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Phuket Stan

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Posts posted by Phuket Stan

  1. Geez....thats out of the frying pan into the fire

    Have spent quite a lot of time in Nong Sang (beside Ubonrat) for the last 15 years

    After 10 days start to feel like I am on another planet...its nice there beside the lake but Nongbualamphu itself as a place to live leaves a lot to be desired. The lack of things available that are readily available in Phuket really hits home...nearest supermarket is Udon or Khon Kaen...about 80k away.

    Pollution is terrible when the burn offs start...have u been there when the hot season is in full force

    But your querry of how much to rent I cant help u with but would imagine its very cheap

    This just a thought at the moment, I have a friend up there who loves the isolation, I would be happy with a local bar and good fishing a simple life would be good, but will not rush in to anything.

    Have a look around the big man made Lake Ubonrat...there r some nice spots...am not so sure about the fishing though..dont see too many big ones...Over the last 3 or 4 years I am starting to see more farang faces around the area...when I first went to Nong Sang I was a novelty

  2. Geez....thats out of the frying pan into the fire

    Have spent quite a lot of time in Nong Sang (beside Ubonrat) for the last 15 years

    After 10 days start to feel like I am on another planet...its nice there beside the lake but Nongbualamphu itself as a place to live leaves a lot to be desired. The lack of things available that are readily available in Phuket really hits home...nearest supermarket is Udon or Khon Kaen...about 80k away.

    Pollution is terrible when the burn offs start...have u been there when the hot season is in full force

    But your querry of how much to rent I cant help u with but would imagine its very cheap

  3. I wonder if they are still amused? I also wonder if Ayuwat Ruengnak, 15, has a motorcycle licence. If the police charged under-age and unlicenced riders amusing themselves with anti-social behaviour, then the shotguns might not be required.

    Am a bit suprised at your harsh remarks considering you are Australian if one is to believe your user name.....the youth in Aus are not exactly a shining example of good behaviour...often unlicensed or P plate drivers who are loaded to the gills with booze are involved in accidents which either maim or kill innocent people ...did u never do any sky-larking in your youth ?

  4. In the meantime, Red Jatuporn threatens that if the court does not rule on the case fairly and in accordance with the law, he will reveal some damning video evidence which would call into question the courts impartiality. God know whether it is an idle threat or not. Seems par for the course.

    I read this today also, it would appear that there is some form of video evidence if you were to post the full report, it seemed the case was going to be sidestepped and the evidence ignored until this video came to light which will prove the bias of the courts in the favour of the dems. The court were basically forced into doing their job based on this video and not allowed to let the dems get away with it.

    Hopefully the video will come out and people can learn a few truths one way or the other, its either damning or doesn't exist.

    Wonder if the vidio has had the odd insert or three placed within it....the reds are quite deft at that....was having a lovely couple of days with no mention of the red clown Jutaporn ...now I will have to have an early drink :bah:

  5. Quote

    No, she wasn't.

    From an earlier interview:

    Q : People see you as a yellow-shirt supporter, the group that opposes the red shirts. Many believe you might have been against your father.

    Many probably thought we were enemies. But going to the yellow-shirt protest site did not mean I was its supporter. I just wanted to get information from every side.


    Oh what a lovely typical Thai reply :whistling:

  6. Hey, that reminds me. What's become of TV moderator "ijustwannateach" ?

    He last posted 2 days ago. Don't think anything's "become" of him.

    Peaceblondie, on the other hand, hasn't even logged in since July, and hasn't posted since May. That's more concerning if you ask me...ermm.gif

    I seem to recall reading somewhere that Peaceblondie has quite a serious illness

  7. Outside Burapa University last night there was a big brawl involving over 30 students (Not from Burapa) on motorcycles. No-one seriously hurt but this stuff goes on almost daily now in Thailand. Only when someone dies is it newsworthy.

    Pretty accurate article. Good point too by Crusty: There is little for young kids/teenagers to do outside of school, particularly in Bangkok.

    Only 30...just a little bit of a melee....you get more than that after a football match in the UK

  8. Posted A minute ago

    Supreme Administrative Court rejects NTC's appeal against 3G injunction. /via TR @can_nw /via @tulsathit

    The Supreme Administrative Court says although 3G auction is for public interest, it must be legitimate. /via @tulsathit

    The Supreme Admin Court has given its verdict to halt 3G auction; citing although its for public interest, it must stand on legitimacy. /voa @TAN_network

  9. No man with big "Dumbo" ears like that will ever be PM. :rolleyes:

    He is an old political warhorse...he knows his way around....nothing suprises but it would be a step back into the past....he was the Democrat secretary general when he was barred from politics for 5 years for under declaring his assets

  10. Even though the current government, especially Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva, is being praised by the public for its honesty and proficiency,


    Have you ever tried to walk a tightrope spanned over a cage filled with hungry lions ? Give the man his due, I'd say :)

    I second that...my biggest concern is whether he will get to the otherside

  11. Having only been in 3 Carrefoure stores in Thailand give me Tesco any day of the week...the Carrefoure store in Patong Phuket is a lesson in not how to run a supermarket right from the forever broken trolleys to the grumpy checkout girls....during high season only 60-70% of the checkout lines open with 10 or 12 people in the queues...yet you go to Tesco and the place is packed but the service is so much better....and you always get a nice smile and a WAI from the till operaters...thats IMHO....correct me if I am wrong...the other couple of Carrefoures I have been to in Bangkok show just a slight improvement from the one in Patong

  12. Wow...something cheaper in Phuket than the rest of the country ....just had ours pumped out for the princly sum of 500 baht....and they had to drive the truck up this quite steep hill....think I will throw a party now that I know something is cheaper in Phuket

  13. Hardly anyone seems to understand this. It seems the auction has been stopped because a law that is currently not a law but pending parliamentary approval will change things so now laws that arent laws set the tone, and additionally CAT and TOT must be protected at all cost to the country.

    Everything in Thailand ends up tied up in courts. It seems there is nothing that can happen without masses of never ending legal challenges that nobody can predict the outcome of. This is counterproductive to investment and seems to be getting worse here as other countries make things easier. For Thailand to improve competetiveness in the future it needs to move away from this overly legalistic bureaucratic approach. The vested interests and power of the bureaucracy needs to be reduced and the legal framework simplified with a move away from a culture of going to court on everything

    Great post once again....but you forgot to mention the queues at the troughs...

    Such a shame...a country with unlimited potential tied up in 19th centuary politics

    Ahh well such is life ...it still is a better to place to live than most...just keep the head below the parapet at all times

  14. >10 years. The case is no longer valid.

    There is no statute of limitation in criminal offenses in most countries so not sure about Thailand. If it is a commercial claim i.e. the temple suing the scammers, yes. But in the case of misappropriation it is generally considered to be within the law to prosecute. I hope so - these people are a law unto themselves and of course there will now be more muck raking against the Dems and yellows in retaliation - I wish this country would grow a brain and start putting these sort of people in jail and throw away the key! Thailand would be better off for it.

    There is with commercial cases....the Law Association bought these charges because the OAG would not even with the urging of of one of the investigation bodies NACC...this case has always smelt stronger than rotten fish...the case was filed within a few days of the 20 years expiring..... a lot of press about it at the time...am to lazy to Google it because it just keeps going and going

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