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Posts posted by klikster

  1. TV member 'Beardog' knows a bit about screw-machines and could probably give some input. I think you want hard (t6 -t8) rather than soft stock.

    There is a machine took exhibition in BKK every year, I believe. I walked through it about 12 or 15 years ago. That would be worth finding out about and attending.

  2. whistling.gif

    As I recall, our options for R&R were Bangkok and Hong Kong -- maybe Nha Trang and Saigon as well -- not sure.


    There were two types of R&R available for active duty forces in Vietnam.

    One was an "out-of-country" R&R which is what you're referring to.

    That's what many vets remember. There were a number of places you could go, some were added later than others and may not have been available in 1965.

    That my be why I "wasted my time going to Thailand".

  3. Did my week of R&R in Bangkok, March or April of '65 (can't remember). No photos but a great few days.

    Contrary to some things I have read here .. taxis had meters. Taxi drivers had to wear hats/caps. Bangkok was heaven compared to anything in 'Nam -- um -- well, there was this one quite attractive Viet/French girl in Nha Trang.

    Only did a 6 mo TDY tour at a camp along the Cambodian Border. (Late '64 - early '65)


    I spent my first year in Vietnam working in the in country R&R center of Vung Tau, Vietnam.

    Had a full time pass and was able to live in Vung Tau downtown as "permanent party"

    There was two streets .... bars lined up next to each other.... 20 to 30 girls at least in each bar.

    Must have been 60 bars on those two streets filled with Vietnamese women between 18 and 20 something in age.

    I was 19 years old, single, and free.

    Why would I ever waste my time going from there to Bangkok for R&R?

    It was all there in Vung Tau .... no need for Thailand.

    That was my first year in Vietnam.

    I thought I had died and gone to paradise.

    As I recall, our options for R&R were Bangkok and Hong Kong -- maybe Nha Trang and Saigon as well -- not sure.

    We took R&R in pairs. The other team member wanted to go to Bangkok.

    Was that R&R Center alive and well in early '65?

  4. Vietnam was the free world (the US) v the Communists if I recall correctly.

    Interested to hear from any veterans if it made any difference whether your fellow GI was black or white when you had the VC on your arse?

    It would have made a helluva difference to me if I had my 'druthers'. "Willy" was the only black and arguably one of the best 2 on our team. Yeah, Willy would have been my pick!

  5. Did my week of R&R in Bangkok, March or April of '65 (can't remember). No photos but a great few days.

    Contrary to some things I have read here .. taxis had meters. Taxi drivers had to wear hats/caps. Bangkok was heaven compared to anything in 'Nam -- um -- well, there was this one quite attractive Viet/French girl in Nha Trang.

    Only did a 6 mo TDY tour at a camp along the Cambodian Border. (Late '64 - early '65)

  6. For security reasons, you cannot access your social security account online from outside the US. You have to deal with either the Embassy or Social Security in Manila. Good luck with Manila as I haven't ever gotten any response.

    I have had very good and quick responses from SSA in Manila several times via email. Recently did a "photo and attach" verification that they accepted and acted on within days.

  7. Yes and what a pain to get rid of. It also installs: Web Cake and a toolbar (forgot the name sorry) .

    I decided to delete them all; hope to find another way to watch sports online w/out the sneeky/unwanted add ons.


    I didn't see Web Cake at first look. But decided to run a complete system scan and found it.

  8. 3. Don't move the victim unless you have some first aid training.

    I would modify to say, "Don't move the victim unless you have has some advanced medical training or experience in trauma . For me (former U S Army medic with advanced training) it would be: If the victim cannot move himself, wait for professionals. If the victim can move himself, encourage him to do so very carefully.

    Spinal injuries are really dangerous to move.

  9. " .. not accusing you of anything other than getting your facts wrong."

    Which of MY facts are wrong?

    The fact that you quoted a very misleading and inaccurate article. smile.png

    Don't believe everything you read online. wink.png

    I quoted an article, complete with source, that may or may not be misleading. That is a fact. So therefore "my facts" cannot have been wrong.

    You seem to be much better at trolling than logic.

  10. ^^ It's not my argument and I'm not sensationalizing anything, just referencing the article. Did you fail to see the quotes? If you looked at the article on ArsTechnica you should have noticed that I quoted it verbatim.

    Please pull you head out of your nether regions and direct your bluster to the author of the article.

  11. "Critical Linux vulnerability imperils users, even after “silent” fix A month after critical bug was quietly fixed, "root" vulnerability persists.

    For more than two years, the Linux operating system has contained a high-severity vulnerability that gives untrusted users with restricted accounts nearly unfettered "root" access over machines, including servers running in shared Web hosting facilities and other sensitive environments. Surprisingly, most users remain wide open even now, more than a month after maintainers of the open-source OS quietly released an update that patched the gaping hole.

    The severity of the bug, which resides in the Linux kernel's "perf," or performance counters subsystem, didn't become clear until Tuesday, when attack code exploiting the vulnerability became publicly available (note: some content on this site is not considered appropriate in many work environments). The new script can be used to take control of servers operated by many shared Web hosting providers, where dozens or hundreds of people have unprivileged accounts on the same machine." Source

  12. Issues like these have so many layers and nuances that one solution will never fit all situations. I can stand up for my wife (don't have kids) without alienating whoever might offend her. Overdoing it can be really brutal. Most likely she will be here after I'm gone. So she will need good extended-family support/relationships.

    Up to you.

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  13. At the risk of getting flamed ..

    I mentioned this to the wife who is an Isaan native, member of a large extended family, and in her late fifties.Her comment went something like, "Thai people do this often. It's their way (of teasing)"

    So I would suggest asking your wife what she really thinks about the issue. Do you really want to estrange your wife and children from their family? Will you take them to Australia or will they grow up in Khao Yai?

    I'm not suggesting that you are took the wrong, although your wife apparently feels she has lost face. Just something to think about.

  14. "The Bluebox Security research team – Bluebox Labs – recently discovered a vulnerability in Android’s security model that allows a hacker to modify APK code without breaking an application’s cryptographic signature, to turn any legitimate application into a malicious Trojan, completely unnoticed by the app store, the phone, or the end user. The implications are huge! This vulnerability, around at least since the release of Android 1.6 (codename: “Donut” ), could affect any Android phone released in the last 4 years1 – or nearly 900 million devices2– and depending on the type of application, a hacker can exploit the vulnerability for anything from data theft to creation of a mobile botnet." .. http://bluebox.com/corporate-blog/bluebox-uncovers-android-master-key/

  15. Which is the better of the two roofs for price,insulation and value

    For price vs lifespan, cosmetics, insulation (especially noise!) you can't beat the single and two-tone Monier Elebana tiles at 10-17 Baht/piece (~11 pcs per sqm) IMHO..

    Metal roofs will heat up and cool down faster whereas concrete roof tiles are gonna hold that heat in for hours after sun down radiating it back into your house.

    YOUR BEST BET BY FAR................read the coolhouse Thai website it will tell you the pros and cons of various methods

    Have you ever tried to convince a Thai woman that metal roofing is better? wink.png

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