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Olav Seglem

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Everything posted by Olav Seglem

  1. Have same problem in byriram. Electric go away cuople seconds almost dayly. Water go away for shorter/longer period almost every second week. No advance notice. Asked my wife live with me in norway 15 yrs if we EVER been without water or electric.. :-)
  2. Guess im in (almost) same bout as you. Have constant pain in legs and body. Not much but unpleasant. Used have glass redwine with dinner in the evenings. Found out increased the pain. Now have fruit juice in redwine glass and my fantasy tell me its wine. It does the trick, good luck to you :-) ps: now done this 2 yrs.
  3. I struggle to be positive-but: They are buddists but extremely conserned about "show offs" like cars, gold, money etc. Never take responsibility. No pride in quality of own work. New ideas to do things is looked upon as negative critisism. Always seek the most easy way out.
  4. Just look at the other 8 Only reason they reach this high must be "price of labour" and "taxes". And price of labour say nothing of quality or/and stability of labour.
  5. At this very moment have the same problem as you. I HOPE its outside the house. My builder said he had a tool to "listen" to the leak. Should come today, but resceduled, mainly because goverment pump broke down yesterday so no water and they (of course) need least 2-3 days to fix it. "This is Thailand"..
  6. Hope government listen and exceed visafree stay to 90 days for "western tourists" :-)
  7. Sometimes feel that marriage, house, car and gold has a "cooling effect", not the opposite, which should been expected :-)
  8. Your friends show who (and how) you are....
  9. Unfortunately because this is thailand, you never can be sure on anything if foreign.
  10. You stole my words :-) Maybe be a turn to the better. Demand results frim the teachers and administration of each school, not just sitting make plans. And also, if no results it has a economic consequence.
  11. I have 3 children at home, luckily grown with own families and managed ok (plus). But when i try to give small advice to my wife about upbringing of her daughters 2 boys, she dont listen at all, rather opposite. And yes, wifes daughter left for factory work in bangkok, leaving children with wifes 65 yrs old mother. She cant assist with school work. Asked wife check up on their skills in reading, math etc-she only answer "have done"... And go back to "tik-tok" :-(
  12. Is this "the best man in USA" they are able to find--- really ??? :-)
  13. Im norwegian so not my business, but dont understand: Constitution made 1778-wild indians, dangerous animals, no police and just after fought war for independence, so can understand people liked weapons (firing one shot at the time only available) But today----- really ??? :-) you have police, dangerous animals in zoos and you have the Marines :-) Weapons for hunting and sports ok-but personal protection ??? This really say you dont trust your own police and strangely it seems like people arguing the most for stong police also say people must have own arms. Normal thinking should be opposite ..
  14. Typical first thinking how to compensate lost visa fee. They cant imagine more tourists and/or longer stays result in larger amount spendt and then more paid VAT and tax from beneficiaries of the tourists money ??
  15. Why need ISOC? Isnt internal securety police business, or do they maybe not need the police ???
  16. Extending from 30 to 90 days would be appreciated. However they say "considering" and from there to "action" may be a long way to go-unfortuneately :-)
  17. No people with "honest money" would pay like this. Bur surely ok for chinese (and other) with a criminal record.
  18. Easy answer is NO. Sorry. Live and learn..
  19. Feel they are more reliable than NOK Air..
  20. This caracter has done more to disgrace americans in the eyes of the rest of the world than any other....
  21. That clearly shows the real face of thai government. Did ANY civilized country do the came when people protested outside the russian embassy upon the invasion of ukraine ??
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