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Everything posted by tjintx

  1. For US and Canada, entry was evisa. They ended that this past January. See https://evisa-to-turkey.com/news/turkey-drops-visa-requirements-for-us-travelers For others, use the start of the evisa application process (it will tell you in 1 minute whether you need evisa or exempt) at https://www.evisa.gov.tr/en/apply So, for US and Canadian citizens, walk right in.
  2. Gosh, I sure do miss Bob.
  3. Bob, you make the lousiest victim ever.
  4. Nope, definitely an Essex Girl.
  5. Just did, postpaid account. From your error message, maybe problem on AIS side?
  6. Bob, you are always drooling. You know, there's meds for that. Bob, when the nurses allow him out:
  7. Nope, it's too far. That's why it's "Nutbush City limits."
  8. Asked for comment, the suspect exclaimed "I could've had a V8!"
  9. If you do come in visa exempt, check with your airline on the requirement for a return or onward flight. Some airlines enforce that tightly. If you search this forum, you can see various tips on addressing this through cheap throw-away tickets or refundable that can be cancelled once you are in-country without penalty. The airline would want to see the onward/return portion within 29 days if doing a visa exempt (my experience with ANA airline was that they don't understand (maybe, don't care) about extension from there or any intention to switch to another visa, they wanted to see withing the 29 days of arrival (the 30 day clock starts on arrival day)).
  10. But, I don't give a hoot!
  11. If I were you, I wouldn't worry about that 12 baht coffee. I'd get a lawyer and sue!
  12. Wow, she saved money so vapidly. I mean, rapidly.
  13. Regarding his Topic, "A new me is coming", as much as he (allegedly) drinks, he ain't coming at all.
  14. ....and his wife was weeping....
  15. FYI, BoA told me that they have no problem with a foreign address even being your primary address.
  16. Bob, you know what the court said....
  17. But, just go!!!
  18. Off-topic, perhaps, but I once got into a lot of trouble by following Sally Struther's admonition in a US infomercial to "Save the Children.". Had quite a collection until the authorities stepped in. I've a sneaky suspicion that I'm not really meant to save electricity either.
  19. Bad at math and unpleasant is no way to go through life, son.
  20. FX shops don't like 'em folded. May not accept them.
  21. How did one "save" electricity? Did they send it to an enormous battery for usage tomorrow?
  22. Meet the new Bob, same as the old Bob, we won't get fooled again!
  23. I think that this is bad advice. The authorities (on either/both side) might easily catch on to why it is damaged given the OP's situation. Defacing/destroying a passport creates it's own penalties.
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