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Everything posted by SunnyinBangrak

  1. If the private schools are all closing, where are the labour elite that caused the closures going to send their kids? State schools? Can their kids even speak Urdu??😅
  2. You sound like an expert. So, if Trump was not a victim of unfair treatment and attacks. Please tell how many other Americans were literally the personal target of campaigning politicians? Like James who ran on a "Get Trump" platform? How many long expired misdemeanors were jacked up inexplicably to try an opposing presidential candidate of dozens of felonies? Was it a normal thing, so many hundreds or thousands, or millions? No. It was once ever in US history. Right when he announced his candidacy. The scary thing is you guys know all this, but pretend otherwise. So dishonest. Thank goodness you lost in a landslide. The American voters have more integrity and smarts than the liberal hivemind. Seek some help.
  3. Once again. The claim I was proving was BS is the claim made that Trump bankrupt EVERY venture he started. That claim was a bald lie. Whether MAL is mortgaged up to the max or not is totally irrellevant. Every single claim irrational Trump haters make is false. I suspect you are getting confused with this? https://www.reuters.com/article/world/trump-took-out-30-year-loan-on-185-million-home-in-2018-idUSKCN1SM2CG/
  4. He's falsely claiming Trump filed as an individual for bankruptcy whenever one of his hundreds of ventures failed😅 Blind hatred and brainwashing makes people say some pretty wild and unhinged stuff.
  5. Quick reality check. Laptop deniers & Russia x3 hoaxers can't "fact check" anybody.
  6. Your man Zelensky is on the cusp of losing the entire country because of his tantrum with Trump after meeting some deluded democrats. He will sign what Trump tells him to, and he will thank Trump for making him sign it. He did have the chance to save the country and keep his head held high, but no. Cheers dems.
  7. I hope he was apologizing for democrats dangerous and divisive behavior?
  8. Wasn't Trump wanting people forecefully held down and injected with dangerous muck. Wasn't him censoring facts that ran contrary to democrat false but popular narratives. Wasn't Trump that tried jailing the political opponent he knew he couldn't beat in a fair election. who is anti-democratic? Who is pro authoritarian? Nobody lied more than Ashleys daddy. Talk about short memories!
  9. He's compromised. Nothing he says can be trusted or taken at face value. Thats why having clean politicians like Trump and Musk is crucial rather than compromised bread heads like Warren, Sanders, Raskin, Pelosi, Biden etc.
  10. Depends on whether any more of your uncle Tony's projects get released again
  11. Yes please. Democrats, please keep pushing for burly geezers in girls sports. It is a perfect hill to die on. I still can't help laughing at the memory of that hulk battering the 7 bells out of that lass in the olympics. Cheers lefties, this will help in the midterms.
  12. Any comments from Bernie on giving back the $$ to big pharma? You know the democrats are fully compromised when even die hard socialists like multi mansion Bernie have been trousering big pharma bucks.
  13. An expensive lie. Btw if DJT is so terrible, why are the left forced to make up lies to attack him? https://www.npr.org/2024/12/14/nx-s1-5229089/abc-e-jean-carroll-trump-george-stephanopoulos
  14. Why were the democrats behaving like spoiled brats? Why all the noise and tantrums. Is that how the left "save democracy"? Just pathetic anti American behavior.
  15. Bye James. Can't wait to see why democrats were so desperate to keep thd Epstein files secret.
  16. Can't be correct. Didn't Gere(and his gerbils) move to Canada back when Trump won the 1st time? Along with Cher, Streisand, Smegs & Hazza. Loving this prolonged meltdown in reaction to sanity back in the white house. Long may it continue..
  17. I have the maturity to admit the fault lies in multiple places.
  18. Looks more like champion of democracy Ukraine has thugs out literally kidnapping men on the street to go fight little Z and the western left's war. Saw multiple videos of this with thevictim and family in utter distress. Disgusting. Thanks to Trump for ending this madness.
  19. I'll take that as a hard no then. Others should die for your beliefs gleaned from watching msm.
  20. The claim was "he bankrupted every single venture he started". You are doing a major backtrack. So, now it's a few ventures failed ie completely normal for entrepreneurs? I do love confronting irrational hatred with cool fact.
  21. Sorry, to clarify, did you go to fight at the frontlines for your beloved Ukraine/Azov goosesteppers? Or should it be the job of other people? I expect you did seeing as you have such conviction. If not, did you not contribute to Russia winning the war they were always going to win? So many apalling takes by lefties now their boondoggle and war is ending.
  22. I hope you were this outraged when Biden's army fled Afghanistan like scared schoolgirls leaving mayhem, death and destruction? Why do I get the feeling you are only outraged when it comes to the orange fella? The US's big mistake was fomenting the 2014 coup and destabilization of the country, compounded by corrupt politicians like Biden essentially running the country for profit. Now it's suddenly all Trump's fault? Jog on.
  23. Mar A Lago is bankrupt? Bedminster golf club? Trump tower? All bankrupt, or more lies from irrational haters, you be the judge.
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