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Phuket Stan

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Posts posted by Phuket Stan

  1. Quote "People also say Thaksin was a great business person, but consider: he never had biz success until his late 30's, he hid his assets with his chauffeur, he avoided taxes illegally, he used Air Force transport planes to ship near-rotten fruit (which couldn't be sold in Thailand) to Thai embassies worldwide in the hope it would be sold overseas. He invested in Dubai real estate right before their market slumped, ....the list goes on."

    It is his former wife who was the smart one in the family...and still is the smart one....she was the one who put the whole business empire together...Thaksin fronted it but she made most of the bullets that he fired....one extremely smart lady...worth reading up about her

  2. Humm. How did this topic get derailed into a poor Issan, red/ yellow discussion? Been there and done it.... The topic is about Phuket.

    Yes, that's what I was thinking. Any more posts about red & yellows will be removed. The topic is about Phuket's Future. Not about Issan's problems. We got enough problems here on Phuket Island.

    They are not problems....just some minor irritations....just nod the head and get on with it....too many people come here wanting it to be like where they come from...and who the hell wants that

  3. Even in the poorer suburbs of north England, the Government ensures you receive the basic needs of life. Go to a village in isaan and see what is supplied to the Thai citizens up there. Zerooooooo. Can't compare a village in Isaan with a poorer suburb of England.

    If the "Elites of Issan" and there are plenty of them treated the residents with some dignity and stopped the fuedal system that is rife there the people of Issan would be able to escape the servitude system...you cant blame all of Issan problems on the Elites of Bangkok....anyhow this is away off topic...its about the future of Phuket

    I first came to Phuket 21 years ago and it was an island paradise then...I came back on bi-annual basis for another 10 years then shifted here fulltime...in the 10 years I have been living here there has been tremdous changes some good some not so good but that applies to most places in the world...face up to it people you cant live in Utopia forever...there are several places in South Thailand that are like what Phuket was 15 years ago...just go for a drive from Surat Thani to Nakon Si Thamaraat..but be quick...there is some real big developments starting there now

  4. I travel a lot (at least once a month) and always have two fast-track passes with me. If push comes to shove, one for exiting and one for re-entering the country. It has been my practice for two or three years.

    I use the pass if the queues are long. Often enough, the queue is not long (you have to check the monitors, it may be long at the immigration counter area near you but short at the other one), so I really only use the passes two or three times per year. And on those occasions, I am glad about the pass and buy a new one right away.

    Where do u buy these passes

  5. Where can I report my ex and her mother for subjecting my 4 year old daughter to these bad Thai soap operas?

    Whoever the authority is should make sure that Thai soap operas that have nothing to do with proper moral values should be screened after bed time.

    Thai soap opera teaches kids the act of promiscuity, which leads many to prostitution.

    But when is bedtime ???

  6. Some interesting ideas though sounding a bit far fetched to me. I love the way Thaksin speaks with the assurance and confidence of an economic guru that seems contemptuous of the world's best (are other countries really struggling because of high taxes - Sweden, Denmark, Norway for example, with the highest standard's of living in the world).

    You forgot to mention Ireland with its low company tax etc....maybe Khun Thaksin does not read the same press/media as you and I do

  7. I know a couple of people who had these....they are both under 50 and have been very successful in life ... it was an easy way for them to live in Thailand....they did not mind spending the million baht...both just looked it as a tax for the style of life they wanted to enjoy...plus they were always fast tracked at immigration and originally had BWM's (now Toyotas)to take them to hotels etc...it did have some advatages to some...the idea was good but was flawed from the start by too much overload on expenses and staff...apparently my friends who had them also knew several expats in Sing who are members and enjoy tripping up to Phuket for the weekend hassle free

  8. "In results of a nationwide survey released yesterday, pollster Noppadon Kannikar said the Democrats would win the South and Central regions, while the main opposition party was poised to win in Bangkok and the Northeast."

    "Some three in 10 people from Bangkok said they would vote for Pheu Thai. The Democrats' popularity in the capital trailed behind the main opposition party by almost 10 per cent."

    Cant quite get to grips on this poll ... 30 % of people in Bangkok will vote Pheu Thai....and the Democrats are 10% behind them

    Where r the rest of the votes going ???

