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Everything posted by Ralf001

  1. I thought it would be more than 17250 a year. Do you have any stats on how many millions ride a bike/scooter daily ? lets say that 17250 come from a pool of 5 million (71 million peeps in Thailand.. my 5 million number is very conservative) annual bike/scoot riders. Thats like 0.0035 %...............in the grand scheme of things, F-All.
  2. Explains why I thought the place was decent for a government hospital !! I did not know it was my SS hospital, HR Lady at work registered me there years ago apparently.
  3. Hi Sheryl. Slight thread hi-jack in regards to social security. My recent stay in Phayathai Sriracha was cover by social security. Google Phayatai I discover the "group" is actually a private company. Any idea why a private hospital accepts social security patients ?
  4. Was more than a TIA but not full blown stroke (friend had one of them.... 5 yrs later he is fubar still), Affected my RH side (leg/arm/face) but yes deemed non life threatening. Fully recovered in 12 months except for speech, I now stutter and slur some words when talking.
  5. Typically they want confirmation of payment guarantee direct from the horses mouth and not some letter that could have been typed up by somchai the taxi drivers daughter. FWiw, I had a mild stroke 10 years ago, presented to admissions at a large private hospital in Pattaya and the wheeled to ER. I laid in an ER gurney for 7 hours with no treatment or assistance whilst the insurance company was deciding iff they would cover the bill or not.
  6. My doc was telling me I need to eat more to help my recovery other wise my stay in ICU would prolong. Told her the hospital food was terrible and that I was doing the best I could. She said i can eat anything I want................. So I had pizza delivered for lunch !!
  7. Rental companies have had access to insurance for their rented vehicles/bikes for the past 5 years that I know of because I pay it for my wife who has a small rental fleet.
  8. Yep, I was complaining of abdominal pain to the nurses in ICU that was getting worse by the hour. Wheeled out for a CT scan........ Perforated lower intestine. Within 3 hours (had to get blood delivered from BKK) I was under the knife.
  9. Recently cost me 300K + for a 3 night ICU stay in a private hospital. Discharging today from government hospital. 9 weeks in ICU followed by 3 weeks in private ward room , total cost 580,000. Is 580k the real full price..... or is it discounted due to social security covering it ?
  10. Indeed it does. I was not aware of this social security, I admitted to a private hospital thinking my health insurance would cover it to waking 13 days later 70km away in government hospital.
  11. I got transferred from the private hospital that cost me over 300K for 3 days ICU. To a government hospital, spent 4weeks in ICU before moving to the ward room I currently am in. Total cost - 0.00 baht.
  12. All that from from a questionable surveillance video. But, calculating the speed (the one you claim can be calculated)...... what was it ?
  13. She should call their bluff (tossing her out) and transfer to a government hospital. Also 40k...........surely the family could pass the hat around instead of begging online.

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