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Everything posted by Ralf001

  1. So, 2 dead and 2 badly injured under the age of 15. Why were they even riding a bike when legally they cannot ?
  2. Take it to a few tents and get offers. Add 80 to 100k and thats your private selling price.
  3. Add to his wishes.............. being sober and not using the phone !!
  4. Medi Vac estimate cost is £32,000 if you bother to read the article.
  5. The confused person you are quoting is not asking about a 30 day extension. when arriving visa exempt it is a requirement to show proof of onward travel booked, A requirement typically enforced by the airlines and they will not allow boarding without.... does not happen often but it does happen.
  6. Of course that is now 45 days as well.............. but only till the end of March !!
  7. Some people just like to do it the hard way. The OP is renting the house which in turn makes the OP the housemaster and can submit TM30 him/herself.... Online as you say, it takes maybe 5 mins !!
  8. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subcompact_car https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compact_car
  9. Yaris is a sub-compact. Maz3 is a compact.
  10. It does actually hail in Thailand. https://aseannow.com/topic/779845-can-it-hail-in-thailand/
  11. Modern vehicles have many control modules, one of them is the ECU. you are correct, it is not stored in the ECU. It is as I mentioned stored in the Body control Module (BCM).
  12. Its also stored in the BCM (Body Control Module).... that is nearly impossible to alter.
  13. The visa is valid for 90 days from issuance. Immigration will stamp you in for 60 days.
  14. Meat Stuff supplies my freezer. https://meatstuffpattaya.com/product-category/beef/
  15. British people.... you are British yeah ?
  16. Common knowledge should never be described as a joke..... I guess that is trait of your people.
  17. And you think they are not with every other brand of phone that originates in China. Surely you are not that naive !!
  18. Really ? My mid tier Samsung purchased 18 months ago still performs flawlessly. Not sure why you need to post utter nonsense, I can only assume it arouses you sexually somehow.
  19. Agreed, Cannot imagine a world without car ownership. Would take me a damn long time to walk the 75km to work each morning !!
  20. 500k should get you into an '18/'19 YM Mazda 3.
  21. Yeah cause a sperm drenched bed in a flea pit short time room is so much more romantic.
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