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Phuket Stan

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Posts posted by Phuket Stan

  1. Every farang tourist cop I have ever met in Thailand has been a complete w*nker ! I can't help but feel embarrassed for them. They sort of remind me of boy scout leaders !

    Don't you mean Girl Guides !!!!

    Most have a uniform problem

  2. I love it how they always give you full names and pictures in Thailand laugh.gif

    Would never happen in Europe.

    Well we are not in Europe...this is Thailand and thats how they do it here....you will find in many Asian countries its a name-em and shame-em game... maybe some pics tomorrow of the re-enactment... ;)....

    You dont think that the two 21 year old guys and 20 year old girl are not going to give the police some "useful information"

  3. Not to mention they stink like an unwashed ass.whistling.gif

    There is a monk who gets driven around in a new 5 series BMW with a driver.

    I have been told he is the abbot of Wat Chalong and the car was donated to the temple by a prominent thai family.

    So much for wanting or needing material thingsrolleyes.gif

    I was at a funeral in Bkk a couple of weeks ago and the saw the Head Monk being driven in a late model Mercedes 500

  4. Good review. I have eaten there many times and have found the food to be very good quality and the prices are reasonable for what you get.

    Have you tried the Salmon and Salad with a bowl of potato salad on the side...yummy....might walk up from Phuket tomorrow just for lunch

  5. Finally a bit of common sense with the cross roads. The two way/wrong side roads were a death trap. I don't know how many times I had to avoid pedestrians who stepped on to the road in front of me not expecting traffic coming on the wrong side.

    I'll take the new parking regs with a grain of salt. Can't see the Tuk tuks or rental cars sticking to designated parking spots, and they won't be policed. ;)

    Not when a lot of them are owned by the police

  6. There are some people earning really big bucks out of doing exactly the same as these guys were doing...once again Google is your friend...in most western countries steroids are a prescription drug only....they can can do untold damamge to a person's body if not controlled correctly...anybody who does buy them online is really taking a grave risk with their bodies....any drug coming out of China would have to be regarded as dodgy to say the least...remember the baby milk scandal there a couple of years ago....I can relate to the DEA being involved trying to stop this...just think of the ongoing costs for medical help the users may need and the deaths that the drugs can cause

  7. He deny it is linked all he wants but I doubt anyone will buy that lame excuse. he has bottled it :lol:

    Maybe he should still go and sit next to the american delegate for protection :lol:

    In plain English what does "bottled" mean ...I always thought one bottled beer ,fruit or jam....dont think they are things that Khun Abhisit has time for

  8. I wondered if there would be much factual discussion of the Bout case. Not really far more about Yank bashing and re hashing all the wars since WWII. And of course the American justice system.

    Why stop with WWII were there no wrongs before WWII? Why not go into the shining example of the British Empire and colonialism in general?

    American policy messed up Africa? Who partitioned Africa by geographical boundaries instead of tribal loyalties? Why start discussions about Vietnam without a discussion of the 60,000 Frenchmen killed there and lord knows how many Vietnamese before the Americans got there. The Chinese starved a million in Hanoi after WWII. Why not start a discussion about Iraq and Iran with some information about what other foreign countries ruled the place before WWII?

    Heck the Brits wanted to starve Thailand after WW II and the only reason they were not allowed to was the Americans. That fact alone justifies a certain amount of Thai friendship in my mind.

    I don't know Bout. I am glad he got extradited because of all the people on Thai Visa who said the Americans did not have the clout to get him extradited. They did and he is gone. Live with it.

    You forget to mention if the Japanese had not bombed Pearl Harbour travel would have been so much easier...ie all of Asia would be speaking Japanese and Europe & UK would all be addressing each other as Herr or Fraulien....so much easier for tourist....those pesky Americans should have left well alone....opps I forgot the interfering USA suppling the UK with all those arms during WW11

    You are of course right. The world would be a much better place if the Yanks minded their own business. There were commies in Phetchabun all through the 60's and of course Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam were communist countries. Burma even worse. But I am sure the Thais would have made it just fine alone without all those American and Aussie troops stationed in Thailand. China would not have bothered them. Heck why would China have wanted Thailand? Shipping all those trucks and weapons to North Vietnam was enough of a strain on them.

    And at the same time the UK and its allies were busy flushing out the Commies in Malaysia....history is a funny thing....I wonder without the US and allies being involved in Vietnam would there be only one flag across this part of Asia...you know the flag...the one with a single star on it...

  9. I wondered if there would be much factual discussion of the Bout case. Not really far more about Yank bashing and re hashing all the wars since WWII. And of course the American justice system.

    Why stop with WWII were there no wrongs before WWII? Why not go into the shining example of the British Empire and colonialism in general?

    American policy messed up Africa? Who partitioned Africa by geographical boundaries instead of tribal loyalties? Why start discussions about Vietnam without a discussion of the 60,000 Frenchmen killed there and lord knows how many Vietnamese before the Americans got there. The Chinese starved a million in Hanoi after WWII. Why not start a discussion about Iraq and Iran with some information about what other foreign countries ruled the place before WWII?

    Heck the Brits wanted to starve Thailand after WW II and the only reason they were not allowed to was the Americans. That fact alone justifies a certain amount of Thai friendship in my mind.

    I don't know Bout. I am glad he got extradited because of all the people on Thai Visa who said the Americans did not have the clout to get him extradited. They did and he is gone. Live with it.

    You forget to mention if the Japanese had not bombed Pearl Harbour travel would have been so much easier...ie all of Asia would be speaking Japanese and Europe & UK would all be addressing each other as Herr or Fraulien....so much easier for tourist....those pesky Americans should have left well alone....opps I forgot the interfering USA suppling the UK with all those arms during WW11

  10. It says that he was sent to Bangkok Pattaya Hospital for treatment. I can't imagine that with 50 baht to his name BPH would allow him to even use a seat in the waiting room, let alone treat him. From what I've read, that hospital does not have a good reputation for showing unselfish compassion.

    About as much compassion as the British Embassy

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