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Everything posted by Albaby

  1. Champagne Socialist with zero education, his opinions aren't worth a bucket of spit. Fascinates me the way halfwits drool over his every word.
  2. Christianity has reformed over the centuries. Islam has not.
  3. When all the muslims convert to Christianity, Buddhism Hinduism etc, there will be peace.
  4. Likewise, mine won't even walk down a street that has bars. Puratin or snob? Probably both.
  5. Chalk and cheese mate. The odd beer, glass of wine, spirits etc has been a benefit to society for centuries.
  6. Albaby

    Becks Beer

    I wish!
  7. View from my joint 2 nights ago.
  8. Why would Egypt cancel the treaty. They get on fine with the Israelis, and have no time for the Pallies, much less the savages of Hamas.
  9. I don't know why the IDF bother to take prisoners.
  10. My now wife is a teacher. When I first met her she had a bike loan, student debt, credit card, a personal loan and was the guarantor for a fellow teacher who had bolted. She had been married and when divorced her ex kept the house, leaving her with nothing.Her position is just so common here.
  11. Is your carer out of the room atm?
  12. The crust on his old fella. He's in the wrong thread.
  13. More expensive, but the chorizo and truffle, yum.
  14. Can't speak for the Sheepshaggers, but, an Aussie acting like that? Never.
  15. Not restricted to asians old mate. Stay well clear of a group of Scots on the turps.
  16. Which is what he would get serving a life sentence in a Thai jail.
  17. I just can't imagine that situation, I've 3 kids in Oz. One has Power of Attorney and looks after my interests in Oz. I was discussing the Xmas wine list with her this am. I'd die before burning my bridges. Not judging your position in anyway. Cheers
  18. Yellow book is the key . Get that and you are entitled to the pink id. Just a heads up, some will disagree but in Chiang Mai they wanted a translated certified copy of my Australian drivers license.
  19. Whatever you do, don't go near a "public trustee." They will skin your estate alive with fees and charges. Should I Use the Public Trustee for My Will? | Mclaughlins Lawyers No connection with this mob, just an example. I've seen some dreadful examples over the years. ie million$ estates reduced to 50k.
  20. Sure it's not you? I've never had a problem.
  21. Very profound. Why?
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