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Everything posted by Ralf001

  1. Do em in the toilet.
  2. Many expats love their home country yet do not live there.
  3. The bike should have been registered under the business name. I assume the OP and GF did set-up a business to run this rental company.
  4. Yeah I had a health issue approx 7 yrs ago the ended up in ICU then a private room to recover, was insured with Bupa. Sat in ER for hours awaiting their approval which finally came though. bill for the stay was a few million, then 20k a month for meds...
  5. and towing boats and jet ski's.
  6. I don't welcome un-invited guests........... PERIOD.
  7. Can get portable EV car chargers that have a shucko plug that fits Thailand GPO's.
  8. I was told at BKK transport dept last time I purchased a 2nd hand vehicle (approx 2 years ago) Thai's can change name in book and not have to change to province of residence but foreigners need to show proof of address..... Hard to get a residency cert if you do not have an address in BKK......... Hence the province change. They did however update the book at that time to my name however they also de-registered/cancelled the BKK registration.... Vehicle re-registered next day in Chonburi with Chonburi plates and my Chonburi address. Friend recently purchased a BKK registered vehicle and had to do the same <deleted> to re-register in his name in Chonburi too.
  9. good hospital. thats my registered hospital for social security.
  10. Must be an inbred thing.
  11. great saving. does this hospital outside of bangkok have a location/name ?
  12. if you are charging at your condo it aint for free............. isn't that what your gripe is ?
  13. your not the one whinging about thieves stealing a handful of Satang from you.
  14. Rent includes use of the common area's and facilities. Are you American by chance ?
  15. Landlord pays condo fees. Renter has a signed rental agreement with landlord. Renter has landlords consent, Are you really that dim ? Send the EV's to my place all you like.... will be amusing to see how they negotiate not only the 8ft walls surrounding my property but also the 2 Alsatian guard dogs !!
  16. They are using the electric with the consent of the condo owner.. how much per week/month/year are these pesky thieves stealing from your wallet ?
  17. So your claiming all residents whether they are owners or renters are thieves ?
  18. Right, so not thieves then.
  19. So the people that are charging their scooters are not residents (owners or renters) ?
  20. Yeah how does NO sound. I see how this game works, I give my reasons then you attack me because I go against what you like/dislike. Iam not playing that game with you or any other forum member on this subject.
  21. I thought the Personal Protection Data Act 2019 pretty much put the kabosh on taking photo's/video of others without their permission.
  22. These 100+ EV scooters that are going to infest your condo parking area. Is there 100+ power outlets to support them ?
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