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Posts posted by klikster

  1. Two things I noticed re the photo above.

    1 - Not much (any?) front lip on the counter-top.

    2 - No 'toe kick' (makes working at the counter much more comfortable. On second look, the cabinets seem to have a molding around the base, which compounds the problem.

  2. I remember reading a few of these "Isaan expats are unfriendly in Tesco" post in the past, so decided to pay attention .. hard at my age.;)

    Sort of keeping track, I have come to the conclusion that it may be the fault of the complainer. When crossing paths with other westerners in Tesco, Do Home, etc, I make brief eye contact and give a pleasant nod .. usually returned in kind.

    If someone doesn't make eye contact, I assume their feet or back may be hurting. I know how that feels. I have back problems. They probably just want to get the damn shopping done and get home!

    • Like 1
  3. Well, so much for a mostly "mellow" thread being turned into a political rant. *bummer*

    It's time people know and many are realizing we are not the America of 50 or 100 years ago. We Americans are poisoning the world with our Fast foods and GMO's.. We are trying to police the world constantly and what other nation do you know that has had so many indefinite wars going on? How about our Drone bombing or removal of Habeus Corpus? Our creation of 50,000+ new laws every year does not make us land of the free anymore but now we are more likely to be termed land of the caged, as we do have more prisoners than ANY other country on Earth. Then we tell other countries if they don't impose our laws we will cut their funding trying to make the whole world tow our line. As in the infamous words of GWB, "If you're not with us, you're against us" Obama is no different than GWB and in many cases even worse.

    Since you truncated my quote, may others know, it was in defense of a Brit who said America is ruining the world.. He's not the only one who feels this way. Just maybe, if the rant is read, some might understand why he feels that way.

    Yes, I truncated your quote. But I think you only used the "defense of a Brit .." as an excuse for posting your silly political rant .. which has no place in a thread of this nature.

    • Like 2
  4. I'm not sure if this fits your criteria .. but Alert Wildcard is an outstanding tool.

    Very useful if you are editing large "traditional" html sites. Saves opening all files in your editor.

    Dreamweaver has some pretty good search & replace capabilities, but everything must be an exact match or you have to know/understand regular expressions .. which I don't. With Alert, you can mix and match .. if you do it carefully.

  5. Well, so much for a mostly "mellow" thread being turned into a political rant. *bummer*

    It's time people know and many are realizing we are not the America of 50 or 100 years ago. We Americans are poisoning the world with our Fast foods and GMO's.. We are trying to police the world constantly and what other nation do you know that has had so many indefinite wars going on? How about our Drone bombing or removal of Habeus Corpus? Our creation of 50,000+ new laws every year does not make us land of the free anymore but now we are more likely to be termed land of the caged, as we do have more prisoners than ANY other country on Earth. Then we tell other countries if they don't impose our laws we will cut their funding trying to make the whole world tow our line. As in the infamous words of GWB, "If you're not with us, you're against us" Obama is no different than GWB and in many cases even worse.

    • Like 1
  6. My wife brought 2 baby squirrels to our rented house 2 days ago, She took them away from one of the workers building our house -- next to a natural area. She also released a mature squirrel which had been trapped by the same guy. All hands have been warned to "leave our animals be or we will banish you from the property permanently"

    I really don't like to see animals or birds in cages.

    The guy climbed a tree and took the babies from their nest after hearing their calls. They are about the size of my thumb -- eyes not open yet. Wife has been hand feeding them soy milk -- 4-5 times per day.

    What I'm wondering is at what stage of development should we return them to the wooded area. The house will not be finished for another 6-7 months. If they hang around our garden (after house is built), they would be fine. At our last place we had 2 feeding and watering stations and plan on a large feeding station at the new house.

    Any and all advice appreciated

  7. In looking to back up my (legal) W7 "Security Essentials", I downloaded Comodo Internet Security. Problem is, when I try to open Chrome, sometimes it won't open. I have to open Firefox first then Chrome will open.

    I really do like the 'drag and drop' area for checking batches of files.

    Anyhow, I was wondering if there is an even better free tool for rooting out malicious scripts that may tag along with downloads?

  8. "In CM, I have never met a "bad" Canadian yet! Even in the forum, Canadians seem quite nice."

