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Everything posted by stevenl

  1. You're ignoring the point. Seems to be more and more a habit of yours.
  2. Right, like trump calling McCain a loser, calling fallen soldiers losers. This is not a left-right issue, like you make out everything to be, but a societal issue.
  3. Also the country and state hospitals are part of the healthcare system. You're moving the goal posts here. The issue is with the whole system, not just the for profit hospitals.
  4. Starbucks, avoidable; healthcare, unavoidable.
  5. The one country protecting Israel is the US. Their opinion on someone is biased and doesn't count for more than anyone else's opinion. Except of course they wield their power to protect Israel.
  6. No, he is not denying anti-Semitism.
  7. There is clear evidence in the amnesty report. Denying it doesn't make it go away.
  8. An Israeli organisation. Amnesty on the other hand is independent.
  9. Nice distraction from your earlier claim he can't pardon himself 'since the constitution doesn't specifically say he can'.
  10. Because Chinese are not reading this forum
  11. Amnesty international is a jew hating troll?
  12. No excuse for Israel committing war crimes and genocide per the source of the thread.
  13. You're posting falsely here. "Amnesty International’s research report is based on interviews with more than 200 people, including Palestinian victims and witnesses, local authorities in Gaza, healthcare workers, extensive fieldwork, analysis of extensive visual and digital evidence, including satellite imagery, and analysis of statements by senior Israeli government and military officials, and official Israeli bodies."
  14. Denying it doesn't make it not true. The facts are there for those willing to see.
  15. I did read it, multiple times. Many, many non Palestinian sources.
  16. Israel declaring it started that day doesn't mean it started that day.
  17. Agree with you, but even then it's no excuse for the atrocities committed by the IDF and Israeli government.
  18. This is not Palestinians claiming, this is amnesty international claiming, based on extensive research and sources.
  19. Always the same excuse, totally unrelated to the essence of the report.
  20. I would trust NGO 's after extensive research. War crimes are a serious issue and the accusations are becoming more and more profound. https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2024/12/amnesty-international-concludes-israel-is-committing-genocide-against-palestinians-in-gaza/
  21. I am always open to facts. This report doesn't present new facts. Accusing people of having an opinion set in stone seems reflective of yourself.
  22. They should be the end of it. We really don't need more partisan opinions.
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