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Everything posted by Ralf001

  1. not any more.. the ointment worked.
  2. light brownish... except for my todger.
  3. I just completed this quiz. My Score 0/100 My Time 67 seconds  
  4. wow, why the butthurt at my post ? FWIW Iam heavily pierced.
  5. Walk and eat... don't waste that 15mins sitting down.
  6. He had epilepsy as a result of the accident... he died 6yrs later of a heart attack.
  7. not sure how... I grew up on a ranch and every spare moment was either on my motorcross bike or trike chasing the animals around.... Girls simply were not on the radar until I turned 15 or so.
  8. Yeah cause the underground lottery that many play does not contribute to suicide/theft/robbery currently.
  9. Yeah cause the underground lottery that many play does not contribute to suicide/theft/robbery currently.
  10. he's ahh....... yeah different !
  11. I have 360 degree cams in my cars. None roof mounted.
  12. Its gunna be great.. no ball and chain. Even if it is 5k for me to enter, cheaper than driving over to Naga for the weekend, be great to legally play hold Em in Thailand.
  13. Ohhh Righto... I must have read a different post.
  14. Most are built here. Which ones are imports ?
  15. don't most type the words rather than print?
  16. To be fair he was likely thrown only a few feet........ then fell 30 to the ground!
  17. What a load of pish... take a taxi if ya do not have ya own car to drive.
  18. I got mine from Lazada.
  19. Mobility issues does not give one carte blanche to ignore Thailand transport laws.
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