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Everything posted by stevenl

  1. Did the Pope conduct this research in a Catholic area?
  2. He says with the 2 most money and power hungry Americans at the wheel. I'm sure you believe the left wants open borders and mass migration, after all you mention it in every other post, but you're wrong.
  3. Huh? So the USA has no treaties with civilized countries?
  4. Not at all. He caved.
  5. No changes, but trump will claim victory.
  6. Trump caved because of the markets. Canada and Mexico sre doing nothing they weren't already doing, but I'm sure trump will declare victory.
  7. I like your idea. Not sure about the chiefs though, all season they have not been convincing. And the eagles are strong and have progressed towards the end of the season. Eagles' run may be the undoing of the chiefs.
  8. Is the US supporting Canada? Is there a continuous flow of illegals and drugs from Canada to the US? Does the US need nothing from Canada?
  9. And failing miserably. You're not pointing out anything, just accusing without proof, link, stating the lie.
  10. You believe wrong, as has been shown quite a few times already on the forum.
  11. No, they all have to meet the same requirements.
  12. Agree with you. Which is why i responded to Keep Right who said 'A woman pilot says it all.".
  13. He's going to ask permission for further landgrab. West bank, golan, gaza, all available.
  14. Which was far from the point trump was making. As mentioned, his followers swallow his blaming DEI all in.
  15. So Greenland becoming part of the usa is not the topic?
  16. Wrong definition of Dutch disease. Appreciate the rest of your post though. From Wikipedia. Dutch disease is an economic phenomenon where a sudden increase in a country's natural resource wealth leads to a decline in other sectors, particularly manufacturing, due to currency appreciation and reduced export competitiveness. This situation can result in long-term economic challenges once the resource wealth diminishes.
  17. Judging from the op it's not CP buying anything.
  18. Is this a case of a smaller company trying to take over a bigger one? Possibly by lading it with debt to finance the buy?
  19. It will for sure be effective in musk obtaining information on his competitors.
  20. Nothing to do with my post. Unless you want to claim standards are lower for female pilots.
  21. Or maybe the opinion of 1 air traffic controller is not representative?
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