    I always thought the Dems were much more popular in Bangkok and recent local and national elections have proved this..I dont think the Dems have p....d off the Bkk voters that much

    Some enlightment how to read this poll would help :whistling:

  9. a ministerial post in his pocket?

    he missed it with democrats, so changed the side.

    no political principles, just will follow, whoever gives him more

    He has changed sides more times that I have had sunday dinners....A great pic of political dinosaurs...says it all

  10. as usual, government officials start an open ended message to the public, without a tangible suggestion, except this !

    In addition, AIDS Access Foundation director Nimit Tienudom said that in an effort to prevent the epidemics, the government must allocate sufficient budget to provide free condoms as well as to have a clear policy on access to condoms

    what, guess this would help to prevent or reduce the chance of infecting HIV ? YES, technically, but NO it kills by the relaxed attitude of casual sex. WORST, sex education in Thailand is equal to ZERO.

    it is just like someone very busy drying the water from a broken water pipe, but not turning off the tap just arms away.

    Thailand has done a great job re Aids....have u never heard of Cabbages and Condoms.....Google is your friend...Aids is on the rise in most countries...the younger generaton everywhere are prepared to take more risks than in the past 20-30 years

  11. The King is in the process of issuing chanotes for the land to the villagers (in approx 30 rai plots).

    The land is already assigned to particular persons and they are selling their entitlement.

    There may be a 10 year 'no selling' restriction on the chanotes when they are issued, but that has never been a problem in the past.

    They are selling the land the King gives them.....Amazing Thailand.... They have been having protests etc in Bkk and other parts of the country wanting land so as to better their lives and as soon as they get it they sell it.....will they back for a second serve

  12. Why get native English teachers other than from England ? I am all for teachers speaking English if they actually teach English rather than a derivative of the English language . American English is different , so is Philippine and no doubt different again from Australia . Its all about the accent as well , pronunciation of words . I wish the Thai's luck in what they are trying to do but to start with they need someone to guide the education authority in Thailand, from the English education department in England, then maybe there is a good chance the standard will improve, if of course the students are willing to learn.

    I used to watch "The Weakest Link" hosted by Anne Hamilton (I think)......there were nine contestants to start with and they all generally had a different accent...very difficult sometimes to comprehend what they were saying...Drive 50 miles in the UK and there is a different accent.....think that blows your theory out the window, the door or what ever

    ..I once went out to dinner with five geordies...I wished I had stayed at home....could hardly understand a thing they were talking about...

  13. I felt the same as you, Robert. I didn't (don't) know if the topic is sarcasm or not..." IN THESE TOUGH ECONOMIC TIMES." I DO know the wedding is going to cost a whole lot of money of which the British people will pick up the tab for.

    But just think of all those tourism pounds dollars dinari or whatever currency you like that will come flooding into the UK for the joyous event....what with the wedding this year and then the Olympics next year dear old Blighty just might get out of the pooh pooh that the beloved Gordon Brown dragged it into....now who wants to buy my tickets to the Abbey

  14. I am laughing out loud sorry I shouldn't .... LOL anyway , embassies should advise their people traveling to Thailand to be careful about the hookers and they should put their belongings in the safe .. :lol:

    It does not happen just in Thailand...UK , USA and many parts of the continent it is prevalant...friend of mine had a gun pulled on him in the UK two years ago....he did not know whether it was real or not but was not prepared to argue...bye bye over 200 pound , watch etc etc

  15. I found myself about to offer you the chance to come by and peruse my library and mention some books by author, then realized it would be giving in to your off-topic, ad hominem attacks.

    As predicted.He just can't mention even one book, even after I have undertaken not to "follow up" in any way.

    Since he has an entire library, maybe he just can't decide which book to choose.

    Sounds more like beaded handbags or wet bus tickets at dawn

    There are a lot of people on this board have no idea of coalition politics

    Until they do they should refrain from putting theorem size nines in the place where nourishment should be placed

  16. Very tempting. But contrary to all the assurances that the Banks gave me, I chose to go ask Immigration (Phuket). The answer was definitely NO. The retirement visa funds must be in a Savings a/c. It would be great if someone sets a precedent and the Fixed deposit is allowable for Retirement extensions.

    I renewed my retirement visa at Phuket two months ago with funds in a term deposit....another change of rules ?? Did u actually ask Thai officials or the faring volunteer police ??

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