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Everything posted by danferguson

  1. You are missing the fact that you are making decisions based on something you read from complete strangers on an internet forum - do you really think a major bank would go to all this trouble unless they had to???
  2. Authors including Peter McCullough and William Makis 🤣 ........both struck off or licenses revoked I believe Your posts are comedy gold 😂
  3. It's amazing how they always miss out the caveats in most modelling predictions ie "if you do nothing, xxx will happen". And, guess what, the authorities DID do something so the modelling predictions did not happen. Same with Imperial/Fergusons modelling/predictions for Covid. 'If no mitigation actions are taken, 1 zillion people could die'.......guess what, the government DID take mitigation actions so the predictions did not happen.
  4. You just have to look at the "See also" section to see the list of crackpots that Hart Group are grouped in with
  5. Colman has a pretty impressive Wikipedia profile 😂 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vernon_Coleman Was it the AIDS denial, climate change denial or cross-dressing that attracted you to him? 🤣
  6. You mean Red Phoenix is talking scientific <deleted>??? (Again) Who would have thought it
  7. I got as far as Clare Craig and Malhotra........ 😂
  8. The Daily Mail??? 🙂 🙂 ...give me a <deleted> break.
  9. How that study ever got published at all is beyond me. BMJ Journals should be taking a good look in the mirror right now. This is also not the first time that the Telegraph Science Editor has been called out on dubious articles she has written.
  10. Exactly how many people were in that public gathering outside parliament? 100? 200? 500?...... .....and how many people living in London/UK rolling their eyes and thinking "oh ffs, not that dickhead Bridgen again"?
  11. The different lead times being quoted are more to do with the processing time at the far end, not the time taken by the local agent. I am sure all the Pattaya agents have staff going up and down to VFS in Bangkok every week.
  12. I live in Pattaya, and I used Thai Visa Express to do this last year - all very smooth https://thaivisa-express.com/uk-passport-application-thailand/ Well worth the agents fee to avoid the hassle and 2 trips to Bangkok
  13. No idea which forum to ask this in, so will try here. And it is a bit of a long shot. How do you find someone in Thailand if you only have their name ie no ID number?? Is that possible? Is there some kind of national register of people that a lawyer could access? (And before anyone asks, this is not trying to track down an old girlfriend or anything like that)
  14. Lifecare also have an 'a la carte' test menu, where you can select the tests you want, rather than a package that might include some things you don't want. Don't know how 'a la carte' compares in price to packages
  15. Neung’s Pies took over Rick’s Bakery a few years ago…maybe 5 years ago? https://www.facebook.com/Nuengspies/?locale=en_GB I suggest you send Neung a Facebook message and ask her
  16. https://dr-olivier-clinic.com Thep Prasit Rd I have had it done there a few times, I think 900 Baht last time 18 months ago
  17. That headline is NOT what the article says...it says 'more likely to infect those who are vaccinated OR THOSE WHO HAD COVID.
  18. I will go further - He is a lying, grifting piece of <deleted>, making money spreading disinformation for clicks and ad revenue. There are multiple real doctors and scientists that debunk Campbell on a regular basis. Doctor Susan Oliver on the Back to the Science channel on You Tube has probably done the most debunking videos about Campbell. One of her latest videos highlighted his recent lies about submitting a VAERS report saying he thought the Covid vaccine had caused his high blood pressure. Dr Oliver pointed to a previous video of his when he said he developed high blood pressure 3 years ago, before vaccines were rolled out! So, he is a healthcare ‘professional’ submitting false VAERS reports. Stay classy Campbell. Dr Susan Oliver on Your Tube https://www.youtube.com/@Backtothescience Too many videos to list debunking Campbell, but here ie the false VAERS report video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRWgOYBs4-M&t=986s Doctor Jon on Tik Tok https://www.tiktok.com/@dr.jon.l 8 videos Debunk the Funk on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAL3XfoaSHM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhZf0of-gwE&t=61s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLxpqg4u-ns https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGmRwQ4TZc4 Professor Greg Tucker-Kellog on You Tube https://www.youtube.com/@ProfGregTuckerKellogg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvAAz4k20MI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mek-yV9hTv8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCq0CiJYACw&t=1022s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H95VCYLBh-A&t=19s Doctor Yan You on You Tube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtxljVi1gns&t=47s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOjpo8vLfSo
  19. ???? You are making medical decisions based on what Campbell says?! FFS!
  20. Where? (asking for a friend ????)
  21. I would think that the 2/3/4 million baht numbers suggested above are seriously low. I was getting quotes for 10-20 times that when I last looked. A one off accident, a few days in hospital, that will be fine. But how about cancer, chemotherapy, other long term chronic conditions?? One other point. You need to budget for your premiums going up by 15-20% per year when you get into your 60's
  22. Daily Mail! ???? Are you not embarrassed to start a thread about science and medicine by quoting the Daily Mail?? ????
  23. Well, the pitfall is that the families in question find out what I am doing, and push me in front of a bus to collect the money a few years earlier than I planned!! ???? ???? Which is why I am asking the question here, and not asking the families! ????
  24. Correct. Actually not me tracking someone down. This is for purposes of a will, so I would be dead! Just want to leave something for a couple of families I have supported over the years.
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