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Joe Farang

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Everything posted by Joe Farang

  1. Ok, i live in Ireland with my Thai wife. Last night we went to bed and sleep. In the early hours of the morning 2.00, 3.00 4.00, no real idea of the time I was awoken from my slumber. I looked to the end of the bed and my wife was poking my toes with her finger whilst crouched down on her haunches like all Thais can do, but Farangs risk dislocating a hip if we attempt the same. What are you doing says I. I had a dream says she, that the Lotto numbers are on your toes and I am looking to see. I then spent the next hour trying to get back to sleep whilst she got into bed and went back to the land of zed in 3 mins.. Roll on to tonight, I work days from home still and she works evenings. I went for a few pints after wirk and came hime 22.30. She was home already with a tsk tsk about me going for a few drinks. I had a terrible day says I. A terrible pain in my leg all day and my leg was swollen. What happened says she. No idea says I I had to take off my shoe and sock due to the swelling, omg says she, are you ok. Yes, says I, when I looked at my swollen foot, number 417 was coming up on my toes. She hurled abuse at me before hiding her face and started laughing quietly trying to hide it at same time.
  2. My guess is that the guy with the M16 was a Farang who just brought £20,000 in cash into the country and the police were trying to take it.
  3. She was just being nice, in reality you were speaking too loud.
  4. I find it unusual, but not unbelievable that a non drinker who lives in Central Pattaya may not have seen Walking Street in 15 years. But not having seen Beach Road after dark is totally unbelievable.
  5. What difference does it make whether she fell 60 feet or 10 feet. The only relevant information is that she was seriously injured.
  6. Looks like someones blow up doll melted in the heat.
  7. You sound as though you are one Banana short of a bunch yourself.
  8. No point in trying to explain it to you. You're sense of superiority makes it impossible for you to percieve that you may be incorrect. The Ghost moving the blanket is simply a variation of the below
  9. You're too conditioned by Western (Hollywood) perceptions of what a Ghost is.
  10. Why would having no helmet cause the Baht Bus driver to pull out in front of the Motocy ?
  11. Tree town?
  12. Or a human swinging a basket
  13. Shouln't have been imprisoned to begin with. By the way, your species are all gone because humans killed them off. Oh, we also only try to protect pretty animals to the human eye. If you are ugly or very small your species will never even be mentioned as it goes extinct.
  14. Hi We're locking you in jail because we want to take care of you. Don't be so ungrateful, we're doing it for you. By the way, if you want food you will need to entertain visitors. If you do a bad job and the visitors stop coming, you will starve.
  15. Not talking about the Ops case, but in my view any adult attempting to adopt a minor child, who is not related to the child and is not married to a parent of the child should be prevented or made go through rigirous adoption procedures. Moreso when at least 1 of the birth parents are alive. Rubber stamping this kind of procedure opens doors for child trafficking.
  16. Covid is rampant in every country in the world. Conditioned idiots who can't see further than "Doh, keep out the Commies" are always 1st in line on these threads. It's also no surprise that the Covid conspiracy and plandemic theorists have made themselves absent from this thread. They are generally of the same ilk.
  17. You're saying we should be more worried about the new USA strain of Covid, rather than anything from China? Would you suggest that Americans should be tested before being allowed to travel?
  18. Yesterdays reported figures
  19. I can get vacines for free in my home country and I'd assume it is the same for most tourists. Why would anyone wait to go to Thailand, then go through the rigmarole of trying to get a vaccine during their holidays.
  20. A pint is 568 ml and is used for beer, not ice cream. You can keep your fake American pint for your fake Ice cream.
  21. A lot of people say the same thing about the whole of Thailand. Try not to focus on the negatives of an area only. Don't totally ignore it, but keep your main focus on the good points.
  22. Ashamed to live where? Italy! Why should all Italians be ashamed because of one degenerate Italians behaviour. Your point is ridiculous.
  23. Your logic is flawed, so it is not logic at all. You can cycle up and come down in your support car. Simple.
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