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Posts posted by klikster

  1. Actually, I have never had a major problem at any immigration office in Thailand -- and I have been here full time since 1996. I didn't particularly like the crowding at Chok Chai or Dan Kwian, but the officers never asked anything of me that seemed improper.

    Banks have tossed in a monkey wrench from time-to-time by not doing an actual printed out update to my bank book (and I hadn't noticed it). I didn't especially like the 300+ km drive to Dan Singkorn for several years .. but there was pretty neat restaurant nearby.

    To me, Khon Kaen seems a breath of fresh air by comparison.

    After all, it's less than an afternoon once a year plus 3 X 1 hour or less for 90 day reports, which my wife does (we live nearby).

    Thank you, KK Immigration! smile.png

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  2. I'm pretty sure one of those is a "I know the conditions/rules under which my retirement is issued" acknowledgement. I remember something very similar when Korat Imm was at Chok Chai.

    I don't see those as a big deal. They were provided during the process .. just a sig needed. They seem to be new at KK.

  3. Went for annual extension, only 3 officers working, still in & out in 20 min.

    Asked about 90 day report, do I have to go in person or can my wife do it (as she has done for past 3 reports). "Same as before." (saw in one of the forums that in the future, "agents not allowed".)

    Even told wife (last ID card was from Nakhon Ratchasima Province) she could drop off a copy of Tabien Ban later.

    Bank letter how old? Two to three days is no problem.

    Reason we asked, had a silly problem with KTB.

    Lat month I deposited a check from U.S. and still waiting on proceeds to clear. Had more than enough in account besides the check, but needed book updated to match bank letter. (Last bank book update was more than 1 month ago)

    Claimed they couldn't update book until US check cleared .. then changed to "Today's bank transactions not finished" .. duh!

    Bangkok Bank here I come.

  4. That might work for some that have an outreach that would be within 6 months.

    It does not work for me since for Ubon it's in January and my extension is due in August.

    But I would not count on all immigration offices knowing about the rule or even allowing it, Different immigration offices means different rules.

    Seems like a drive over here to KK next week (Wednesday, June 12, 2013 Khon Kaen) would be a bit more convenient than BKK.

  5. The morbid ones are probably just the ones whom have recently found out that great house they bought does not actually belong to them. And that now the whole family of ten had decided to move in and live like Isan people. I'd probably be a miserable bloke too.

    WOW! Nine whole posts! (or perhaps a retread?)

  6. "Personally I love the idea of a hot water tank but I'm really not sure about the products your describing because they are unknown to me. If I could get an American type 40 gallon gas water heater I would be thrilled."

    Me too! Are these simply not available in Thailand?

    I too am concerned about the recovery rate for electric heaters -- even the Fagor (Invadeit.com) 250l @ 3kw. What should be the recovery on that unit?

    Seems to me the problems is not the warm days in May down in Krabi -- but the cold nights of Dec/Jan here in Isaan.

  7. > reflectionx

    After reading your post above I'm starting to rethink my hot water system. Do you recommend a hot water tank style heater over a gas tankless?

    Are you talking about a gas fired tank style or an electric tank style? Outdoors on the terrace? I can see advantages and disadvantages for tank style.

  8. > Draftvader

    You mentioned disliking Filezilla's frequent updates. I strongly recommend CoreLiteFTP = free .. no nag screen, just a few second delay to open. It's very lean and has some nice features that many ftp clients don't -- one being a column for files and folders that shows "owner" (linux server). You can do lots of customization. Sound files are available on the internet.

  9. Some massive water heaters being proposed here, is someone confusing oC and oF?

    Assuming I've done my sums right (a long time since I did thermodynamics at Uni.), then:

    A 12kW heater will give you a 60oC RISE in water temperature at 3l/M (a temperature which will take your skin off).

    If you want to shower at 10 l/M and 40oC (very hot) with incoming water at 25oC (cool for most of Thailand) then a 10kW heater will do the job just fine.

    Jacking up the flow to 20 l/M then the 21kW unit will be required, but that seems huge flow rate for a shower.

    I'm not proposing anything. Just passing on some sourcing information that a number of folks have asked about in the past -- like where they can get good LPG heaters that can handle an entire house. Nor am I confusing C & F.

    When the weather gets cold, I like a strong hot shower. When the weather is warm, I like a strong cool shower. These small electric units seem to reduce flow too much for me, and apparently a rain shower needs something on the order of +/- 6 l/m.

    Also will have a bathtub, plus want hot water in the bath sink and kitchen sink .. and sometimes use in washing machine.

  10. FWIW, "Lucky Flame" in Bangkok distributes Rinnai. Wife talked to them yesterday and they have a 16 l/m tankless lpg water heater at about Bt 30,000. II will use that one on our house currently under construction.

    That's a lot of money you need to save on electric before you have recovered the premium you paid over an electric tankless heater.

    In my case it's less about the initial cost of the unit and more about getting the kind of hot water service I want. A 21 kw Siemens at InvadeIt is Bt 19K and requires 3 phase power. And the rating seems to be 10 l/m. If I only wanted 5 l/m (abour 8 kw equivalent) I could buy a Mazuma gas for about Bt 5 - 6 K

  11. Two things I noticed re the photo above.

    1 - Not much (any?) front lip on the counter-top.

    2 - No 'toe kick' (makes working at the counter much more comfortable. On second look, the cabinets seem to have a molding around the base, which compounds the problem.

    Small Lip and its not a problem, sure a bigger one may be better, but either way not a problem

    Understand your Toe Kick, you must have big feet !!!! As again its not a problem

    Just trying to help .. and my feet are quite normal.

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