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Joe Farang

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Everything posted by Joe Farang

  1. That's ok then, I've got Lobsters
  2. Is it crabs or lobsters that walk sideways?
  3. Seems a bit extreme for posession of 2 yokes. Maybe his overstay is the main issue now. Could be more to this story though as the piece below may suggest that he has been in trouble in other countries "Salinger had dealt with the embassies in Cairo and Dubai and the past and found them very helpful. "It's only the shocking difference in help between them and the Bangkok"
  4. It's probably end of life and they will not support it anymore.
  5. Wouldn't surprise me if he was only the webmaster who was hosting the sites
  6. generating 1.2 trillion baht billion in revenue How much is that in real money?
  7. You were the 1st person to reference big joke in this thread
  8. She sounds as if she is nothing other than an attention seeking social media slave. On another note, I must remember to never greet my friend Jack at an airport.
  9. The 2003 Thai Hide and go Seek champion.
  10. Don't believe everything you see in the movies
  11. How many wars do you know about that don't involve a Western country? Without Googling it, give a synopsis of one of those wars.
  12. Did you ever have a similar experience with guests that were hungover or still drunk at checkout time ? Did you ever see a drunk person wobble off on a motocy?
  13. I was on Beach road for Songkran yesterday. I wore a plastic pouch around my neck, with enough cash for the day and my door key, nothing else. Don't really understand why people need to go around with back packs that have valuables inside.
  14. You're full of the joys of life aren't you ????
  15. Tell him to pick a window, then throw him head first through it. Likewise for his no good mother.
  16. I came through Swampy yesterday and no long delay. There was a q, but enough desks open to keep it moving quickly. My wife abandoned me at immigration to go through the Thai passport desk. I was smiling over at her as my q was moving quicker and it looked like I was going to beat her through. She switched lanes at the last second and we ended up going through at the same time. We went to pick up a suitcase but were delayed 15 minutes until the 1st case came through. Luckily our case was in the first lot, so we were delayed no longer.
  17. All tar doesn't stay in the bong, but the tar that builds up in the bong, doesn't reach your lungs
  18. "they seem a pain to clean and go brown really quick" That Brown is tar that stays in the bong and doesn't reach your lungs. I washed a bong in a dish washer once. It came out new, but there was tar spots on all the plates and cups that were also in the washer.
  19. "note: a 3.5 inch wood rod that's only a half inch in diameter is deadly and a very effective weapon.' Yeah, keep telling yourself that, but the ladies will keep laughing.
  20. The Police put in a lot of effort to trace a phone. Any suggestions as to why from the esteemed AN membership ?
  21. They probably used the 80/20 rule due to lack of data.
  22. I suppose the most important factor is to ensure your Insurance and Licence are valid in Cambodia. Those kind of things are normally not an issue until they become an issue, then you could be in serious trouble.
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