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Everything posted by SunnyinBangrak

  1. Another amazing list of misleading claims, taking his words out of context and outright lies. Whereever you copied this garbage from, please don't keep doing it. It is absolutely ridiculous. You guys lost, it's over. Its time for hope and positivity not this whole mean girls routine.
  2. Here we go again. Same old mendacity. Claim - Truth social is going bust. Reality. Its market cap is over $8 BILLION. claim ' twitter is dying , reality - its the worlds most used media platform. Now Trumps crypto coin is crashing. Lets have a quick look on coinmarketcap 24 hour performance UP 65% 7 day performance UP 815% Its an absolute rocket, if your investment goes up that much it is a great investment. More Art of the Deal in action. LOL at wildly false and emotional lefty economic claims.
  3. Finally walking back your preposterous false claim that preCovid Trump presided over the worst ecenomy since the Great Depression😅. Still, what would a (real) hedge fund manager know about basic economic facts? Priceless!
  4. What "unadulterated dross"? The guy has been on the factually accurate side of every major issue going back many years, at great personal risk to his posting abilities. If you want to be better informed about political realities you would be well served to study his postings. Listening to those that wanted people held down and forcefully jabbed, laptop deniers, people that called govt collusion with big tech to censor conservatives etc you will be very disinformed. Unlike Riclag.
  5. Sounds like she had the lucky escape. You are lucky she didnt ask you what he was convicted of!😅 that would have been awkward
  6. Whole lotta misogyny on display in this thread - from the usual quarters. Bondi must never stoop so low as to take these haters seriously, it would be a major distraction from her mission to Make America Great Again.
  7. Knowing the bidens, im sure this priceless trove of grand master artwork was insured to the hilt. Btw with biden out i dont suppose demand for buying ambassadorships/positions of power which came with his crack doodles is existing at all now. https://cbs6albany.com/news/nation-world/democrat-donor-who-bought-hunter-bidens-art-was-named-to-prestigious-commission-report Disgusting corruption under the most corrupt potus ever
  8. Convicted of? Go on, be the 1st that can😁
  9. I knew you couldn't do it. Nobody can. Nobody knows. Not even Trump himself. How embarrassing the US judicial system has been destroyed by the left due to their irrational hatred and fear of Trump. BTW did you notice he achieved peace between Isreal/Hamas hours before officially taking office. Talk about winning! Just such a great negotiator. We owe him respect and thanks not throw around silly names.
  10. Im sure you can remind us, seeing as you mention his felony conviction multiple times daily, exactly what his felony conviction was for? And no, pls dont copy the msm lie, he was NOT convicted of falsifying business records. That was a long exprired misdemeanor. (This will be good😅)
  11. Do you understand what the Dunning-Kruger effect even is? Now we have the adults back in charge. People with the attitude, experience and qualifications for their roles. We are soooooo done with giving people like "admiral" Levine her high position because of how many woke boxes she ticked. The democrat dog days of Dunning-Kruger are ovah.
  12. I must have heard it a billion times. Hacked or unathorized material may not be published ever. Remember that lefty narrative which was thrust down our throats when the 1st sons laptop was abandoned at a computer store? Yet here we go. It's often said, if the left didn't have double standards they would have no standards at all. This whole storm in a teacup reminds me alot of when they just made up vile accusations against Brett Kavanaugh and got themselves wirked up into a proper tizzy.
  13. It was a wonderful moment. I suspect Schiff and his fellow fantasist lawfare merchants know they are in a whole world of trouble. Perfect.
  14. 3 cheers for the Trump Hegseth team. Hamas caved like the cowards they are when faced with a carrot and stick scenario. Democrats carrot and carrot failed of course. Trump to Hamas release those hostages before I take office, or else. Hamas - yes Sir we'll get right on it, please dont hurt us Sir. On behalf of all forumers. Thank you Donald J Trump!
  15. It was a huge upheaval but so relieved we left last year for more a favourable tax climate. We had been looking to buy a villa but a $1.5m villa would effectively be costing an extra 30% due to transferring from abroad, er no thanks. Plus the drama and uncertainty of filing Thai tax returns again years after retiring and stopping doing returns. Bet there were lots of happily retired families like us that bailed.
  16. Its just his fantasy. We bought a Spanish property in a company name, cant remember exactly why but the country has major 3rd world vibes.
  17. I so hope it is, but Trump is a moderate guy. I suspect he will not get Schiff, Schumer, Obama, Clinton, Sullivan, 51 lying spies, Merchan, Bragg, Colangelo, Smith and the rest of the lawfarists and bang them up in Florence supermax until their showtrials for treason start. I certainly would do just that. We do need to make sure no other party tries jailing the opponent they know they can't beat in a free and fair election. Quite how that happens, not sure. Just lucky for Trump he had no skeletons in his closet so they had go use an unnamed pretend "crime" to go after him.
  18. Shocking lack of self awareness asking these dumb questions. Has he not been watching the clowns running on the "Get Trump" platform, then doing the most bonkers performative art in the courtroom dancing around the fact they couldnt name his crime(because there wasn't one)? Oh boy, democrats are strange folk
  19. Spending 44 BILLION $$ so us plebs get our free speech back makes the guy a total HERO. It was a size 13 clod hopper straight to the fascists teeth. Kerrrrunch!!🤣🤣 Democrat cults biggest mistake was turning on Rogan and Musk, to such devastating consequence. Not the sharpest tools in the shed.
  20. Wrong, I have my credibility😆
  21. Bodies prepped for repatriation from Thailand are scrubbed clean and have had fluids replaced with preservative. I remember this from a past case from the same island, when UK authorities tried an autopsy there wasn't much to go on. Who could possibly doubt a RTP autopsy?!
  22. You are the last poster still clinging to the false narrative that 10s of millions of $$ just flowed for years in biden family bank accounts frim rogue nations VP biden had significant power and influence in for ABSOLUTELY NO REASON. Ignore Comer if you wish to stay uninformed or misinformed.
  23. You still don't get it. The democrats lawfare ultimately cost them the election. Not a single human alive can categorically state the underlying crime that jacked up a long expired misdemeanor into 34 felonies. Obviously you don't know, but luckily most Americans knew it didnt pass the sniff test. Garland ought to be jailed the second he steps down, contempt of congress got Bannon and Navarro jailed, but Garland can do it freely?? Er, no. Nobody is above the law(remember that mantra that aged oh so badly🤣) Time to accept it. Mr Peacefully and Patriotically is your new President.
  24. Mate. In his 1st term he ended ISIS, brokered the 1st peace in the middle east since a virgin birthed a lad in a manger, tamed Koreas Kim, set world economies on the right track, made the border a much safer place, and on snd on. Was it reported favorably? Was it heck. All we got was Russia Russia Russis hoax and mushroom jabs. The left need reeducating. The rabbit holes they went down were one way holes. End of.
  25. Exactly why I believe his 1st term doesnt count. He is entitled to serve 2 terms. The 1st was ruined by the left/deep state conjuring up hoax after hoax and screaming about it 24/7. Lets let him have a proper 1st term this time round, with the left behaving themselves.
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