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Posts posted by stevenl

  1. Well going back to the original problem,our friends were told certainly, by the taxi driver who refused the job because he was scared of going to pick them up.

    So who scared him?

    He says he was scared, but there could be other reasons, and he simply sued the hotel as an excuse.
  2. When you get to the airport, go to the metered taxi stand down on the right. Tell them you need to get to the Phuket Town bus station to catch the bus to Khao Lak.
    Just take a meter taxi to the bus stop on the main road in stead of going to Phuket Town Busstation. The bus from Phuket Towmn to Khao Lak passes that road, and it saves you 45 minutes each way.
  3. As for StevenL

    "Yes, and that seems to be the main aim in stead of giving facts.

    See post # 20, the heading not just may mislead but will mislead"

    The complete facts were given at the time of writing. How you personally interpret the headline is indeed up to you.

    If you would have read the post I mentioned, you would have noticed that this poster presumed a farang was shot dead. Nothing to do with my personal interpretation, I am just pointing out that your header not may mislead but does mislead.
  4. Obviously my memory was not correct.

    Funny though, this quotation from November 2005:

    I was not aware that people were driving ATVs on the roads or on the beach.

    The OrBorTor will order them not to do so. We will warn them first not to drive on the beach and, if they persist in doing it, we will find a more suitable place for them to go

    Maybe the OrBorTor did not tell them?
  5. Yes .... I have been caught behind that group a few times. I wonder if the drivers are aware that their tour guide is leading them into an illegal activity.
    If I recall an answer to a question in the Phuket Gazette correctly, it is allowed to drive them on the public road if you have to drive that way to reach the track (or something like that), so it would not surprise me if those guys actually are allowed to drive there.
  6. Walked along Chalong pier on Saturday & Sunday about 17.00 and I was amazed at the big number of people coming off dive boats and day boats. Although Monday was much quieter.
    At the pier at the moment (I am there nearly every morning) it looks like a normal high season, not any of the peak season days like it should be right now. I am expecting that next week things will look like any March/April day, and soon afterwards like any July/August day.

    Hope I'm wrong though.

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