Most importantly: he should talk with OTD, not TAT. And after that the paperwork: there are lists of required papers, there is the interpretation of the girl helping at the OTD, there is is the interpretation of the second girl helping there, etc.

    Some people get away with less than on the list of required materials, others have to hand in more, you just never know.

  3. Doesn't matter, also diveshops without boat need to have boat papers and radio papers for that boat for their TAT/OTD license. So he'll have to use one of another company. I still have all the papers here in a nice folder, so next time we can renew without problems.

    With the 'new' OTD license it has become much, much more difficult.

  4. You need OTD these days.

    Necessary: boat papers, radio papers from the boat, insurance, company papers, instructor papers, DM papers, lease papers, copy ID card landlord, copy own ID card/passport plus some forms to be filled out, pictures of the shop, pictures of the equipment, sign with OTD/TAT number in Thai + picture of that.

    Have fun.

  5. I see it as the low season rates are what could be considered near enough to normal, while the high season rates reflect the increased demand and so ...jack up the rate and make hay while the sun shines. It's business!

    A lot of places will make a loss in low season, and just stay open because anything that comes in is welcome.

    High season is necessary to cover the losses in low season, and make a small profit. It may be different for the bigger places, but that is the way a lot of the smaller places operate.

  6. It's been around for a long time. My dad used to take me to Makro in South East London nearly 40 years ago, and it was well-established then.

    First one opened 1968 in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

  7. Also to OP and loveitto small spelling error...is Makro. I believe a K is used because of Dutch ownership..could be wrong, but is as i read on forum.


    Yes, it used to be a Dutch company, owned by the SHV. About 10 years ago it changed hands worldwide, and is now german owned (Metro). At least, most of it, parts have been sold to other parties.

    Don't know where the name 'makro' came from though.

  8. Steven, what you have highlighted is 'risk assessment' based upon empirically provable data that if someone lives in zone X they are more at risk than someone living in zone Y. That's not discriminatory.
    Geografical location is just one of the things I mentioned, how about age?

    You are mixing up discrimination with racism in your post BTW, discrimination means: (Wikipedia, the most basic definition): Discrimination is a sociological term referring to treatment taken toward or against a person of a certain group that is taken in consideration based on class or category.

    Having discounts for children and pensioners is applied irrespective of skin colour or perceived ability to be able to pay.
    So, that still makes it discrimination: treatment of a certain group that differs from other groups.

    @ Thefalang: Yes, there is rasicm, of course, but I don't think dual pricing is racism, simply because it is not based on race: the asian race will pay farang price, and the farang with Thai ID, or workpermit, tax card, etc., will mostly pay Thai price.

    And of course, I think that dual pricing is far less prevalent than a lot of other posters here seem to think.

  9. Siam Park City Water Park in Bangkok has been here for years and it is the same price whether you go once, twice or 50 times a year.

    Guess what? It is overun with customers year after year and I am sure Siam Park City could care less if me or you go there once or 100 times a year.

    Are you sure about that?

    I have been there only 2 times in the last 10 years or so, but on both occasions, whenever I wanted to enter an attraction they had to start it, because there was nobody else in the attraction part of the Park. There were some people in the water park, but also there, very, very quiet and most of the slides closed because there were not enough people to make it worthwhile to open them.

    But as mentioned, that is an observation based on just 2 visits, so hardly any real market research.

  10. Yes, discrimination would be a better word. And of course there is discrimination here, just as everywhere else in the world. In most western countries elderly and younger people pay less for lots of activities, government and private, and that is discrimination, but PC correct discrimination. There are food stamps for the poor, so they even get their food for free, but that is also PC discrimination. And there are many, many examples of things like that.

    Nowhere in the world does everybody pay the same price for all products, simply non-existent. But we accept that, because we have grown up with that, been indoctrinated by that.

    Indians BTW will in quite a few places not be welcome or be charged a higher price, so that is a bad example for your case.

    I used to work for an insurance company, where discrimination is the way to go: people in certain parts of the land pay less for their car or household insurance because the risk is less, younger people pay more for car insurance because they are a higher risk, older people pay more for health insurance because they are a higher risk, women pay less for life insurance then men because they are a lower risk, etc.

  11. So for businesses that charge all 'white' people a higher price then it is racism. Its not really hard to grasp or even debatable to be honest.
    Obviously it is very much debatable, because that is not the case here. If somebody is white but has aThai ID card, he gets the lower Thai price. That makes it nationality, not skin colour. If somebody is from Chinese (or any other Asian) origin and it is detected by the cashier, he/she will be charged the foreigner price.

    So where is the racism in that?

  12. If they are Lao and speak Thai they pay local rate.. If they are Burmese and speak Thai they pay local rate.. If they are Malay and speak Thai they pay local rate.. But if they are not asian they pay the higher rate.
    White Thais pay the local rate.
  13. The only place on Phuket where you'll find meter taxi;'s is at arrivals at the airport. They will use the meter.

    Including airport charge 500 Baht sounds right to me.

    You could also take a shared minibus, will be cheaper, but will go to several hotels on the way, and also to a travelagent to sell you some tours. I guess 200 Baht to Patong, will depart when full.

    I'm sorry, but I fail to see the connection between being a great drinker and to be in a hurry.

  14. It will be shown on Phuket, just not yet because the equipment here is not suitable.

    That means your post, talking about 'why didn't they mention this on the screen, showing in Bangkok only', etcetera are not justified. It will come, just not now.

  15. Ah ok, I see. As far as I know, 91 V-power is Shells only 91 they offer. They don't make a non-gasohol 91 that is also non-V-power. The only difference with V-power, Chevrons' Techron and the like is they have detergents, which I have heard is actually pretty good for your engine to use from time to time.

    Was their to ask for 91, they told me 'no have', but in such a way it was clear they did not run out, but did not offer it anymore. I may be wrong, but since I don't like them any way don't care too much, prefer Lemon Green or PTT Kata.

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