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Everything posted by Ralf001

  1. hahahahaha dumb brittle.... FAFO !
  2. Flip flop Flip Flop !
  3. Thats an impressive amount of damage.. in this instance I reckon the no helmet matters zero... those lads were brown bread either way.
  4. Cool as feck.. I want a pet woolly mouse
  5. Well thats BS... but what is the relevance ?
  6. Why would a lambo motor make it luxury ?
  7. And yet people in this thread claim the country is 3rd world... that is not what you are describing. https://aseannow.com/topic/1353780-will-thailand-always-remain-a-third-world-country/#comment-19639705
  8. If you say so... Iam not here to engage in your nonsense.
  9. In your mind maybe.... but on the world stage, Thailand aint 3rd world.
  10. The Heat The Women The Weed The Low Cost of Things The Festivals The Lifestyle The Medical Care The Massages The Culture
  11. Not been classified as 3rd world for many many years.
  12. how many motorways are set-up for M-Flow ?
  13. I live in an urban area; I can think of a dozen mom and pop stores within a 5km radius of my home that do not have electronic tills.
  14. Forcing the guard to apologize is BS... the Brittle deserved what he got.
  15. The kind that attracts 200,000 visitors.
  16. Its hard to <deleted> up meat and 3 veg.... Never have been in the predicament it aint cooked right.
  17. caramel wheel.
  18. Cause they too stupid to buy a few bottles and keep in the fridge.
  19. I do not buy at a supermarket so meh... but one used to be able to buy 10lt's or more outside of selling hours.... is that no more ?
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