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Everything posted by stevenl

  1. So you're saying 'evidence seems to suggest' doesn't mean there's evidence. Coincidence you left the word 'evidence' out of your post? Do an English course.
  2. 'evidence seems to suggest' means there's evidence. I'm not talking about what it seems to suggest, but about the evidence you claim there is. Still waiting.
  3. And you expect the taxi driver to accept the risk of the notes being counterfeit or invalid due to wear and tear?
  4. Why do you think he keeps on shouting on SM and appealing his cases?
  5. It wasn't even a nazi party. The NSB leadership had many issues with the Germans about the direction to take in the Netherlands. The NSB was much more in line with the fascists than the Nazis.
  6. I'm sure musk could easily buy his silence.
  7. I don't understand why they announced how the raid was executed. Much better to keep all this close to your chest.
  8. It's still controversial. I read up on this in the lead up. E.g. about a steel manufacturer in Assen, depending on his deliveries from Germany. So he collaborated, which was well known. Not well known was that he helped and hid Jews and people forced to work in Germany. The day after the liberation he was shot by a student for collaboration. Since the list is only searchable on names, the relatives of the steel manufacturer can for the moment not find information on the student.
  9. The queen was, yes. William and Kate, yes. The rest, no.
  10. Lol, tiktok was one of the media he used to get elected. So yes, polluting young people's minds.
  11. Since you booked a Grab it can't have been too long ago.
  12. Nonsense from start to finish, but this goes even further in nonsense. "I appreciated the opportunity to remind viewers that Russia is a democracy, in its own fashion".
  13. No chance. If your prediction comes through they'll blame biden for setting the scene.
  14. Yes. Look at musk sacking many USA engineers and replacing them with Indians.
  15. The only issue is the Indians are cheaper and can be easier abused.
  16. I remember when your Russian propaganda was telling you Russia was winning. The result is a collapsed economy and no progress in Ukraine.
  17. Like this you mean? "Trump transition memo urges nominees not to post on social media" https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/5061223-donald-trump-transition-team-memo-social-media/ "The memo was circulated days after Trump’s allies got into a social media spat over H-1B work visas, pitting figures like Elon Musk against Steve Bannon. Musk, the billionaire owner of the social platform X who was tasked with leading an advisory commission on government spending, has been active on social media throughout Trump’s transition."
  18. Nothing to do with skilled immigrants, only with cheap and easy to control labor.
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