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Phuket Stan

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Posts posted by Phuket Stan

  1. Thaksin did indeed try to tackle corruption. It may well have been in order to feather his own nest but at least he tried to do something.

    I was interviewed by a special task force set up by him at Suan Plu trying to track down corruption amongst the immigration police. He also tried to take on the army and reduce their stranglehold. He should be applauded on both counts as police corruption and army interference are where the problems stem from.

    It was this that led to the elite, who were feeling the pinch, getting rid of him anyway they could.

    Thaksin should be applauded for fight corruption? lolol Really?

    Thaksin was never in favor of fighting corruption. His doings were to transfer all the money into his pocket rather than the many.

    He just wanted to centralize it with him self being in the center.:jap:

    This thread was asking a rhetorical question as to whether Thailand would ever be free of corruption. How did it get hijacked to become another Thaksin bashing thread?

    Because he is the master in corruption

  2. It is definitely the "Hub of Whingeing Farangs"

    Some day it would be really nice to come to TV and see a forum about the ALL good things in Thailand without all the knockers adding their comments....Now who is going to be first to flame me...Your prize is a wet bus ticket

    Why not you make a thread and start the list of all the great things, rather than make your judgements of what and who people arerolleyes.gif

    Can you tell me what you actually contribute to the country that you constantly knock

    I compare living in a country to going to a restaurant....if I like it I go back and recommend it...if I dont like it I never go back and knock the hell out of it....if you like Thailand to live in be a little constructive...if it does not suit your taste there are many other countries in the world that would welcome your money etc etc

    Just been for the big monthly shop at Makro...had a lot of fun with all the staff who were more than helpful and lots of Thai smiles....go to Tesco in the UK and u get the surly look which says "what the hell are you doing here upsetting my day by wanting me to actually do some work "

    Now off for lunch at simple Thai restaurant where I enjoy great food and service with lots of smiles for little money

    Than have to call into the bank where I will be greeted by another lot of smiles and good service

    Tomorrow is Immigration day where I get get great service and have done so for more than 9 years....I dont carry an attitude with me when I go

    Then off to see the lawyer who is and his staff a ton of fun

    In the evening I will have some beers at a bar that is not full of attitudinal (is that a word)farangs bursting your eardrum about how things are done in their countries

    Now is that enough fun for a couple of days

    I did my homework before coming to live in Thailand permantly...checked out a few places that I thought I may enjoy but warts and all Thailand is a mile in front for what I want out of life....if it does not suit you well u should take a few paces back and decide what you really want...if Thailand is what you want then enjoy and contribute and by contribute I dont mean just money

  3. A report by Bloomberg in todays Sydney Morning Herald.For those of you who don't know who Bloomberg are they are one of the top Financial Reporting Agencies in the world...no financial institution or big investor does not move until they have read/researched Bloomberg...Abhisit does not smell of roses in the report but he is a mile ahead of Thaksin


  4. Wowwww.... ermmm... Need to get something off your chest?? Did diddums get his arse kicked by a 5'2" bargirl in Phuket for acting like himself in a public place?

    You know what we love? - We love guys that come to Phuket and act like degenerates, and then when their <deleted> are handed back to them in a Lunch Bag - go home compllaining that the locals are 'degenerates' - we love 'em...

    Back to your mothers' skirts boy - and try not to go through life mistaking your own nasty Bile for Wisdom.

    Nah Nah Nah....it was not a 5'2" bargirl that kicked his arse.....he missed out on scoring the ugliest katoey in the soi ....it shows his ignorance on how little he has travelled and how to handle himself away from the cocoon....there are many many worse places on the planet than Phuket to visit....it is all in your attitude and behaviour...I first visited Phuket 21 years ago came every year after that and have been living here fulltime for over 10 years...its what you sew is what you will reap

  5. You call that surf, looks more like a ripple in the sea and inexperienced life guards. Send them to Bondi for training, if they can survive a summer there then they will be excellent lifeguards in Phuket.

    Did you take into account the tidal rips that are VERY prevalant on most west coast beaches this time of the year....does Bondi have as many tourists that have never seen the sea or realise its powers coming to its beach...there is still very much an attitude from many people that they KNOW more than what the Thai guys on beach say or do..Most do not even respect the red flags..I see it all the time when I am walking on the beaches...Have you never walked along Phuket beaches in the wet season and not been aware of this

  6. I think that it is an obvious fact that Thai society desperately needs to undergo great social change. I feel that the kind of change we'll get from Thaksin / UDD / Red Shirts / etc. will just benefit Thaksin and his family dynasty. He will surely maintain the age-old patriarchic elements that will benefit him and solidify his dynasty while removing the anti-Thaksin old pillars of Thai society and their figure-heads, much to their anger. Then when his corruption becomes intolerable again, which it will, and/or when he becomes too much like a dictator, getting rid of him next time will result in so many more deaths. 90 or so dead may be a tiny number in comparison because Thaksin will mobilize huge numbers of people to fight the old pillars.

    Thaksin isn't the right person to bring about the required and very much needed social changes gently. He does not want to return just to help his "brother and sister" Thais as he says. In my opinion, for what it's worth, by voting in Thaksin the Thais are opening Pandora's Box.Change will come through him, though, but it might not be as we would like it to happen.

    The best post on this topic for weeks...just take a step back and u all will realise it is all so true...Change will come to Thailand and it will come sooner than a lot of people realise...but Thaksin and his clan are certainly not the the new Messiahs

  7. In a country like Philippines where prostitution is current practice , what a strange thing that adultery is forbidden and bring you to jail.

    Point the finger at the Catholic church who practically run the Philippines

    You can point the finger big time at the Catholic church for many things...just think of the Aids problem world wide and yet their head up the butt attitude to no condoms allowed prevails....historically they have been a nice evil lot...they exist by preaching fear

  8. "Sanan is being promoted for the qualities he already has, like being a veteran politician who is respected by everybody and is not caught in any conflicts. He has also been talking about reconciliation for quite a while now," image-maker and party-list candidate Kasemsant Weerakun said."

    How could he be respected by everyone when he was thrown out of politics for 5 years for corruption...what a load of c..p

  9. Is Yingluck not aware that the economy continues to grow well, already ? <_<

    Low confidence in the country's direction leads to low investment

    Economic growth reached a 15-year high of 7.8 percent last year and stocks that have been among Asia's best performers over the past 12 months.

    Foreign investors have bought a net $871 million of Thai stocks this year, the second-most in Southeast Asia after Indonesia.

    Bloomberg - May 16, 2011


    None so blind as those who do not want to see

    So 10 years in business gives you enough creds to run a country....interesting

  10. As the BBC independent correspondent said on News24 'the Democrats have been in power for three years without being elected once' and this is the problem - again we will see the majority choice (receiving the majority votes) being pushed aside by minor parties to form a coalition.

    When was BBC independant.....Rachael Harvey gave the most biased reporting of any media during last year's riots ....if she was on Thaksin's payroll in the Public Relations dept she could not have been more in bed with the Red Shirts....If u want real reporting use Al Jaserah

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