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Posts posted by klikster

  1. Ah....

    You found out.


    What is quite a normal practice nowadays parts of the project are sold in lots of 6-8 houses to investors.

    Who buys the lots for a rather reduced price and then sells those houses one by one on for a rather higher price.

    The combined rathers are quite a hefty profit, a million a house is quite possible.

    For the project it is good thing while the houses are paid for in parts while being built, no bank loans needed!

    For the lot buyers the profit is considerable.

    And you, the buyer, pay Bangkok prices for houses that are too expensive.

    Asked for offers from builders for a house to be built on a piece of land we own.

    4 bed, 4 bath, fitted kitchen, diningroom, sittingroom, two stories, annex, double walls, tiles everywhere, insulated.

    Total price varying from 1.8 to 2.6 million

    Do your sums, guess the land does not cost 4-6 million?

    Making assumptions are we?

    BTW, what exactly have I "found out"?

    My house in 95% finished, so it should be pretty obvious that I have done my sums -- and a fair amount of planning as well.

  2. I like the way I'm treated here in KK (mostly ignored). Maybe because I'm usually with my 50 year-old 'normal' wife. Most of the occasional farangs I come across (Tesco, Global, Thai Watsadu) give a simple nod. Thais in the markets and shops are polite and generally pleasant.

    It's an easy place to live if you don't have next-door neighbors with boom-box sound systems -- or noisy dogs, especially the little yip-yap breeds. Cats are okay. Thai mynah birds are my faves. :)

  3. A post some time back claimed that the new surges of construction in Isaan cities are not selling. I'm certainly no expert on Isaan's economy, but a recent visit to one housing development made me pause to ponder those claims.

    In an attempt to settle on a color scheme for our new build here in Khon Kaen, wife and I visited the upscale project adjacent just east of Mittiphap on the bypass/ring road interchange. The houses are very nice looking and built around man-made lakes. Prices apparently range Bt 7-10m or thereabouts. I don't know how many houses are in that development, but I would guess upwards of 80 - 100.

    According to the sales woman who took us inside, all properties have been sold. Some 6 or 8, if I recall correctly, are available for resale.

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  4. Factor , Great responce to Fabphil

    and ur letting the wife oversee the building..whoopswhistling.gif

    fabphil, I asked for comments and advice about building a fence, not about my wife's character. Thanks.

    Well, you know what? I knew it would just be a matter of time before the Thai women-bashers picked that one up. Maybe fabphil has been hanging out with the wrong kind of women, or men for that matter.

    Anyway, I hope this thread can recover from fabphil's attempted hijacking. I really appreciate all the good advice.

    I can give you an "appropriate" answer. wink.png

    My wife negotiated a "labor only" build of a 3 m wall by a group from her village near Khon Kaen. The group specializes in wall construction. Build in in KK Muang District.

    Three reinforced beams, side walls are on sois so rendered one side only. Front wall decorative, gate by others. Wall about 50% and waiting now on house construction the finish. Petty darn goog job.

    Cost Bt 500/m.

    The price is a "friendly" price as she is well-respected in the village.

  5. After reading all the posts from yesterday, I think I have my answer. The wife will have to make do with her whirlpool bathtub. And she will have more room for her sala and orchids. smile.png

    I would like to thank everyone who took the time to post (topic specific) recommendations. wai.gif

  6. Re: Stereotype: In your own words, "I admit I might have been generalizing a bit..."

    Re Apologizing: Not an apology, just a manner of speaking.

    Re Kudos: Odd way to give kudos. In the same post you said:

    "If you have never had a single person ask you for a baht, good on you. <snip>

    Can you truly say that no family member or any of there drinking buddies has not tried to get you to buy a bottle of whiskey?"
    One of us is confused.
  7. Let's see. Where is that other running thread defending the poor defenseless soi dogs? Who were the posters putting dogs ahead of people?

    Where are those who could never kill a dog?

    Those dogs need to be put down, and right now.

    neversure your never-right its the owner who should be put down.

    Pretty obvious that you are a dog lover -- and that the owner is responsible. But it was the dogs rather than the owner that attacked the woman.

    IMO, NeverSure is exactly right in this instance.

  8. The OP is on the right track...one can be generous without becoming an ATM.

    If the relationship continues, rest assured that some family member will ask to "borrow" some money. It is on you to evaluate such requests and say 'yea' or 'nay'. A refusal will likely result in a bunch of talking and you being asked again...just stand your ground and set the precedent.

    I guess your crystal ball is 100% accurate?

    Been living with my wife for nearly 5 years, legally married for 3 years. Very large extended family. No one has asked for a handout or a loan. Everyone works. Neither do I pay my wife a "salary".

    Maybe you have been reading TV too long?

    Rest assured my comments are based on experience and living in Isaan. If we want to have a pissing match about it, I have you beat on years with my wife and years married to her...so what?

    If you have never had a single person ask you for a baht, good on you. I admit I might have been generalizing a bit...but, I was doing so in an attempt to prepare the OP for his next visit, in case it did happen. I would be happy to see an update from the OP after his next visit where he says "the second visit is completed, with no requests for money".

    Can you truly say that no family member or any of there drinking buddies has not tried to get you to buy a bottle of whiskey?

    I can truly and honestly say that no family member (don' know any of their drinking buddies) has even hinted at getting even a free beer from me. Maybe part of the reason is that I don't drink. Sorry I don't fit the stereotype that you seem intent on advancing.