    I think the best farang I ever knew in Thailand was a young Canadian guy, worked in Chiang Rai in the early 90's .. one of the Canadian development programs. He knew baseball and (gridiron) football, and educated me a bit re ice hockey. He was one of those guys you were always happy to chat with.

    He could be a bit irritating at times .. like when spoke 99% perfect Thai -- or started filling out some form in Thai script and doing so a little faster than I can write Latin script. wink.png

  9. A few weeks ago while waiting to do some banking business here in Khon Kaen I got into a conversation with a Brit gent who lives part time in CM. One comment he made, "There must be several hundred Americans living in Chiang Mai but they mostly stay to themselves."

    He then launched into a near tirade about how "America" was ruining the world .

    Then he stated talking golf so I told him about the courses I knew from my time in Chiang Rai. He quickly followed up with a golf story of how he caught an American cheating in a local tournament.

    I'm not surprised that the "several hundred" Americans in Chiang Mai tend to avoid him. wink.png

    • Like 1
  10. We are also thinking about using chain link fence to keep our dogs in. We have been quoted 132k (materials only) for just over 400 m including a five meter gate by this company PP Fence. This is, however, for a 190 cm fence.


    Maybe I missed it, but I didn't see any of what we always called "chain-link". The fence on that site was what we called "hog-wire" .. they actually call it "mesh fencing".

    BTW, here is a neat video on the manufacturing process

  11. Security analysts have detected an ongoing attack that uses a huge number of computers from across the Internet to commandeer servers that run the WordPress blogging application.

    The unknown people behind the highly distributed attack are using more than 90,000 IP addresses to brute-force crack administrative credentials of vulnerable WordPress systems, researchers from at least three Web hosting services reported. At least one company warned that the attackers may be in the process of building a "botnet" of infected computers that's vastly stronger and more destructive than those available today. That's because the servers have bandwidth connections that are typically tens, hundreds, or even thousands of times faster than botnets made of infected machines in homes and small businesses.
    Already, HostGator has indicated that the burden of this mass attack is causing huge strains on websites, which come to a crawl or go down altogether. There are also indications that once a WordPress installation is infected it's equipped with a backdoor so that attackers can maintain control even after the compromised administrative credentials have been changed. In some respects, the WordPress attacks resemble the mass compromise of machines running the Apache Web server, which Ars chronicled 10 days ago.
    • Like 1
  12. "WordPress and Joomla Experiencing Significant Number Of Botnet attacks

    Any person using WordPress and/or Joomla should tighten the security around their accounts, as the hosting provides have noticed a triple increase in the number of brute force attacks. >> http://www.onlinenewsheardnow.com/wordpress-and-joomla-experiencing-significant-number-of-botnet-attacks/1755/"

    I think most people use these popular CMS applications so they don't need to learn HTML. The flip side is the ease of use adds a layer or 2 of risk.
  13. Hello Shurup,

    As mentioned earlier, I am pretty ignorant about mobile phone technology .. less so about the web and websites. I am assuming that I needed a data plan for browsing the web. I only want to browse the web to test a few new websites designed for mobile.

    As the phone is for my wife, who uses DTAC pay-as-you go, having a data plan might get more expensive? Not sure.

    Do you think it's possible to connect to my desktop with usb and browse offline?

  14. Thanks, sotsira.

    The more I read the more I realize how ignorant I am about mobile technology. Some things come to mind:

    - Would a dual sim phone work better for me since the wife's phone is always on?

    - I have broadband internet and wi-fi in the house

  15. Wife needs a new mobile. She lost her oldish Nokia and now using an even older hand-me-down with DTAC pay as you go.

    I'm thinking about a basic smart-phone .. I think. Larger screen, 3G?

    Reason for the larger screen and 3G is for testing mobile websites.

    Looking for basics, Android?, price, reliability, reasonable monthly fees .

    Stereo mp3, mp4 a requirement. A Thai English dictionary feature would be nice.


  16. Curious, why doesn't the person that told the op about this just go and check on him? I would. All you gotta do is knock on his door and say hi. It's not about it being noones business, it's about looking out for an old guy.

    OP was told the story by Thai wife who was told the story by another Thai woman, who knows because ..? There seems to be more to the situation and for that reason it should probably best be approached by a friend.

    "I would."

    All the info I have is posted in the OP. Go ahead.

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