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Everything posted by SunnyinBangrak

  1. And KJP never lied? Or she did, but the lies served democrats interests so you didn't object? Good lies(falsehoods that promote democrat narratives) vs bad lies(fact that shreds democrat narratives)
  2. I think we can agree there are reasonable limits to free speech when it causes a real danger to lives ie shouting fire in a crowded area, or falsely claiming your political opponent is literally hitler and all the deranged hoaxes which brainwashed 49% of Americans and turned them into dangerous loons. Defamation is illegal and so should it be. Btw this would have been less problematic had reality and fact not been banned on forums, which sllowed the hate to flourish unchecked.
  3. I didn't buy into any of the lefts numerous years long hoaxes, so not sure what you are referring to. And before you try, deliberately misinforming voters using the countries top 51 intel experts was cheating, not to mention the other shennanigans.
  4. So this anti white male govt policy, which we were assured was nonsense, a right wing talking point and a "conspiracy theory" was a real thing after all? Most confusing.
  5. Gone way beyond a joke now. They need help & fast. And msm disinformation sites that pushed all the hoaxes that brainwashed them need closing today. Free speech is the antidote
  6. What with all this color identity? Orange Donny? Did you call 44 Black Barry? Most law firms were forced to promote the anti white racism to appease the woke when they were the predominant force. Now it's back to best person for the job regardless of their skin color or sexual preference. Too late for many plane passengers I might add.
  7. Almost embarrassing seeing Canada fold like a cheap suit on tariffs. Trump was right. The left in their hysterics were wrong. Trump won (again). Queue more hard coping.
  8. Sad to see peace triggering the usual suspects. On behalf of all forumers, thank you Trump for negotiating a ceasefire. Those cheering on more war and death have, unfortunately, been brainwashed and are not acting rationally. Good luck making a permanent deal. We all support your efforts whether we understand what is going on or not.
  9. I thought America regained the worlds trust when images of the Afghanis that helped the US were gripping on to that hulking airforce jet as it was taking off, getting splattered under the wheels and falling to a grisly death. Who wouldnt trust America after seeing that. All Trumps fault, natch.
  10. Thanks panicking liberals for driving the market down. Just picked up a load of Nasdaq etfs for much less than it would have been a few weeks ago. Now to forget about them and the short term spikes. Happy days
  11. Feels like the age of EV lunacy may be over. To see the liberal hivemind burning EVs and dealerships en masse signals that the narrative that banning westerners from owning ICE cars will save the planet was nonsense from the getgo. I mean after sending kids down rare earth mines in the Congo to make these 3 ton monstrocities for the left to just burn them(or many self combusted), well not much planet saving going on there. Hardly the actions of people sincere in their green beliefs. Good riddance.
  12. While the left continue their meltown, egg prices dropped 11%. Liberal tears and cheaper omelettes = MAGA in action.
  13. So up to 110%. Marvellous. I'm going to change my election cheating avatar to a blue and yellow flag.
  14. That is a whole lotta words to say you don't understand carrot & stick negotiations.
  15. Can't understand why every Biden decision hasnt been unwound/reversed yet for ex his pardons. It is not legal for dementia/senile patients who are not mentally competent(thanks Robert Hurr for confirmation of this FACT) to make legal decisions. Shame on the left for wrecking democracy with this whole weekend at Bidens routine.
  16. No. It is a product of msm propaganda and disinformation. The guy is literally one of the only Brits trying to preserve British people, culture and lifestyle. Douglas Murray too, he is just a posh version of Tommy. Shame so many are able to be brainwashed by propaganda and are unable to do their own research. Maybe Brits do deserve to lose their country, as they seem hellbent on doing?
  17. He identifies as Tommy therefore you will call him Tommy. Intentionally misnaming somebody because you are seething with irrational hatred for them is, you guessed it, a hate crime/incident. You wokies made up the rule, best abide by it🤣
  18. Were these the riots over Brits being forced to accept a jihadi was a Welsh Choirboy running amok, when everyone knew otherwise? State disinformation has consequences.
  19. Reads like a paid advert? Bangkok post editors need to give their heads a wobble. Nobody thinks this girls is the PM or makes any decisions beyond wardrobe choices.
  20. I think you are mixing up a fake news media hoax (suckers and losers hoax) with Trump calling RINO warmonger McCain "songbird" for his antics in captivity? Trump is a man that does not want to send millions of young men into the meatgrinder of war, as he views it as unneccessary and results from failed negotiations - or politicians in cahoots with weapons manufacturers. Luckily Trump is a Wizard level negotiator. What point in time did the liberal hivemind suddenly start loving wars and death? I preferred the traditional liberals with flowers in their hair, VW Kombis and the Grateful Dead. When did it all go so wrong for the left?
  21. People are selling homes because they are having a hissy fit? Strewth, and what are they going to think once they regain composure? Maple syrup and lumberjack shirts might be fun for a few days but....
  22. That's the ticket, chin up & think positive🤣
  23. So to clarify, Trump grabbing adult women that want to be grabbed, is worse than a minor attracted person repeatedly arousing and molesting his child daughter in the shower leading her on a path to drug and sex addiction? Thats the Trump vs Biden choice. I think even the donkey could see one is a million times worse, why cant you?
  24. Agree with this. Seems they are the odd man out in a horrible region. Easier to relocate the front wheel skids than the palestinians. Plus they overwhelmingly voted for Biden which would have spelled disaster for mankind letting the deep state have another after the horlicks thry made of the last one. I'd stop protecting immediately.
  25. Bought in a company name or some similar subterfuge. As we remember with a web of 20 shell companies you can literally commit treason and no leftist "fact checker" can trace it.
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