  9. The wife is actually pretty handy. She works hard and would, I'm sure, take good (better than me) care of the cleaning aspect of the pool. She is certainly not afraid of work.

    Not sure if she would grasp the technical aspects of water quality, but then I'm not all that great on water quality either. She is an "old maid" with a uni degree in agriculture, but some "hi-tech" scares her.

    I read in one of the other threads in this section that 12 m is a more swimming friendly length than is 10 m. The 3 m width would allow us more garden area. Our plot is 3 ngan inverted "L" shaped. The house is built across the front 40 m wide bu 20 m deep. The "leg" is a 20 m rectangle.

    As far as the pool service, not sure Wife is very reluctant to have male strangers in the house when she is alone.

    I read all sorts of controversy about SWC. sad.png

  10. I could kick myself for never visiting that zoo. We lived about 8 km south of that area. Passed it numerous times on the way to immigration. Went to that market at the intersection numerous times.

    Oh well, lost opportunities!

  11. We're nearing completion of a build in Khon Kaen Umphur Muang and "sort of" thinking of adding a pool. Even though the land has not flooded in recent history we added 1m of fill.

    When we drove 9m piles for the house they got really stubborn at about 8m. Some wouldn't go flush with the fill even with 100 or more pops.

    The pool I'm envisioning would be 3m x 10m (is that a semi-optimum ratio?) and 1 - 2m slope depth. Nothing fancy -- unless a small (2m high) waterfall feature doesn't overly complicate the design and build.

    After owning pools in 2 houses in the U.S. I'm not concerned about handling liquid/powdered chlorine or acid. I'm not very savvy about SWC.

    One of my potential concerns is operating cost -- not initially, but for my wife after I pass on. (I suppose if it got too bad she could fill in the pool)

    The site would get morning sun (assuming trees on neighboring land are cut), partially shaded by house and trees in afternoons.

    Any thoughts, recommendations, comments appreciated.

  12. Lets be honest though apart from a few nice towns like roi et and ubon, issan is one hell of a boring place to live, bit like an open prison, Most falangs who claim to live in issan do not live in villages miles from anywhere they live in places like those mentioned or KK or Udon, not really the same experience. Life in a village where the highlight of the week is insect hunting or fishing (emptying a pond) is not very attractive. There are falangs of course who live in nice houses they have built insulated by sat tv, internet and a bike ride into a town for sanity and maybe eatable food. But this is not the issan of wooden shed houses, nothing to do and being surrounded drunken lazy villagers. issan sucks, that my opinion after 20 years of visiting the place, towns excepted.

    I don't "claim" to live in Isaan. I LIVE in Isaan. Granted, I'm a relative Isaan newbie, only 5+ years now (17 years full time in Thailand).

    And I plead guilty to living in an area that doesn't give me your Isaan " .. experience ..". But that's personal choice. So Isaan doesn't necessarily "suck". Your choice of lifestyle "sucks" -- in your opinion.

    For me, at my age, KK is my smartest and most comfortable choice.

  13. I guess Chumphon is oficially South, but it's certainly not deep south. I lived for several years in Ban Krut (BangSaphan) and that area has great beaches. IMO, the best beach in Chumphon is Thungwualen, north of Chumphon town -- I believe that is Pathiu. Some okay resorts and guest houses in that area. This has some information. http://goo.gl/zqcQhB

    It could be great beach and could be mangroves. Go have a look, it's was a nice area about 7-8 years ago. Book a room at the Chumphon Cabana Resort.

  14. My brother in law is a builder near there, not to far away. He is building our house and does nice work. He has a full team working for him. If you want his number let me know. Small 2 bed house is much much cheaper than 1.3mill.

    krisb, did you look at that listing? A bit more than 1 ngan of freehold land on Mittiphap road. Pretty decent looking 140 sm house.

    If the 1 ngan is Bt 250,000 (seriously doubt you can buy for that) , it would be Bt 7,500 /sqm. I also seriously doubt if any builder will build "much much" cheaper.


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  15. We call it "CHIANG MAI EFFECT" ! The first time you go you feel cool then you cry all the next times you will have to go again in the future as everything suxx there...

    They didn't ask any money but you wanted to convince them that you are the perfect buffalo by giving them 5000 thb ? Well done ! But don't wonder why they will ask more in the future <3

    Enjoy your happy time, it is not going to last long...


    The Chiang Mai Effect??

    Not a make belief word you come up with?

    And everything suxx there?

    let's ask the other CM members, shall we?


    A few days in CM, probably Pattaya and Kho Somewhere, then you stumbled over this web site just a few weeks ago, and voila' you are the expert on the rural areas of this country.

    Glad you came along.


    There really should be a "LMFAO" button next to the "Like" button!

  16. The OP is on the right track...one can be generous without becoming an ATM.

    If the relationship continues, rest assured that some family member will ask to "borrow" some money. It is on you to evaluate such requests and say 'yea' or 'nay'. A refusal will likely result in a bunch of talking and you being asked again...just stand your ground and set the precedent.

    I guess your crystal ball is 100% accurate?

    Been living with my wife for nearly 5 years, legally married for 3 years. Very large extended family. No one has asked for a handout or a loan. Everyone works. Neither do I pay my wife a "salary".

    Maybe you have been reading TV too long?

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