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Joe Farang

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Everything posted by Joe Farang

  1. Anyone who commits cold blooded murder should get life in prison where life means life. The other 3 involved are free already after 17 years or less. This same thing happens in many countries, so is not Thai bashing.
  2. I suppose you trust Google and the US.
  3. I don't get offended very easily. If there is no connection between the two, then why would the poster even reference it.
  4. What makes you think you need to drive angry or exhibit road rage in order to be an excellent or even a good driver ?
  5. Energy cannot be created or destroyed. I prefer to go with Albert Einstien on matters of Science, rather than you.
  6. Can you scientifically prove that reincarnation cannot occur. Can you scientifically provr what happens to life energy https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/is-the-universe-leaking-energy/
  7. No doubt they'll blame ladyboys for spiking a drink with Xanax and robbing their gold chains.
  8. In the West Vote for me I will cut taxes. I will create jobs. I will improve healthcare. None of the above happens. In Thailand. Vote for me I will give you 1,000 Baht Voter gets 1,000 Baht Which system of vote buying is more honest?
  9. You need to take a deep breath and leave it go. You'll turn into a Victor Meldrew othetwise
  10. If weed isn't banned, then you also have the option to move elsewhere.
  11. Is that any different to workers having a few pints at lunch. If you are not happy to do business with either then take your business elsewhere, as I would. Being unprofessional is never acceptable.
  12. Maybe you could have found a girl to change it for you?
  13. I think the truth of the incident is in the detail of the story. The Chinese claimed they were charged 1,200 baht for 2 Durian. Wichai the vendor said he gave them back 1,000 bht to get rid of them. In another seperate incident it suggests the correct price of Durian is 75bht per Kg. 1,200 bht would be 2 very very large Durians.
  14. I'd hate to ask you to bring me back a Pineapple from the market.
  15. Where do unemployed Thai people sign on to register themselves as unemployed? I've had many places pointed out to me over the years, but I don't recall anyone ever pointing out the dole office.
  16. Probably no proof. It's a lot easier to prove their cards were used and they didn't enter the building.
  17. I was thinking the Photo doesn't look like him, but then realised I haven't watched snooker for 30 to 40 years.
  18. Smoking too much can have the same affect as a Labotomy
  19. The best or should I say worst example was an American who sat in his chair for a week or more in an open plan office before his work colleagues realised he was dead. They said he tended to stick to himself and not talk with others.
  20. More to this story I'd say. Probably a falling out between a drug dealer and a customer. Just because he sells weed, doesn't mean he's limited to weed only. Very suspicious indeed. No good will come in relaxing the laws around hard drugs.
  21. If I were to spend 5000 bht on a Visa service. I would expect that they would ensure the photos were correct as a mimimun.
  22. A 34 year old driving like an 18 year old. He was already too old to grow up. At least he didn't take anyone else out with him.
  23. The Cat who got the cream.
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